Somali president plans talks with parliament on possible ties with Israel


No dictator can imprison a population forever.
fluff article regarding unnamed sources. Not gonna happen and we would gain nothing from it


I doubt the Somali spirit can be bought or coerced , we are fair people that wouldn’t accept the oppression of an entire group of people. I think HSM knows that and knows the final outcome, his playing good politics :)
I doubt the Somali spirit can be bought or coerced , we are fair people that wouldn’t accept the oppression of an entire group of people. I think HSM knows that and knows the final outcome, his playing good politics :)
We don't do business or have diplomatic relations with Israelis who are oppressing, occupying 3.8 million Palestinians but we have business dealings and full diplomatic relations with Ethiopians and Kenyans who are oppressing, occupying 13.8 million and more Somalis. Make it make sense please?

Our diplomatic/economic relations with countries has NOTHING to do with our morals or principals as Somali politics has proven time and time again that it is entirely void of any morals or principals. So lets stop claiming the moral high ground when it comes to diplomacy.

I find the Somalis who are pro-Ethiopia and pro-Kenya but anti-Israel to be the most hypocritical
If we can get the Israelis to export their agricultural technology honed for arid climate, then I believe we should establish diplomatic ties in a heartbeat. Im just having hard time figuering out what we can offer them.


I’m not against this as long as there’s a benefit but

Reports by Channel 12 news and Kan news could not be immediately verified.

Let’s avoid spreading fake news and jumping the gun

