Somali Men and Women Are Equals


Before you explode the Deen said this and that, the Deen cannot break any promises made to Noah or Abraham or Adam but must compliment their legacies not erase it as modern religion from classical period of different cultures attempt to. Somali tongue reports to the ppl of HAM thru his son cush, but many ppl from various cultures came and paid loyalty to it and their now carrying blessing and curses that come with that just like any tongue carries it's own blessing and curses.

The HAM children who share a common tongue that reports to him must carry his blessing and burdens. They are made equal man and woman and both must be circumized as their is same Isla hisabtaman unlike sham who their men only circumized and women it's optional, and JAH ppl the west and east are both uncircumcised and must choose sham or ham camps of alliances, based on history they prefer sham whether it's Arab or Jews because most of them are wiped out according to Torah as they became savages over time.

Circumision means your equal man and woman and it also signifies their both ritually pure and revelation is possible for you genders like we saw with Sheba and Asiya which are big signs to those who know. We also keep stories of caraweelo never the men leaders. We also love to nickname ourselves after mother and only count names to fathers, even doonbiro direed is buried with darod which is another sign of equality. The problem is men were given 99% intelligence and 1% cadifad and women were given 99% cadifad yet 1% caqli. The miracle in this is not quantity of blessings but quality.

The man with 99% caqli may use his 1% cadifad more and his rule becomes corrupt. While woman 99% cadifad disadvantage may use her 1% caqli more effectively and efficiently and hence becomes a better leader. The other signs is many Somali men are called naago meaning their more cadifad based and many women called geesiyad. Judging by how Somali woman lead in most Somali affair way is cad tahay who should rule.

We need our Sheba, Caraweelo, Asiya back in power is mandatory or else our men leadership will be like the past none remembered only Caraweelo is. We can't establish this new maali or second maali following Mansa Musa as he hedged his bet and said pass it on to Soo Maali upon his death if Maali falls due to cultural penetratiion. We shall the create a civilization this world will say mythological like Timbuktu. But it can fall if men and women are not equal to lesd and rule as both are accountable to Allah, you can't apply classical Islam here it's for west and east as their no burden on them. We can get all Noah blessing forget just Solomon me Abraham thru Deen or the curses if we f*ck it up this opportunity.
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Noah vision was for ham to build first, sham to take over, yah finishes it. No matter where U go everything has black roots first in everything, before sham corrupts it and Jah kills it. Look how JAH ppl are today of Mongolians, indian, Europeans their knowledge is slow progress not a huge boom to take the cosmos and find hidden knowledge as their all like idols reading books that's is known not lookin for hidden knowledge as their not aware the west of hikma is due to their own blessing and curse and if U speak to them it's like their idol speaking to you or on ritual about accents lol not quality of what said but how he talks or looks as they worshipped idols on looks and accents like they do today on color and speech.

Some greats rose up among them like Alexander, Socrates, Plato,who all studied egyptian material without sourcing it and why their science is always boring and stale like the idols used to be back in the day as education with no growth is rituals and idols and not exciting and even alexander who buried himself among us is a big sign in Egypt as he wanted more wisdom In the afterworld but we call hidden world not after which his loyal west don't get.
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Support interracial love 💕
I have been saying for years on this forum women leadership will bring prosperity in Somalia.


Mohamed is not the father of any of U men the Quran made it clear so shia drop this dhaxaltoyo shit of Ali lol which converted Jews brought fearing we would take god blessing from israel. Yes we must respect them and help them if verified and proven but Islam is for all and the best only rule, Mohamed handed us all a tusbax like bani Israel did to israelis, tusbixi was Kala daatay after four khalifs only and turned into caliphate in name only but kingdoms.

I feel for Mohamed he could've been selfish like Jews and use that wisdom for arab gain but he didn't he threw it out for the world to learn as it's infinite each word and for all time and can't be stuck in any time period. I'm darod Ismaciil we go into aqeel love U awooweyaal but they were good men unlike Jews ss they don't conquer and wipe ppl out but merge with them everywhere in the world respecting abtirsi and tongue social systems and now it's looks or race Marki hikmad kale ay wayeen U become jahal .

Biyaha jeberti baan ka berrmay ibnul aqeel and U can check all links in abtirsi as the chain is kept secret but always reports to ppl who r known in arabia, that migrated and must go into banu Hashim men and each men is known and where they went we aqeeli went to ardul habash we r deep in the land of punt Egypt hidden base we found his garab hidden and Mansa Musa gave us his blessing of Maal which is what Soo Maali means as before we came it diluted after the fall of egypt and they became troglodytes when god blessing leaves, but we got the blessing of the old moors in our tongue while the country Mali has the land all west Africa for us to explore using our tongue to understand Mansa Musa Mali and his hidden treasures. The other dumb arabs went to Persia and Roman area but secret group kept Mohamed secret to us aqeelis it's in ardul habash and maali tongue to crack Mansa Musa land of west Africa of treasures and knowledge. Aqeel means caqli or aql in arabic we r the aql of banu hashim so we need to honor them in our spoils only if proven Banu Hashim if not their Persian Mutts. Most Banu hashim went to Asia also so many could be there who keep abtirsi if not then they weren't Banu Hashim if weak and lost identity and don't need them in our camps as their traitors.

