Somali identitarian is the future

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You misunderstood my point, what i mean is using the qabil just as identifier. That's why i said all four sides should be on the passport. I think this will weaken the qabilist mentality as it would show how intermixed we are, and I'm acctually against any qabil poltics weaher it be buntland, somaliland or xarland.
Dude, no one is stopping you from loving your ancestry. But some people feel more entitled to power and land by this mindset. So no, insted of puting qabil signs on passoprts to further seperate us, let us indoctrinate the new geneation to not follow in the same path by appealing to logic and sense. I can give you examples where people in north korea love their leader and think their country is the best in the world, but that is not the reality. They need to change, like their identical twin, south koreans. That is example on how bad mentality and culture can destroy a whole country.
Being proud of your ethnic background and culture is usually a default feeling for most people. It doesn't mean we are better than others or anything.

But somalis tend to be extremists in everything they believe.

We need to introduce the concept of moderation to these people. You don't have to hate arabs,(you have to hate whites tho), you don't have to feel superior to Madows, you don't have act like you are an african american. Any of that is over doing it, like you said.
What kind of shitty logic is that? No one is reducing anything, but that's how every country is operating, and we are by all consensus the worst country in the world, so it seems your perfect qalinst hellhole sucks.
We need the country to not allow foriegn influences so the people grow without any interference
Dude, no one is stopping you from loving your ancestry. But some people feel more entitled to power and land by this mindset. So no, insted of puting qabil signs on passoprts to further seperate us, let us indoctrinate the new geneation to not follow in the same path by appealing to logic and sense. I can give you examples where people in north korea love their leader and think their country is the best in the world, but that is not the reality. They need to change, like their identical twin, south koreans. That is example on how bad mentality and culture can destroy a whole country.
You are compering apples to orange. My theory is that if qabil goes out, somalino will just become like swedishno. Only papers and nothing else, hope you understand me now.
We need the country to not allow foriegn influences so the people grow without any interference
Bro, do yo know how ethiopia and kenya politically make moves that weaken us? Our neighburs don't ever want to see a united strong somalia, they shake our hand when we are weak, but when we had the upper hand, they fucked us. And the fucking arabs and soviets also turned their heads for political gains. Im not salty, but im trying to make the point that etiopia and kenya are not out friends, only partnes for reciprocal mutual relationship in economic terms. I don't hate them personally, but stratetigaclly we are bending over and getting fucked, because cuck locving qabilist are running our country.
You are compering apples to orange. My theory is that if qabil goes out, somalino will just become like swedishno. Only papers and nothing else, hope you understand me now.
What are you talking about? Sweden is a better country, are you really looking down on the sweedes? Your arrogance needs to be checked ut dude. You are delusional. You are acting like this backward family history that is based on a myth is a better than sweedens national unity. There is no somalinimo, we are separated, in sweeden people are sweeds, in somalia you are your qabil.
Prohibiting migration is necessary for protecting somalis from kenyans and ethiopians.
Even th
What are you talking about? Sweden is a better country, are you really looking down on the sweedes? Your arrogance needs to be checked ut dude. You are delusional. You are acting like this backward family history that is based on a myth is a better than sweedens national unity. There is no somalinino, we are separated, in sweeden people are sweeds, in somalia you are your qabil.
WOW Hold your horses mate.Never did i indicate that once :faysalwtf:
If you remove qabil on which bases do you consuder someone somali?
Certain Somali nationalists think being proud of being Somali means hating on Madows. They spend more time calling blacks and apes than taking pride in anything Somali. Wa yaab
What are you talking about? Sweden is a better country, are you really looking down on the sweedes? Your arrogance needs to be checked ut dude. You are delusional. You are acting like this backward family history that is based on a myth is a better than sweedens national unity. There is no somalinimo, we are separated, in sweeden people are sweeds, in somalia you are your qabil.
1. Scandinavica isnt a socialist nation and the only reason why those government programs work are because of CAPTIALISM. It sure isnt coming out the politicians' pockets. The myth of Nordic socialism is partially created by a confusion between socialism, meaning government exerting control or ownership of businesses, and the welfare state in the form of government-provided social safety net programs. However, the left’s embrace of socialism is not merely a case of redefining a word. Simply look at the long-running affinity of leftists with socialist dictators in Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela for proof many on the left long for real socialism. In reality the Nordic countries practice mostly free market economics paired with high taxes exchanged for generous government entitlement programs.
1. Scandinavica isnt a socialist nation and the only reason why those government programs work are because of CAPTIALISM. It sure isnt coming out the politicians' pockets. The myth of Nordic socialism is partially created by a confusion between socialism, meaning government exerting control or ownership of businesses, and the welfare state in the form of government-provided social safety net programs. However, the left’s embrace of socialism is not merely a case of redefining a word. Simply look at the long-running affinity of leftists with socialist dictators in Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela for proof many on the left long for real socialism. In reality the Nordic countries practice mostly free market economics paired with high taxes exchanged for generous government entitlement programs.
I live in noway, so i don't know how an american views on socialism are, but if you have paid attention, you would have known that i have already stated what you have written. Nobody is advocating for socialism here. And a social democracy is a political, social and economic ideology that supports economic and social interventions to promote social justice within the framework of a liberal democratic polity and capitalist economy. And if you had paid attention i never said capitalism is a bad thing, but i don't support an un-regulated market without a government intervention. So when i point to a scandinavian country, im trying to show you that everything here are better because of socialist elements in the system, comapred to less regulated economy in the u.s where the income inequality is skyrocketing, and the middleclass is becoming smaller. Im telling you, if you put the libertarian idoelogy in practice, it would only beceome worse, and impossible to have a balanced egalitarian society, because the market wouln't have an incentive to do so. It is basic logic. Libertariansim sounds fucking sexy, but it is a bad and irresponsible ideology which is supported by american conservatives. I think capitalism is a good thing, and there should be a free market, but an un-regulated one is a dengerous concept.

