Somali men; bring back traditional Somali clothing

Timo Jareer and proud

2nd Emir of the Akh Right Movement
Guys we tried to reform for the thousandths time we attempted to revive our dead culture .
We were met with fierce resistance we were demonised labelled as gaalo raac if we wore our traditional tire
Sometimes when I wear the macawis I wonder if my grandparents ancestors wore this attire since we look symbolically similar to the Bangladeshis
When I wear the Omani koofiyad sometimes I have this intrusive thoughts and say "tolow ma garacyo baanu wada nahay maxaa na daba dhigay maryo carbeed baalaayo "

When I see fellow friends wearing the khamiis likes it casual Friday I asked them why do you wear it everyday and they responded" because it's in our culture what do you mean why ?gaalyahow" .

Markaas ayaan soomaalinimo ka samray whenever I saw eedos wearing that triangular jawaan
Whenever I hear my fellow odayaal mentioning "carab baan ahay yaa faarax ".
They would chant and boast like mad men " Waxaanu nahay dad qureysh ah barakaysan carab carab iyo nasabnimo".
Always copying cultures it's like we were never authentic but I recently found out that we were our own people before colonial times but this is one of reasons we are called mutt race since we have idiots convincing that we are rape babies when the fact is not even close to that

Let's just say we've been severely mindfucked
Culture cleansed
Even our language is deteriorating if not preserved well we are somalis we never consider archiving anything value.
It's called cultural exchange. Somalis have been wearing khamis, Kufi, and Macawiis for centuries. It is part of our culture
Even gaalo ethiopian females cover their awrah more than wild untamed xalimos.


Gorgeous and sophisticated:wow:

Meanwhile the xalimo showing off her buruur, unattractive arms :susp:


At least be slim and in good shape if you're gonna show skin :mjkkk:
Why do people think the macawiis is Indonesian/bengali or originally from Asia? I found absolutely no evidence for this claim whatsoever.

Many Somalis have a problem of trying to give credit to other people for elements of our culture.

You would never see a Yemeni or a Bengali say drop the macawiis because “its Somali” but I’m hearing this from you and many others.

Macawiis isn’t new and we used to wear it 100 years ago but it was white back then instead of the multi colours we have now.

You would never see a Turk, persian, Pakistani, Berber or an Arab argue over where Turbans or the special type of hat they wear originated from because they simply don’t care so why should we care?

Macawiis and the koofi hat is as part of Somali culture just like its part of Indonesian, Bengali and Yemeni Culture.
Sadly at Somali weddings; we will see a Somali bride wearing traditional outfits (3 or 4 types) meanwhile the groom is either wearing a suit or clothes imported from Asia aka the "macawiis" or the square Omani hat;

This is the original Somali dress for male nomads;





These are my great grandparents.:):):)






OR THE MALAYSIAN/INDONESIAN SKIRT aka "Macawiis"-- it's called a LUNGI and it's from Asia



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