Somali man getting cooked on twitter for not liking his wife’s affection


Gabar Majeerteen 💙🤍💚
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I’m exactly like that girl fr I would do all of that for a man I love. Hope I don’t marry someone who sees it as suffocating 😭

This is so sad to read we as muslims shouldn't speak about our martial issues online but also a man should consider this before marriage

The prophet (SAW) said the woman is married for four things : her wealth , her noble family background , her beauty and her religion.

but publicly speaking about your martial issues is so ceeb fear allah


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member

Ever notice how everyone is an online armchair psychologist?

Somalis do not generally understand affection.
Loop Trump GIF

Somalis live a spartan life, lacking affection, so they are not used to it.

He is less attracted/lukewarm about her and would act differently with someone else.
How Do You Know About That GIF

He is a dismissive avoidant because the affection level is more than expected.
Suspicious Tom Ford GIF by GQ

How about this? Maybe the level of physical affection someone finds appropriate or enough varies. You should still respect your spouse's personal space and can make some accommodations, but why not clarify what is normal to you before you even get married? This should be a discussion during the talking stage. You could ask how affectionate his family was to get an idea.
Fair but getting relationship advice from a bunch of highly introverted at best, basement-dwelling at worst Redditors who most likely aren't in the long-term relationships that would qualify them to give advice is retarded to begin with. The blind leading the blind, so to speak.


And from a Somali subreddit too, where most of the predominantly Gen Z/younger millennial users on there wouldn't know shit about marriage from first-hand experience so their advice is more likely to be theoretical in nature, based on whatever their local imam or married older cousin told them.
It's not even the introverion or lack of relationship experience, 99.9% of men on reddit sound like they've been chemically castrated. They're pathetic little worms who I suspect can't maintain eye-contact if their lives depended on it in real life. The whole site is just INSANELY vaginal wallahi.

You don't have to be in a marriage to be able to give good advice, not if you witness close friends/relative's relationships, it's just that everything they say is just massively skewed and retarded. Mainly due to the little gay up-doots bullshit. I basically stopped using the muaythai subreddit when fucking obese whales started making posts about the sport not being "accessible" and basically turned the place into an online women's gossip colunm and started policing everyone's behaviour/langauge :pacspit:
It's not even the introverion or lack of relationship experience, 99.9% of men on reddit sound like they've been chemically castrated. They're pathetic little worms who I suspect can't maintain eye-contact if their lives depended on it in real life. The whole site is just INSANELY vaginal wallahi.

You don't have to be in a marriage to be able to give good advice, not if you witness close friends/relative's relationships, it's just that everything they say is just massively skewed and retarded. Mainly due to the little gay up-doots bullshit. I basically stopped using the muaythai subreddit when fucking obese whales started making posts about the sport not being "accessible" and basically turned the place into an online women's gossip colunm and started policing everyone's behaviour/langauge :pacspit:
I actually live for the colourful way you put things on here lmao

I've had similar experiences of subreddits that were initially meant to be helpful and of actual substance being derailed by crybabies who wanted to be mollycoddled and motivated by strangers 24/7.

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LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
What an interesting dynamic. Cajiiib wallee. He is the problem and now he cries that she is the problem?? He should not have layed on her lap because she is not his mother. The Abooow is looking for his Hooyo, God bless his heart. :susp: And So her kissing him on the face- is ruining his Hoooyo fantasy of being cuddled, & babied! She should lay on his lap. The poor girl just reacted to what a nurture woman would to her infant baby.

Cracking Up Lol GIF
@galhareeri so your saying the girls in xamar will basically just sleep with dudes? Is this just a xamar thing. Becuase I went to school in bosasso for a year and I definitely didn't get this vibe from the people their
@galhareeri so your saying the girls in xamar will basically just sleep with dudes? Is this just a xamar thing. Becuase I went to school in bosasso for a year and I definitely didn't get this vibe from the people their
Kkk no girl wil ever just sleep with a guy ino until u
She wants u . Wah.
Women are emotional . Also it seems u havent read my prevkous relpy
Do you mean she won't sleep with a guy she doesn't want to marry?
Bronthere is something caled qudbo siro.
Its technicaly secret mariage u have to inderstand some men may not have the money to mary so they opt to do this with a girl they like.
So its not sleeping one night stand like the western culture
Bronthere is something caled qudbo siro.
Its technicaly secret mariage u have to inderstand some men may not have the money to mary so they opt to do this with a girl they like.
So its not sleeping one night stand like the western culture
Oh so like mutah that shias do? I thought you meant that she just sleep with different guys she likes. Like ethiopians do.
I'm in love with the idea of romance, but not the excessive physicality that comes w/ it. I'll go above and beyond, however, I don't think I could handle a constant never-ending stream of affection.

Alhamdulillah, my girl isn't like that. She's sweet and has amazing akhlaq, and she shows affection through indirect behaviors. She put me through the hoops just to get a chance to court her.

Agreeing with Angelina's point as most men I reckon we love the chase. Mind you, I'm generally a handsome dude, but she has a way of always keeping me on my toes, and I couldn't have it any other way.

Affection is good, however too much of anything can be harmful. This couple is in their honeymoon phase and in due time everything will settle down. I do hope his wife doesn't come across that message though :(
He's a massive fag for using Reddit in the first place, :mjcry:
Now come on the site has countless useful subreddits and countless professionals that constantly give precious life changing advice for nothing in return. You can have a niche problem with your PC, search for it on Google and what do you know a redditor wrote a post on how to deal with it a decade ago

