Somali History Appreciation Thread

Any regrets

  • No I'm a self hater

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I don't care
"The Land of Punt (Egyptian: pwnt; alternate Egyptological readings Pwene(t)[2]) was an ancient kingdom. A trading partner of Egypt, it was known for producing and exporting gold, aromatic resins, blackwood, ebony, ivory, and wild animals. The region is known from ancient Egyptian records of trade expeditions to it.[3] It is possible that it corresponds to Opone as later known by the ancient Greeks"

" In 2015, the scientists conducted a follow-up study to confirm their initial findings, and concluded that "our results reveal a high likelihood match with eastern Somalia and the Eritrea-Ethiopia corridor, suggesting that this region was the source of Papio hamadryas exported to Ancient Egypt."

we wuz puntites and shiet


"Mohammed Abdullah Hassan's Dervish State successfully repulsed the British Empire four times and forced it to retreat to the coastal region.[51] Due to these successful expeditions, the Dervish State was recognized as an ally by the Ottoman and German Empires. The Turksalso named Hassan Emir of the Somali nation,[52] and the Germans promised to officially recognize any territories the Dervishes were to acquire"

Im burning inside we could have been kings and shiet even the Aryan nation saw us as equals

every Somali nationalist cries to sleep every night lol

"By September 1977, the Somali army controlled 90% of the Ogaden, but was later forced to withdraw after Ethiopia's Derg received assistance from the USSR, Cuba, South Yemen, East Germany[71] and North Korea, including around 15,000 Cuban combat troops."

Be honest any regrets about our past

Post some more historical shiet so we can get depressed


thier are some regrets i wished we would have taken out ethiopia invaded attacked sudan wiped out the nilotes and inforced cushetic supremecy thier then invade egypt the jewel of the ancient world and created a longstanding empire in the known world who knows maybe somalia would be a completly diffrent country to what it is today
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