the "wahabis" are not letting me live in peaceI want to pm her "Yes I am a somali queer womxn who's having troubling accepting myself, i want to send you a friend request and talk more about this. the "wahabis"are not letting me live in peace"
What exactly is a womxn?
Woman with a male X monochrome looooooooooooooooool
I'm joining right now as a feminist lesbian butch with 6 cute kittensI can already see the trolls getting ready to join that group
Truss man they have always been fucked up. Only know do we see how much fucked up they areLoooool Somali girls are so funny man feminism really got them effed up
More washin that needs to be removed from our kids poor eyes
Cause they are al shaytan's workers since he is locked upwhy did they start their group in Ramadan?