Somali kids are being abandoned in the streets

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Jet life till my next life

Damn sad, youngins needs be thought about condoms and other ways to prevent pregnancy. Latest baby was found 2 weeks ago :francis:
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Jet life till my next life
When she said 'Sometimes dogs might eat the baby' :mjcry::mjcry::mjcry:

She's talking about a case where a newborn in badacas neighbourhood was eaten by a dog and her bones were found


Too many young horney halimos can't close their legs before marriage and this is the result! don't have sex if you can't
take the responsibility of being a mother.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Too many young horney halimos can't close their legs before marriage and this is the result! don't have sex if you can't
take the responsibility of being a mother.
The horny farax wanting to go raw isn't all innocent here. It takes two to tango, where are the deadbeats that fathered these poor kids? They should start paying alimony for their kids if not the mother taking care of her child then at least to the orphanage.


Jet life till my next life
Why? Are these out-of-wedlock babies or poor people are abandoning their kids?

Adeer Somalia in general is poor. These kids are born out of wedlock, young folks back home know nothin' else but ku aasid and this is result.


Adeer Somalia in general is poor. These kids are born out of wedlock, young folks back home know nothin' else but ku aasid and this is result.
Tbh, I was expecting fetuses on the street. All too common sight in third world countries where condoms and contraceptives are scarce and/or discouraged, where back-alley abortions become the only form of birth control.

Babies, babies we can work with. Set up an orphanage. I guess that's the only life their prone to live since Somalis aren't big on adoption.

But, unfortunately, this isn't something that goes away. It will continue to happen.


On 23andMe I had bunch of people on the ''Relative Finder Tool'' who were adopted by white people in Western countries and had no clue where their Somali parents where from. All of them were from Ethiopia.

One guy didn't even know he was Somali, lol, seriously. All he knew was that he came from an Addis Ababa orphanage.
Tbh, I was expecting fetuses on the street. All too common sight in third world countries where condoms and contraceptives are scarce and/or discouraged, where back-alley abortions become the only form of birth control.

Babies, babies we can work with. Set up an orphanage. I guess that's the only life their prone to live since Somalis aren't big on adoption.

But, unfortunately, this isn't something that goes away. It will continue to happen.
Well traditionally it should be the father's relatives that help take care of the child. But since the child was most likely born out of wedlock I guess they were too ashamed to keep the baby.

In places where there are no government welfare marriage is a vital part of society. This is why having sex outside of marriage has such a harsh stigma in our culture.
The Somali tradition way to deal with "zina" is marrying them for short time then divorce them. I saw 2 cases in back home where two families married teenages and divorced then later. But throwing the kids is new thing. It is only found in north where Oromo illegal immigrants live, but in south where is no Oromo we don't find abandoned kids. Remember there are 5000 Oromo street kids live in one city


The Somali tradition way to deal with "zina" is marrying them for short time then divorce them. I saw 2 cases in back home where two families married teenages and divorced then later. But throwing the kids is new thing. It is only found in north where Oromo illegal immigrants live, but in south where is no Oromo we don't find abandoned kids. Remember there are 5000 Oromo street kids live in one city

Those Somali orphans on 23andMe (genetics platform) from Ethiopia were 100% Somali. Not Amhara or Oromo mixed. It seems like ethnic Somalis in Ethiopia are also dumping some of their kids.
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