Somali Political Crisis Explained


Somali political crisis can be defined as the following mahmah somali waxay ka degi la dahay waa dulmi darod Iyo cawaanimo hawiye is responsible for Somali civil war not coming to a close.

Darods believe in dhaxaltoyo and when in power they refuse any clan become anything and some Darods will fight till the bitter end like Siyad Barre while Majerten will resign so as not send the nation back to turmoil. Darods need to let other clans have their time to rule and only focus on architect or coach role not 4 year president or captain positions.

If you focus on state craft it doesn't matter what clan leads their always stuck within the confines of your state architecture as the govt, parliament, judicial are simply organs of a state, why focus on petty organs when you can be coach or architecture at the state level thru the constitution.

As for hawiye you will need to accept dulmi darod isn't going anywhere as they do this within their own clans and therefore to ask them to change this culture towards hawiye is irrational but on the flip side darod need to accept hawiye cawaanimo won't change as they can't change it even if they wanted so expect them to master destruction, looting, corruption as the cawaanimo doesn't change and expect any time their leading only disaster to follow. Or both hawiye and darod can cut a deal to have a respectable divorce rather then an unstable dulmi Iyo cawaanimo union.

As for Isaaq keep whining because cabaadkagi dhamaad Malaha and will last till yowmul qiyaama as U feel your not in the political equation as you sit there in your marqaan state fantasy lol.

As for Digil Iyo Mirifle as U could've played a neutral role or referee for warring clans U have chosen to side with each one where it suits Digil Iyo Mirifle agenda hence I tell them Mirifle rifrife laga soo rif lol as U attempt to pull out darod or hawiye hair and using them against each other for Digil Iyo Mirifle gain, I pray in adigu laga soo riif 😂
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