He wants it for us or else as they can't find it other groups. We aqeeli knew the answer was in Africa when we migrated when we saw Bilal was a slave and was purer then all arabs noble or common and climbed kacbah which hasn't been done since and we said see U arabs bye aqeel went to Yemen and jabarti went to puntland. Arabs agreed to never agree and why we must cut them off like aqeel and jabarti did. Don't stay around disagreement it's wasting your short life and subsequent generation inheritances. We must cut Somali off as they agreed to another unholy pact of was inoo shir kale never ending meetings. We must collect this wisdom and teach the future aqeelis don't stay around wa inoo shir kale cultured or cultures like arabs who have a pact to never agree and as U see kacbah not one man after Bilal can climb it so it's morally Bankrupt and will be destroyed like Solomon temple.
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How women being equal to men is by being loyal to their men in their group even when the men are down (especially when they are down).

If women in your group desert you when you are down then how the hell do they deserve equality?

When they are tested and if they've shown their loyalty then that's when they should be given rewards like you were saying being able to rule.


Ishaq followed darod is true being a trojan to bani Israeli to follow Ismaelites that's why their no known tomb in Arabia for this Ahmed as millions of Ahmed existed lol like U must think we stupid and we know U want to get the Solomonic temple and crown in habash and waiti for an ciidagale some messiah who will be buried with habar jeclo mother habash link named mahad who will come and work with Israel and hidden Christians and Jews to destroy Ismaelites lineage and spoils cause of Sarah cuqdud for Hajar and Ishmael U won't succeed if god doesn't allow it.

We r taking Solomon kingdom we r Mahmud Solomon and we go into Sheba thru dir and U won't use dir as U did Isaaq to hate darod who will share his spoils with them as their our mothers like U sneaky Jews did in old Arabia with Shia and why kacbah became unholy and noone can stand on there anymore like bilal.

We are the caqeelis not ur avg religious Banu Hashim U got a motherfuckin war on ur hand as all the aql of banu hashim is with aqeel descendant and will arise anywhere in the world to honor Mohamed legacy and Ishmael and Hajar will be pleased we r sons of Sheba and dir. We will not Mohamed he separated his Banu Hashim into garabs and nests world wide. We r the oldest so.we left due to Abraham's because we didn't want conflict but that doesn't mean we will tolerate U to kill us like Sarah wished but god rescued ishmael and Hajar and created global empire U rat.

How can U be lion of Judah yet operate like rat worldwide in each community. Darod is fuckin lion and will create the daar ood in Jerusalem temple and take our Mohamud Solomon inheritance once we found the crown and ark in habasha and read the Hebrew and arabic in pure desert dialect and wisdom as they were found then not later periods of dilution. We can also create daar ood military barracks or saldhig if U want to go there and show U how dawad really was in war in darod traditions or we can create the state of Judah and rule with all wisdom of solomon thru Ishmael I telling him the truth his mother Sarah way surah badan tahay and show him a surah in Quran named after her suuuro.

Chapters in the Quran was named surah after sarah ranting and going wild when Ishmael Became a man among men with the old arabs thru Hajar mother. War we don't have any cuqdud for U or Isaac as we see how gob darod is within Somalis at his own expense constantly. We dont no,d cuqdud we just want to move on even if it's a bad deal to us like we showed in Carta 4.5 tanasul we will tanasul for Isaac loyalist Christian beast and Muslims who carry his name. Isaac is not good name sign in Muslim world we know who he was and did to ishmael. Isaaq has all the cuqupdud of Sarah and his son and why they chose that name and we know this but still polite to them. A true Isaac is always worshipping ishmaelites like U see with Isaaq 24 7 on darod they know their dembi that's why.

But don't be cruel to them as aqeeli weren't we just knew who and what they were and how they penetrate thru conversion by names they use for clans and their loyalty. Always show the Valor and gobanimo of Ismaelites with them so they die with cuqdud more as we increase our rewards
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Facts just look at the Countries that are controlled by women or had a female leader are more successful and peaceful than countries that prohibit women from ruling due to religious legislation.
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I tell Isxaaq xaaqi Iyo cuqdudi Iyo was aadan lahayn was diidnay ills yowmul qiyaama, is akhi and we should allow U to be fine and ok untill that cuqdud get helps from Satan and U try trojan shit like a Jewish rat U r worldwide hiding under Islam why chose ISHAK name if U not loyal to them as that name is forbidden to ismaelites as it's not a character we want embodied in Muslims or arabs

