I propose a challenge that I am struggling with. I will follow the academic model. I will propose the problem. The problem is how do we 'extract value from unproductive people'. The problem is defined, do not jump outside the parameters. Do not question the 'methodology'. You can however ask for 'deeper explanation' of the problem. You need to 'learn' your 'brain' to stay within 'nidaam' of you want academic excellence because it is well known in science that something come from 'nidaam' not 'chaos' so they are all 'lovers of nidaam thinkers or as they call it 'structure, logic, empericism, abstract'
@Teeri-Alpha @PhySom watch my test fail with Somalis. This is to show you the lack of innovation we are dealing with. Isn't that how all problems are proposed in 'academia' such as philosophies, theories are generated against the problem and measured and then sent to a lab for testing for veritification?
I will provide some that I thought of. My thinking style is to 'extract' productivity meaning I want people to earn something just as valuable as I earn in Australia in an unstructured society. It's hard I know but show us what you made of and quantify what the result will be for the Somali. Follow the simple time/effort/product value per person, scale to village, town, city, or region, or nation it doesn't matter. If you can prove it with one person, the maths can be applied on scaling.
I won't propose any as the admin of this site has said it's inappropiate, but there are other industries and if i mention them, I will probably get banned and 'organ' one was actually following recycling principles. The ones I am thinking of are not 'legal' and their outside of 'religious norm'. How lucrative it is, well it hasn't be done so I can't measure it. But there is an 'appetite' how it will be received by the world will be 'terrible' it will definitely be underground thing which means prices get lower unfortunately since it's in an unstructured area like Somalia is.
It's weird to u guys I know but what we need to 'think' of is how to extract the best returns out of Somalia, that is only my aim so their lives get better and unfortunately I might not like it and u may not like it, but the reality is, Somalia is no western nation, it's not structured and it's fluid and depends on opinions not systems. Like how opinions change, Somalia can change over night, it's not grounded by any scientific principle like airplanes, it's constant, because it's following scientific principles. Somalia is guided by emotions, clans, opinion, and interest which will change 'everyday' and therefore their state is always fluid and unreliable and unpredictable and very risky. These sorts of places tend to be 3rd world for a reason, they all share the same symptom 'lack of scientific structures' they have structures in name and building but the power inside it is very undefined, fluid, open to comprise and it just sends their nation into downward spiral eventually.
So we must take into consideration this and adapt solutions for unstructured markets. I am reading up unstructured market places but haven't found anything that is still 'generating' a price that is 'worthy' the time and effort and if it can 'scale' well and how long can it last before it dries out.
@Teeri-Alpha @PhySom watch my test fail with Somalis. This is to show you the lack of innovation we are dealing with. Isn't that how all problems are proposed in 'academia' such as philosophies, theories are generated against the problem and measured and then sent to a lab for testing for veritification?
I will provide some that I thought of. My thinking style is to 'extract' productivity meaning I want people to earn something just as valuable as I earn in Australia in an unstructured society. It's hard I know but show us what you made of and quantify what the result will be for the Somali. Follow the simple time/effort/product value per person, scale to village, town, city, or region, or nation it doesn't matter. If you can prove it with one person, the maths can be applied on scaling.
I won't propose any as the admin of this site has said it's inappropiate, but there are other industries and if i mention them, I will probably get banned and 'organ' one was actually following recycling principles. The ones I am thinking of are not 'legal' and their outside of 'religious norm'. How lucrative it is, well it hasn't be done so I can't measure it. But there is an 'appetite' how it will be received by the world will be 'terrible' it will definitely be underground thing which means prices get lower unfortunately since it's in an unstructured area like Somalia is.
It's weird to u guys I know but what we need to 'think' of is how to extract the best returns out of Somalia, that is only my aim so their lives get better and unfortunately I might not like it and u may not like it, but the reality is, Somalia is no western nation, it's not structured and it's fluid and depends on opinions not systems. Like how opinions change, Somalia can change over night, it's not grounded by any scientific principle like airplanes, it's constant, because it's following scientific principles. Somalia is guided by emotions, clans, opinion, and interest which will change 'everyday' and therefore their state is always fluid and unreliable and unpredictable and very risky. These sorts of places tend to be 3rd world for a reason, they all share the same symptom 'lack of scientific structures' they have structures in name and building but the power inside it is very undefined, fluid, open to comprise and it just sends their nation into downward spiral eventually.
So we must take into consideration this and adapt solutions for unstructured markets. I am reading up unstructured market places but haven't found anything that is still 'generating' a price that is 'worthy' the time and effort and if it can 'scale' well and how long can it last before it dries out.