Somali Hijabi is a journalist for Canada's daily paper...

... She works for the Toronto Star. Say MashaALLAH. And her full name is 100% authentic Somali. Say MashaALLAH again!!

Osobe Waberi is a breaking news reporter, working out of the Star's radio room in Toronto. Osobe is a French-speaking fifth year student specializing in Journalism at the University of Toronto Scarborough and Centennial College. Before her gig at the Star she interned at CBC's as an Associate Producer at "Marketplace" and at VICE Canada as a news reporter, where she covered stories on housing, education, gun violence, the #MeToo movement and more. When not obsessing over what's happening around the world, her interest include yoga, dance, writing and reading poetry, listening to old jazz albums and having meaningful conversations with her melanated cat-daughter, which she swears her cat understands and will one day answer back.
She speaks English & French but not Somali. Not genuine authentic Somali then....
I hope she is a member her on sspot. Hey tdot ladies, do any of you this girl?


East African pastoralist. Cushite. Samaale.
She's Djiboutian. MJ aint native to Djibouti. Stick to your Ilhan & Ahmed Hussen, the pride parade cheerleaders.
Here is her uncle:
Abdourahman A. Waberi is a novelist, essayist, poet, academic and short-story writer from Djibouti. Wikipedia

SLanders need to stop claiming Djibouti SVP Isaaq aren’t native there either

General Asad

And What Is Not There Is Always More Than There.
Mashalaah mona is really becoming a Diane saywer type of respectable reporter walaahi i am impressed
She sounds really good. American accent and mannerisms down. She got it good with ABC, biggest tv network in the U.S.

The pervs have found her: Screenshot_2019-09-25-15-05-15.png


  • Screenshot_2019-09-25-15-05-15.png
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She's Djiboutian. MJ aint native to Djibouti. Stick to your Ilhan & Ahmed Hussen, the pride parade cheerleaders.
Here is her uncle:
Abdourahman A. Waberi is a novelist, essayist, poet, academic and short-story writer from Djibouti. Wikipedia

Your hatred of MJ is quite impressively consistent, full-time job.

Our maternal founder who gave us the name "Majeerteen", would be a Djibouti native today, she was Ciise.

I bet that hurts your soul.

