Somali identitarian is the future

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I’m a Somali nationalist and yet, I’m Somaliland, Puntland, MaakhirLand, HirShabelLand, BenadirLand, SouthWestLand and JubbaLand and I got foreign friends who will arm me if any of these Lands attack my land.

By a Somali nationalist
Capitalism wont work. We have oil and the jubba and shabele. By exploiting the countries resources under a tight and strict (gaddafi) like government, we can build free schools for any somali and healthcare. Nomads must be taught that grazing causes soil damage .nationalism and pride must be taught to youngsters at a young age and qabilist behaviour be punishable by the rope. TV should be government owned along with tight internet restrictions.

The reason i say this is because somali people are thick skulled nacases. They must wake up and smell the coffee. Im telling you know, capitalism only works on united and progressive people like germans. Not low iq somalis.
I actually would keep the qabil aspect of our dhaqan and make compulsory to have all four sides of your grandparents qabil on the passport. This i think will make the geeljire identity stronger than just a piece of paper. Btw i think qabil isn't really our problem it's just the best scape goat of our "leaders". look at israel and you would understand me.


Study Sunt Tzu’s, ‘Art of War’.
I actually would keep the qabil aspect of our dhaqan and make compulsory to have all four sides of your grandparents qabil on the passport. This i think will make the geeljire identity stronger than just a piece of paper. Btw i think qabil isn't really our problem it's just the best scape goat of our "leaders". look at israel and you would understand me.
1,000,000 dead. 2,000,000 fleeing, and another 14 million in poverty. They all died, in poverty, and immigrants because of qabilism. How dare you promote such a dividing factor? Your basically contradicting yourself. Our dhaqan is not ours. Clanship is based on arab thinking. Are we arabs? No. So we will scrap that and geel nomadic culture. I would publicly hang all qabilist leaders and mount their heads on spikes sxb.
1,000,000 dead. 2,000,000 fleeing, and another 14 million in poverty. They all died, in poverty, and immigrants because of qabilism. How dare you promote such a dividing factor? Your basically contradicting yourself. Our dhaqan is not ours. Clanship is based on arab thinking. Are we arabs? No. So we will scrap that and geel nomadic culture. I would publicly hang all qabilist leaders and mount their heads on spikes sxb.
Brother if you are going to assert such claims please provide a source. You need to take into account that qabil has a significance value in our dhaqan, without it what would stop the oromos claiming to be somali. If you want bieng somali to be reduced to a piece of paper then i dont agree with you.
Brother if you are going to assert such claims please provide a source. You need to take into account that qabil has a significance value in our dhaqan, without it what would stop the oromos claiming to be somali. If you want bieng somali to be reduced to a piece of paper then i dont agree with you.
Okey, let's weigh out the pros and cons of a qabil system. Convince me that it is good by referring to empirical evidence, and don't use arguments like "it is tradition". We can separate oromos from somalis the same way a norwegian can identify a swedish, or a german to a french. Very bad argument right there.


Study Sunt Tzu’s, ‘Art of War’.
Brother if you are going to assert such claims please provide a source. You need to take into account that qabil has a significance value in our dhaqan, without it what would stop the oromos claiming to be somali. If you want bieng somali to be reduced to a piece of paper then i dont agree with you.
Being somali has to do with genetics, knowing your culture (which is not qabilism) and knowing your tongue. Somalis got their clan behaviour from arabs and after the spread of islam. Most of us claim to be descendants of fake arab shiekhs who came to somalia. Wtf blud? Why would you do that? I belive somalia wouldve been an african power if we kept our old pre arab traditions and adopted islam


