Somali police on high alert during Ramadan just look at the honour.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.

Remember.when Somali forces just had sandals and a basic uniform? Now they are using explosive detective devices and uniforms look highly professional. God bless this government and curse those who wanna reverse progress
Soviets backstabbed you in the 77 war BTW!

They backstabbed us because Siad went to war and attempted to get help from US. He shouldve bided his time, the biggest problem we have in Somalia is not biding our time. If we industrialized and waited until Soviets fell we could've take Ethiopia in the 90s easily.
They backstabbed us because Siad went to war and attempted to get help from US. He shouldve bided his time, the biggest problem we have in Somalia is not biding our time. If we industrialized and waited until Soviets fell we could've take Ethiopia in the 90s easily.
By then the soviets would of leveled up Ethiopia my feeling was that siad should of stayed neutral instead of engaging in those cold war proxy wars because it was all for publicity and propaganda in the US which siad failed to recognise

