yeah its saed ali shire the grandson of mohammed ali shire and leaders from the dowlad deganka they have been in mogadishu for a few daysDowlad Deegaanka Soomalida
NO mention of injirley
what happend and why ?They are collecting Dia paying (mag) for the civilians that died in south Sool clashes.The government of Somalia said they will help pay some of it.
They are collecting Dia paying (mag) for the civilians that died in south Sool clashes.The government of Somalia said they will help pay some of it.
yeah its saed ali shire the grandson of mohammed ali shire and leaders from the dowlad deganka they have been in mogadishu for a few days
rer mogadishu citizens gave them a warm welcome
This mag tradition is the biggest injustice in the Somali Xeer
loool me too i only know the medival dynasties and ancient kingdomsI don't know any of those names
Never ever paid much interest into odeyaal and this medieval tradition of tribal elders, ugaas, garaad, sultan iyo nabadoono.
Pretty backward stuff if u ask me