Somali Man Talks About His Upbringing As a Christian


Hi ive been looking through this sub a while now and could honestly relate to most of you guys intensely, So i felt obliged to post, My experience is really different then other somalis since my parents were christians and not the liberal type, they were basically christian salafis, they were extreme evangelical fundamentalists, My dad studied at a bible seminary in Oklahoma lool where he met my mom, im still amazed at how two somali christians could even have met in the 90s, My dad was born into a catholic convert family in Muqdisho who were hawiye abgaal, My great grandfather was raised as orphan by italians and became christian, My grandfather and almost all my family converted to Islam though, According to them it wasnt due to discrimination since thing like this was accepted in the siad barre era but due to them not liking how they were treated by the italian priests and the small italian community and they kind of felt like traitors since my great grandfather was even the head of a pro italian party against somali independence, yeah i know really embarrasing

My mom was born in Zambia to a Somali family from Puntland (Majeerten) who were truckers, and her aunt who raised her was a christian and convinced her too, According to my mom, the missionaries were delighted to find a other somali christian convert, A deacon at the missionary church in Zambia was a former teacher in Somalia when it was a colony and had tried to convert somalis for ages while he was there but it didnt work out, so he was delighted to find my mom and got her a place at bible school in the us, My mom was kind of paraded around by the local christian community there as a beacon of hope, since somalis and afghanis were known to be hardest to convince to convert

my dad was close to his grandfather and was a teen when the family converted to islam but he didnt and instead befriended Mennonite teachers in xamar and became a protestant, they also got him a place at a Bible school in Oklahoma where my mom studied before him and they met there and married

So yeah and thats how me and my siblings were born, the reason i relate so much to you guys is that the christian branch of my parents was so extreme, and my dad was literally a bible thumping fundamentalist, he used to literally stand at street corner and scream that people were heathens and animals and only christianity could save them, so yeah, my mom was also extreme but i sensed she had some doubts throughout my upbringing, In away it seems that my family is more extreme then most peoples parents here. my dad didnt allow tv, mobile phones or radio since it was sinful, we were forced to go to a harsh privvate christian school were i was terrorized by racist whites, he ddint allow us to have any friends outside of the church, didnt allow us to interract with children that he claimed were heathens, But the worst part is that my dad was an extreme self hater, he genuinely laughed when we watched black hawk down and said the somalis deserve it, he supported it because he retardely believed america would bring christianity to somalia, he has a really ridicolous view of life in which he genuinely believes christianity is at war with the rest of humanity, He had the potraits of famous crusaders in our living room and support conservative republicans, Even though they see him as some sort of animal, He even is a trump supporter and supports the travel ban, He also advocates that somalis should be removed from the us and that they destroyed minneapolis, My dad worshipps cadaan and sees them as some sort of master race

My parents did learn us some somali but we never had any real somali friends due to our upbringing and our parents raising us a place where there barely is any somalis, we never listened to somali music, barely ate somali food, my dad never did any form of somali culture, no macaawis, no nothing, my mom was a tidbit better since she had a love for somali poetry and liked to recite it,

The only somali children i knew were the kids of other christian somalis, who met time to time, and most were as white as me besides a few with somali culturally leaning personalities, We were and still are a really small community, and their isnt really any connection with each other besides our parents who spoke to each other and the few gatherings we had, A lot of our parents were extreme self haters in a sense, the funny part is that most of them married somalis, and the kids who remain christian half of them married other christian somalis, we really are a insular community,

I always never believed in christianity, the trinity was confusing to me, the hypocritical pastors who used to be caught doing vile things as rape, pedophilia etc, and a lot of them were also in the closet gays, I remembered always being confused why my dad claimed muslims were heathens when they were monotheists and i was confused when he said they would burn in hell for not believing in jesus when he was a prophet in islam, but yeah i had a extreme self identity issue due to the racists in church and my parents self hatred and started to seek and learn more about my culture, started learning our history, poetry and language more, and decided to move out immediately for college when i was 18 due to having a college schoolarship, i went to columbus due to wanting to meet other somalis and felt accepted by them or anyone for the first time in my life, even though they were shocked i was a somali christian, i eventually became agnostic but im kind of interested in sufi islam to a extent too since it feeds my need for some sort of spirituality but im unsure still, I dated my first somali girl who was a liberal somali muslim fell in love married her and my dad disowned me for it, so i dont speak to any of my family, my siblings dont have contact with me and it hurts but i wont change my beliefs for them, And even though my parents were so self hateful, my older sister married a nother somali christian which i know burns my dad even though he wont say so because hes christian

