Somali Kidnaps happening in Kenya is inside job


Quite the Islamist.
I'm glad it is being clarified, never like the toxic generalization and xenophobia being thrown around the last few days.

I hope the culprits, somalis and the non somalis alike are brought to justice.
I'm glad it is being clarified, never like the toxic generalization and xenophobia being thrown around the last few days.

I hope the culprits, somalis and the non somalis alike are brought to justice.
Some mongrels were turning it and trying to score a political fiasco claimming its kenyan govt doing the kidnaps.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
It was kenyan Intelligence and CID that killed Hafza and Bashiir who are we kidding they are being targeted for being MX tribe
It was kenyan Intelligence and CID that killed Hafza and Bashiir who are we kidding they are being targeted for being MX tribe
I think you have lose bolts in your brain.
Kenya govt are bot like Marehan shiftas who think like mooriyaan.

Kidnaps,looting isbaaro were part of the game in kismaayo in the 98 to 2005.
somalis killing somalis and then blaming it on our kikuyu brothers is very low of the culprits who are spreading this hate between two brotherly countries .
you're a fucking dumbcunt why on ur earth is a dusty indian incel doing on this site? i didn't know reer "bob n vegene" had the nerve to act up lol.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Kenyans are a peaceful people by nature. They are not violent. Walaahi Allaah swt is supreme in the planning. To make Kenya as neighbor to Somalis is a great complimenting genius
I'm confused walaal , what does he mean by Bob and vegen? :faysalwtf:
It’s a she and she’s calling you this :mjkkk:


I have said this already , before the sheep minded maryooleys jump into conclusion , they must know that this is a tragedy and must configure not blowing sourceless shit out of proportion.

Waxaa marwalba haboon ee danta guud inagu jiraa in wararkaan la soo
hubsado , lana soo xaqiijiyo ,
maaha wax raadraac laheyn ama sal u laheyn in la bunbuniyo , daliil qaata soomaaliyay ,
Ha isku haleynin waarbahinta u dhigma fake news, ee maskaxda adeegso
don't become pawns because ayaamahaan xaasasi siyaasadeed aya ka socato Harambe iyo Circus ka loo yaqaana Villa Somalia.

Sidaa aan goor dhow halkaan ka sheegay dadweynta waxay lamid yihiin awrka la raro, jihada geelayda ay maraan ayay maraan ileen ul ayaa lagu wadaa marka ha noqon wax la wado , caqligaaga iyo maankaaga kaasho adiga iskufilan in aad kala gartid wixii been ah , kala saar beenta iyo runta.

Soomaalida ayaa ka danbayay dililka fara badan loo gaysato muwaadinadooda ku nool gayiga Nairobi,
laakin , Soomali waa lagu yaqaana to spin the bottle the other direction , edeynta iyo nabiibnimada ma ficno , rufyaanta way isku kalsoon yihiin , wayna og yihiin they can get away with it and manipulate the masses , maaha wax cusub , dadkaan dhulkooda , diintooda iyo nafsooda iibsadeen umana daahayaan in rayidka dhiigooda la daadiyo , daljoog ama dibada, waa sidaas , waana ayaan daro in jahli iyo naceyb ay sidaas ku milmaan , manufacturing prejudice and ignorance , si fiican u wada ognahay Kenyaati shuqul ku laheyn masiibadaan ka dilaacday Kenya.
Gaar ahaan dilalka ganacsatada soomaaliyeed ee gacanta xaq daran ku baxay in geeridooda , dhimashadooda lug ku leh Soomali.
waxaas oo dhan waaxa kalifay dadweynta qabyaalad iyo qurun ka tanaasuli karin ee marwalba dhinaca kale eegaya.

So this is not surprising to me , marwalba waxaan soo horeen u dhacday , wax horay u jirtay weeye , laakin waxa hada ismooda dadka in si tartiib ah caqligooda isticmaalayaan , waa nasiib xumo in wali qalalaase ka taagan yahay baraha bulshada , fowda wadayaasha sida
Daahir Calasow iyo Dabcasar iyo xayawaanta kale ay been abuur , war been iyo dadka la dhuufsado , ay halkaas ka wadaan , waxaaba ka daran kuwa
u arka reliable source.

Honestly this is a fucking joke , and these xoolos provide them with fabricated source.
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