Somali kids in Djibouti being adopted by French families.

It seems like Djibouti are not against Christian foreigners from adopting Somali kids.

They have an office and court which issue paperwork that state that the child has been adopted and that the legal custody has been transferred to the family.

Why are White people obsessed in adopting African children?


It seems like Djibouti are not against Christian foreigners from adopting Somali kids.

They have an office and court which issue paperwork that state that the child has been adopted and that the legal custody has been transferred to the family.

Why are White people obsessed in adopting African children?


I love Djibouti and all that.. but are you suprised tho


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
Spoiled skinny gaajo faraxs with receding chin iyo open mouth ,fat futo , sick calool iyo hamster cheeks like naago. that are here hating on poor children finally being offered a future kkkkkk you are sitting there 24/7 in your chair comfortable in a Western country but do not want other poor children to get a good future. I know a Somali kid myself that was adopted almdh great job now and career while most of you clean Jamaican futo and join gangs
Likely, those kids aren't even Somali or full-Somali. A lot of foreigners live in Djibouti.
His name was Ilyas, he could be Somali or not but he's a Muslim kid at the end of the day.

Because Muslims at large have no xinninyo to adopt these children.
I am sure the government could sponsor the kids and raise them in boarding schools until they reach adulthood.

It's way better than being sent to Europe and having your name changed to Jules.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake

It seems like Djibouti are not against Christian foreigners from adopting Somali kids.

They have an office and court which issue paperwork that state that the child has been adopted and that the legal custody has been transferred to the family.

Why are White people obsessed in adopting African children?


Because American celebrities started it. Madona. Charlese theoron who is a white south African, I understand her but I dont understand the other celebs. Sandra bullock. Angelina jolie adopted Ethiopian girl with a big forehead. etc etc

White people deep down wish their adopted African child will become a big Oprah winfrey or at the very least Obama.
I met a Dutch family with kids in a hotel In Tangier and one of them was an adopted full-bloodied Somali kid. The father told me that the mother had drugs and mental health problems and since he was born out of wedlock, the Somali father has never been in his life. Few days of monitoring their interactions, they seemed to be a close and caring family. Millions of children in Somalia who lack basic things in life like access to food, clean water, schools and health services are struggling to survive daily, focus in how you can help them. Or, let them be adopted.

It seems like Djibouti are not against Christian foreigners from adopting Somali kids.

They have an office and court which issue paperwork that state that the child has been adopted and that the legal custody has been transferred to the family.

Why are White people obsessed in adopting African children?


White saviour complex. There are plenty of gaajo whites from those gulag countries like the Ukraine to adopt from but here they are smh


👾pʅɹoʍ pǝʇɐʅǝxᴉd ɐ uᴉ ƃuᴉʌᴉʅ👾
I didn't think they would have an adoption centre ran by nuns.

Djibouti is a Muslim and they are sending their kids to Christian European families.
I've seen Orphanages in Djibouti run by muslims but this is an eyeopener.


👾pʅɹoʍ pǝʇɐʅǝxᴉd ɐ uᴉ ƃuᴉʌᴉʅ👾
They could be Somali Christians tbh there's like 2 families in my city.
There aren't in Djibouti unless there from Orphanages. I've seen the Catholic church and it's full of expats from Congo and India. Orthodox is full of xabashi and Oromo. Protestant is full of Americans Dutch and Ethiopian etc. I haven't seen a Somali Gaal in my life there are none in the UK.

