Can you list how many Somali logical fallacies you see so we can prepare how to address this people mental processes ? what flaws have u seen in them that you find 'disturbing' and unconvincing. The more we can list, the more we know about them, study the causes, and remedy. We can't continue combating them, we need to cure them. Please let me know if you see 'any' logical fallacies in my ideas so I can review myself so I am not going down a loop of nothingness.
I've noticed the following symptoms in their argument which causes none of us to fully accept anything they propose or say because it's committing a logical fallacy.
Ad misericordiam is an argument based on a strong appeal to the emotions. Also known as argumentum ad misericordiam or appeal to pity or misery. When an appeal to sympathy or pity is highly exaggerated or irrelevant to the issue at hand, ad misericordiam is regarded as a logical fallacy
This is the good old argument they use of Islam is right because Allah is testing us with 'suffering' and 'misery' to streghthen their faith. They appeal to your emotion arguing since I am miserable, I must be right.
An argumentum ad populum (Latin for "argument to the people") is a fallacious argument that concludes that a proposition must be true because many or most people believe it, often concisely encapsulated as: "If many believe so, it is so."
They use this the idea of 'landheere' since one clan is large what they say must be true. Since Islam has 2 billion followers, Islam is true. Their using the argument why do so many people believe if religion is bad. Well so many ppl believed the world was flat, doesn't make it true. Just cause you have large numbers doesn't mean u have the truth. In-fact contrary to popular belief the truth is usually with minority.
For example Paganism must be true in arabia because it was largest religion and had many followers and Mohamed must of been wrong cause he was a minority at the time. U see how they do not 'reason' their arguments against themselves and look stupid.
An abusive ad hominem fallacy is a direct attack on the person. For example, it occurs when the opponent's appearance is brought up in the discussion. ... A tu quoque fallacy is when the opponent points out how the arguer doesn't follow his or her own advice. It's also called an appeal to hypocrisy, for that reason.
I tend to see our diaspora mostly do this. They judge arguments based on the person appearance lol. This is properly due to their mind relating to 'pictures' not 'reading'. They hate 'paragraphs' also so I need to find out the 'reason' for this. I see it also in Somalia with 'shops' preferring seeing 'images' on the shop not 'words'. It's interesting because the ancient pharoahs did things in 'images' maybe we can teach them in 'images' if it helps them increase their brain-cells. Obviously 'words' waa 'dhibaysa' because it takes them time to process 'meaning' and 'test' it and maybe the brain power due to 'genes or diet' are not available.
I will list more as I go thru the list of logical fallacies, this is a great 'research' attempt if we Somalis just sat down and discussed our issues 'scientifically' and it would bring us so much closer as we start to laugh and said 'damn I was stupid' and we move on to great pastures of progress..
Can you list how many Somali logical fallacies you see so we can prepare how to address this people mental processes ? what flaws have u seen in them that you find 'disturbing' and unconvincing. The more we can list, the more we know about them, study the causes, and remedy. We can't continue combating them, we need to cure them. Please let me know if you see 'any' logical fallacies in my ideas so I can review myself so I am not going down a loop of nothingness.
I've noticed the following symptoms in their argument which causes none of us to fully accept anything they propose or say because it's committing a logical fallacy.
Ad misericordiam is an argument based on a strong appeal to the emotions. Also known as argumentum ad misericordiam or appeal to pity or misery. When an appeal to sympathy or pity is highly exaggerated or irrelevant to the issue at hand, ad misericordiam is regarded as a logical fallacy
This is the good old argument they use of Islam is right because Allah is testing us with 'suffering' and 'misery' to streghthen their faith. They appeal to your emotion arguing since I am miserable, I must be right.
An argumentum ad populum (Latin for "argument to the people") is a fallacious argument that concludes that a proposition must be true because many or most people believe it, often concisely encapsulated as: "If many believe so, it is so."
They use this the idea of 'landheere' since one clan is large what they say must be true. Since Islam has 2 billion followers, Islam is true. Their using the argument why do so many people believe if religion is bad. Well so many ppl believed the world was flat, doesn't make it true. Just cause you have large numbers doesn't mean u have the truth. In-fact contrary to popular belief the truth is usually with minority.
For example Paganism must be true in arabia because it was largest religion and had many followers and Mohamed must of been wrong cause he was a minority at the time. U see how they do not 'reason' their arguments against themselves and look stupid.
An abusive ad hominem fallacy is a direct attack on the person. For example, it occurs when the opponent's appearance is brought up in the discussion. ... A tu quoque fallacy is when the opponent points out how the arguer doesn't follow his or her own advice. It's also called an appeal to hypocrisy, for that reason.
I tend to see our diaspora mostly do this. They judge arguments based on the person appearance lol. This is properly due to their mind relating to 'pictures' not 'reading'. They hate 'paragraphs' also so I need to find out the 'reason' for this. I see it also in Somalia with 'shops' preferring seeing 'images' on the shop not 'words'. It's interesting because the ancient pharoahs did things in 'images' maybe we can teach them in 'images' if it helps them increase their brain-cells. Obviously 'words' waa 'dhibaysa' because it takes them time to process 'meaning' and 'test' it and maybe the brain power due to 'genes or diet' are not available.
I will list more as I go thru the list of logical fallacies, this is a great 'research' attempt if we Somalis just sat down and discussed our issues 'scientifically' and it would bring us so much closer as we start to laugh and said 'damn I was stupid' and we move on to great pastures of progress..