Somali military official calls for war crimes in the fight against Al-Shabaab


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Murdering the mothers and wives of AS fighters is against every International rule book and will surely see us slapped with sanctions.

There is no way to tell whether those individuals are there by force or from free will and by killing them, we inevitably murder some innocents.

Murdering the mothers and wives of AS fighters is against every International rule book and will surely see us slapped with sanctions.

There is no way to tell whether those individuals are there by force or from free will and by killing them, we inevitably murder some innocents.

This a heavily edited video, taken out of context. If I can find it will post the full video.
The video I saw he was talking about Alshabab members regardless if they are your family you should kill them. Not innocent people. So stop quoting media that their agenda is to be the mouthpiece for the terrorist.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
This a heavily edited video, taken out of context. If I can find it will post the full video.
The video I saw he was talking about Alshabab members regardless if they are your family you should kill them. Not innocent people. So stop quoting media that their agenda is to be the mouthpiece for the terrorist.

Post the full video and if you’re right, I’ll delete the thread.
When shabaab is killing women, children and civilians :gaasdrink:
When we want to retaliate:fittytousand:

I say torture every single supporter til death. Bring all their wives and make them walk through a mine field. Poison their waters. Give them the worse death possible,

Ninja edit: I don't actually mean it but that's how infuriating their actions are.
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When shabaab is killing women, children and civilians :gaasdrink:
When we want to retaliate:fittytousand:

I say torture every single supporter til death. Bring all their wives and make them walk through a mine field. Poison their waters. Give them the worse death possible,
Killing woman and children is not permissible under Islamic law. It’s not even permissible under international law and local culture/customs. Killing innocent woman and children, elderly etc is not only unethical, it’s also counterproductive as you’re just going to be providing ammunition to Al-Shabab’s propaganda which would radicalize those under it’s occupation to join the terrorist group which would make our war against Al-Shabab even more difficult.


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
I don’t agree with going about it this way but tbf this is probably the easiest way to scare people away from al shabaab. No one’s gonna harbor terrorists if their life’s on the line.
I don’t agree with going about it this way but tbf this is probably the easiest way to scare people away from al shabaab. No one’s gonna harbor terrorists if their life’s on the line.

If you condone the murder of innocent people you are al-shabab too. You are a terrorist place and simple.
Murdering the mothers and wives of AS fighters is against every International rule book and will surely see us slapped with sanctions.

There is no way to tell whether those individuals are there by force or from free will and by killing them, we inevitably murder some innocents.

Cbb mujrimin pr stunt.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
If you pay attention he clearly said oo aad og tihin inu shabab yahay stop misquoting him enemy is enemy :manny:

Still a crime if you have no definitive proof that they were AS.

There’s a difference between “accidentally” killing a non-combatant (such as wife) in an operation and making it a policy to target them.

Also having it on video isn’t the smartest idea…


Extremely illegal, like facing charges in the Hauge type of illegal.
Killing people that are part of al shabab is not illegal, which is what he said. Not those related to Al Shabab. Brush up on your Somali. Anyway, the US kill people related to terrorists all the time. Where is their charges?


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Killing people that are part of al shabab is not illegal, which is what he said. Not those related to Al Shabab. Brush up on your Somali. Anyway, the US kill people related to terrorists all the time. Where is their charges?

Bruh, I don’t need to brush up on it, I lived back home.

You missed my point.

There will inevitably be innocent deaths from this policy as it is very hard to verify beyond reasonable doubt that someone is innocent.

So by targeting the wives and relatives of AS members, you will have some trigger happy soldiers that won’t do due diligence.

Even the US tries to stay clear from deliberately targeting relatives of terrorists as a policy.