Study Sunt Tzu’s, ‘Art of War’.
Being somali has to do with genetics, knowing your culture (which is not qabilism) and knowing your tongue. Somalis got their clan behaviour from arabs and after the spread of islam. Most of us claim to be descendants of fake arab shiekhs who came to somalia. Wtf blud? Why would you do that? I belive somalia wouldve been an african power if we kept our old pre arab traditions and adopted islam
Also, if an oromo claimed somali. Ask for a passport.
The only place i want qabils in somalia to be in, is in the history books. So that the new generation of somali children, can learn how bad it was.:fittytousand:
Okey, let's weigh out the pros and cons of a qabil system. Convince me that it is good by refering to empirical evidence, and don't use arguments like "it is tradition". We can separate oromos from somalis the same way a norwegian can identify a swedish, or a german to a french. Very bad argument right there.
Okey, let's weigh out the pros and cons of a qabil system. Convince me that it is good by referring to empirical evidence, and don't use arguments like "it is tradition". We can separate oromos from somalis the same way a norwegian can identify a swedish, or a german to a french. Very bad argument right there.
My first empirical evidence would be Israel and about the norwegian and swedish thing you obviously wouldn't state that if you lived in sweden. may i ask where you live?


Study Sunt Tzu’s, ‘Art of War’.
Thanks for taking the bait. If you reduce somalino to just a passport why .really care about being one then?.
What do you mean? If somalia was to ever be stable, immigration to somalia should be illigal
My first empirical evidence would be Israel and about the norwegian and swedish thing you obviously wouldn't state that if you lived in sweden. may i ask where you live?
I live in norway and have stayed in sweeden for months dude. But your knowledge of israel is very flawed, different sects don't control different parts. The country is democratic and are controlled by the state. They have a merit based system also. The ashkenazi, the sephardic and the and the yemenite jews don't have seperate political representations in their politics. They are all jews in israel. In somalia, different clans controll the different parts, and each have a monopoly on their region. That is not a country that is division, dude
Thanks for taking the bait. If you reduce somalino to just a passport why really care about being one then?.
Btw i'm still waiting for a source.
What kind of shitty logic is that? No one is reducing anything, but that's how every country is operating, and we are by all consensus the worst country in the world, so it seems your perfect qalinst hellhole sucks.
Prohibiting migration is necessary for protecting somalis from kenyans and ethiopians.
That is actually 101. The U.S in the late 1800 and early 1900 stopped all forms of immigration, and economic influences so they could re-arange and build their economy. They became the richest country in the world, they had a big middleclass and people were richer then by capita, then today.
I live in norway and have stayed in sweeden for months dude. But your knowledge of israel is very flawed, different sects don't control different parts. The country is democratic and are controlled by the state. They have a merit based system also. The ashkenazi, the sephardic and the and the yemenite jews don't have seperate political representations in their politics. They are all jews in israel. In somalia, different clans controll the different parts, and each have a monopoly on their region. That is not a country that is division, dude
You misunderstood my point, what i mean is using the qabil just as identifier. That's why i said all four sides should be on the passport. I think this will weaken the qabilist mentality as it would show how intermixed we are, and I'm acctually against any qabil poltics weaher it be buntland, somaliland or xarland.


Study Sunt Tzu’s, ‘Art of War’.
That is actually 101. The U.S in the late 1800 and early 1900 stopped all forms of immigration, and economic influences so they could re-arange and build their economy. They became the richest country in the world, they had a big middleclass and people were richer then by capita, then today.
We need the country to not allow foriegn influences so the people grow without any interference
Socialism is riddled with atheism and the feminization of men. Look at the black American community, since welfare programs can more into play, the more single motherhood went up. The women are now married to the government. What is needed egalitarianism. Socialism only works short term. Also, the left is very anti nationalist. Most likely they only want socialism for the country as in pan africanism type.

Lol, sweetheart I don't think you know what you're talking about. Libertarianism, a term right-wingers stole from Anarchist Socialists, is basically just neo-feudalism fantasy for rich whites. It would be a terrible and completely absurd system of running a country. Socialism has yet to be implemented properly. The closest the world ever got to a truly socialist country was Republican Spain during the Spanish Civil war.
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