Im for the first time connecting with my community and culture and it feels great, even though a lot of the stuff is so new and weird for me, im basically so white loool, i speak like a oklahoman farmer lool,

I went to Somalia for the first time in my life and got to met my ayeeyos due to meeting somalis in columbus who knew them , my grandmothers, both my grandfathers are dead, and it was such an intense experience, with a lot of hugs and kisses, my dad ended contact with them, i met so many cousins and uncles and aunts, it was so great, they were shocked to even hear that i still existed

Any other ex christian somalis can pm me, it would be great to speak to you and talk about our upbringings

Hi ive been looking through this sub a while now and could honestly relate to most of you guys intensely, So i felt obliged to post, My experience is really different then other somalis since my parents were christians and not the liberal type, they were basically christian salafis, they were extreme evangelical fundamentalists, My dad studied at a bible seminary in Oklahoma lool where he met my mom, im still amazed at how two somali christians could even have met in the 90s, My dad was born into a catholic convert family in Muqdisho who were hawiye abgaal, My great grandfather was raised as orphan by italians and became christian, My grandfather and almost all my family converted to Islam though, According to them it wasnt due to discrimination since thing like this was accepted in the siad barre era but due to them not liking how they were treated by the italian priests and the small italian community and they kind of felt like traitors since my great grandfather was even the head of a pro italian party against somali independence, yeah i know really embarrasing

My mom was born in Zambia to a Somali family from Puntland (Majeerten) who were truckers, and her aunt who raised her was a christian and convinced her too, According to my mom, the missionaries were delighted to find a other somali christian convert, A deacon at the missionary church in Zambia was a former teacher in Somalia when it was a colony and had tried to convert somalis for ages while he was there but it didnt work out, so he was delighted to find my mom and got her a place at bible school in the us, My mom was kind of paraded around by the local christian community there as a beacon of hope, since somalis and afghanis were known to be hardest to convince to convert

my dad was close to his grandfather and was a teen when the family converted to islam but he didnt and instead befriended Mennonite teachers in xamar and became a protestant, they also got him a place at a Bible school in Oklahoma where my mom studied before him and they met there and married

So yeah and thats how me and my siblings were born, the reason i relate so much to you guys is that the christian branch of my parents was so extreme, and my dad was literally a bible thumping fundamentalist, he used to literally stand at street corner and scream that people were heathens and animals and only christianity could save them, so yeah, my mom was also extreme but i sensed she had some doubts throughout my upbringing, In away it seems that my family is more extreme then most peoples parents here. my dad didnt allow tv, mobile phones or radio since it was sinful, we were forced to go to a harsh privvate christian school were i was terrorized by racist whites, he ddint allow us to have any friends outside of the church, didnt allow us to interract with children that he claimed were heathens, But the worst part is that my dad was an extreme self hater, he genuinely laughed when we watched black hawk down and said the somalis deserve it, he supported it because he retardely believed america would bring christianity to somalia, he has a really ridicolous view of life in which he genuinely believes christianity is at war with the rest of humanity, He had the potraits of famous crusaders in our living room and support conservative republicans, Even though they see him as some sort of animal, He even is a trump supporter and supports the travel ban, He also advocates that somalis should be removed from the us and that they destroyed minneapolis, My dad worshipps cadaan and sees them as some sort of master race

My parents did learn us some somali but we never had any real somali friends due to our upbringing and our parents raising us a place where there barely is any somalis, we never listened to somali music, barely ate somali food, my dad never did any form of somali culture, no macaawis, no nothing, my mom was a tidbit better since she had a love for somali poetry and liked to recite it,

The only somali children i knew were the kids of other christian somalis, who met time to time, and most were as white as me besides a few with somali culturally leaning personalities, We were and still are a really small community, and their isnt really any connection with each other besides our parents who spoke to each other and the few gatherings we had, A lot of our parents were extreme self haters in a sense, the funny part is that most of them married somalis, and the kids who remain christian half of them married other christian somalis, we really are a insular community,

I always never believed in christianity, the trinity was confusing to me, the hypocritical pastors who used to be caught doing vile things as rape, pedophilia etc, and a lot of them were also in the closet gays, I remembered always being confused why my dad claimed muslims were heathens when they were monotheists and i was confused when he said they would burn in hell for not believing in jesus when he was a prophet in islam, but yeah i had a extreme self identity issue due to the racists in church and my parents self hatred and started to seek and learn more about my culture, started learning our history, poetry and language more, and decided to move out immediately for college when i was 18 due to having a college schoolarship, i went to columbus due to wanting to meet other somalis and felt accepted by them or anyone for the first time in my life, even though they were shocked i was a somali christian, i eventually became agnostic but im kind of interested in sufi islam to a extent too since it feeds my need for some sort of spirituality but im unsure still, I dated my first somali girl who was a liberal somali muslim fell in love married her and my dad disowned me for it, so i dont speak to any of my family, my siblings dont have contact with me and it hurts but i wont change my beliefs for them, And even though my parents were so self hateful, my older sister married a nother somali christian which i know burns my dad even though he wont say so because hes christian

