Somali National University grants 16 yemeni students scholarships


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
This news reminds me of this Ayah from Surah Aal- Imran.
وتلك الأيام نداولها بين الناس
"Such days (of varying fortunes) We give to men and men by turns".

There used to be thousands of Somali students studying in Yemen prior to their civil war and now their country is severely ravaged and probably worse than Somalia forcing their students to consider studying in Somalia as better alternative to their country.
This news reminds me of this Ayah from Surah Aal- Imran.
وتلك الأيام نداولها بين الناس
"Such days (of varying fortunes) We give to men and men by turns".

There used to be thousands of Somali students studying in Yemen prior to their civil war and now their country is severely ravaged and probably worse than Somalia forcing their students to consider studying in Somalia as better alternative to their country.

Well, Somalis are 10-20% of the population in Yemen so we are obviously close. Somalis and Yemenis basically have free border access.


I am so happy we are in a position (even if it's something small) to help our brothers and sisters across the water, we have learned a lot from our struggle and in the future, we should play a greater role in preventing the same events from playing out in other countries :)