Liberterianism comes down to the beliefs that the principles that drive a free-market economy can be applied to how humans govern themselves. It's this idea that, an invicible hand that guides the free market will also drive human interaction with social order. This fundation is a false assumption, because when unchecked, man motivated by self gain will not ultimately do the right thing. This is why we have criminals, those who commit crimes even when there is a system that actively tries to prevent it. And the whole purpose of civilisation is to ensure that everyone is fed, clothed, housed and not to create conditions so that the few can secure a substantially greater portion of recources while others are virtually left with nothing. So in a libertarian society, who protects the unprotecte? Who defends the rights of the defendsless? Even libertarians acknowledge that a free market will drive a larger wealth disparaty, which some believe will be offset by the trickling down of wealth and technology. But wealth inequality paired with deregulation creates an oppurtunity for the haves to rule over the have-nots, this is one of the many reasons we need regulation. To ensure that the rich few, don't impose their will unjustly or destructively on the poor multitudes.

Another libertarian belief is the idea that the government should not be allowed to impose it's will on the citizenry. However, in a truly free market that promotes freedom of contract and deregulation, employers have a right to force rules that would never be permitted in our current democratic systems. Libertariansim is a rich man's ideal, it ostensibly gives ulitimate freedoms and choice to everyone at the cost of helping the helpless. It completley ignores the reality of economic forces which compel the poor to take jobs they don't want to, and live where they don't want to, just because they have to. That is something you can't deny.

Libertariansim is sort of similar to communism, on their face they're both noble but impossibly ambitious theories. One has individual freedoms as it's core principles, and the other equality. But in practice, both concepts leads to outcomes that are completly fucked.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I think you guys should check into libertarianism. It is the only political organization which respects you as a unique and responsible individual. Our slogan is that we are “The Partyof Principle”, because we stand firmly on our principles. Libertarians strongly oppose any government interference into their personal, family, and business decisions.

Doesn't that contradict sharia?
Certain Somali nationalists think being proud of being Somali means hating on Madows. They spend more time calling blacks ******s and apes than taking pride in anything Somali. Wa yaab


Somali nationalism is a smokescreen, they are tribal animals and want their tribes to dispossess further these minorities of what little is left for them. Tribal Bililiqo via fake nationalism.
I'm sick and tired of these nationalist Somalis using this alt-right term. I mean this organization is solely for white people to separate themselves from other races. These people are literally our worse enemies in the west so I don't understand why people use their term?

If you're a Somali nationalist who happens to be proud, conservative and wishes ethnic purity then please just call yourself an identitarian. It means you're just looking out for your people and country instead of being a toxic racist loser because it's important to have a good relationship and good reputation with other people. That is what our deen and daqan teach us about.

@Apollo @CaliSomali @sigmund @Daughter of samaale @Ape @Ferrari @Pureblood @Sheikh @nine @Yaquub @xalimathe6 @RichEnoughForGucci @AarHawd_7 @Crow @Knowles @SOMALI GENERAL @GoldmanSachs @GBTarmy @Geeljire lotus @geeljire madaxweyne @EDsomali
Yeah bro we need to moderate. We don't have to throw slurs at Madows or Arabs or sing for them either. We need to differentiate between Somali jaceyl and racism and self hate there is a fine line between them. Laakiin cadaan iska jir
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