Im for the first time connecting with my community and culture and it feels great, even though a lot of the stuff is so new and weird for me, im basically so white loool, i speak like a oklahoman farmer lool,

I went to Somalia for the first time in my life and got to met my ayeeyos due to meeting somalis in columbus who knew them , my grandmothers, both my grandfathers are dead, and it was such an intense experience, with a lot of hugs and kisses, my dad ended contact with them, i met so many cousins and uncles and aunts, it was so great, they were shocked to even hear that i still existed

Any other ex christian somalis can pm me, it would be great to speak to you and talk about our upbringings
@Dibleyy, you think I have time to read all that, bloody hell, behave yourself.
I went to Italy where my aunt lived for the past 35 years, and there was a small Somali Christian community. Most of them were very old, they were taken as kids by the Church and raised by them.

Their kids and grandkids have gone two ways, a lot reverted back to Islam but many married gaalo cadaan and took that dhaqan.

Personally, I don't even know how sane people can follow a religion with so many contradictions.
I went to Italy where my aunt lived for the past 35 years, and there was a small Somali Christian community. Most of them were very old, they were taken as kids by the Church and raised by them.

Their kids and grandkids have gone two ways, a lot reverted back to Islam but many married gaalo cadaan and took that dhaqan.

Personally, I don't even know how sane people can follow a religion with so many contradictions.
That is very sad. I knew a niqabi she was yemeni but lived and was born in somalia. She spoke only italian, however, she was very westernised except for her religion. She is also a spinster and has never married, in fact she never ever leaves her little apartment. She lives in a small village in the north of italy, with no poc and i mean 0. She has convinced everyone she has mental health issues, so she gets away with her behaviour bc italy is a very anti-islam country sometimes. (It used to be better but i would say things started to change after 911 and iraq war afghanistan war then libya and syria sealed the deal. Now italy has been flooded with too many muslims and madows for their liking. They have even got fed up with the eastern europeans who are about as italian as they get. Even adopting italian names.
I went to Italy where my aunt lived for the past 35 years, and there was a small Somali Christian community. Most of them were very old, they were taken as kids by the Church and raised by them.

Their kids and grandkids have gone two ways, a lot reverted back to Islam but many married gaalo cadaan and took that dhaqan.

Personally, I don't even know how sane people can follow a religion with so many contradictions.
I would like to meet these people.
That is very sad. I knew a niqabi she was yemeni but lived and was born in somalia. She spoke only italian, however, she was very westernised except for her religion. She is also a spinster and has never married, in fact she never ever leaves her little apartment. She lives in a small village in the north of italy, with no poc and i mean 0. She has convinced everyone she has mental health issues, so she gets away with her behaviour bc italy is a very anti-islam country sometimes. (It used to be better but i would say things started to change after 911 and iraq war afghanistan war then libya and syria sealed the deal. Now italy has been flooded with too many muslims and madows for their liking. They have even got fed up with the eastern europeans who are about as italian as they get. Even adopting italian names.

Italy is one of the weirdest places I have been to, a lot of rich people and but their government is broke.

Theirs a lot of Somalis spread out through the country, but their very low-key, even though a lot have moved to other countries in Europe. I think its one place where I meet older Somalis who literally lost their dhaqan, it was weird.
Italy is one of the weirdest places I have been to, a lot of rich people and but their government is broke.

Theirs a lot of Somalis spread out through the country, but their very low-key, even though a lot have moved to other countries in Europe. I think its one place where I meet older Somalis who literally lost their dhaqan, it was weird.
Italy was the starting hub for all Somalis and then we moved. There were some ethnic Italians who vouched for me which is how i have an Italian passport but i live in Germany as well.
Italy was the starting hub for all Somalis and then we moved. There were some ethnic Italians who vouched for me which is how i have an Italian passport but i live in Germany as well.

Did you move to Italy with your family or by yourself? It's very difficult to get an Italian passport.


Italy is one of the weirdest places I have been to, a lot of rich people and but their government is broke.

Theirs a lot of Somalis spread out through the country, but their very low-key, even though a lot have moved to other countries in Europe. I think its one place where I meet older Somalis who literally lost their dhaqan, it was weird.
Funny you mention that, because those rich ppl aren’t just normal rich. There was an article I read that the richest families in 1447 are still the richest families today.
