Somali gabadh & her cadaan man in a new YouTube clip discussing ......

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I was wondering who got this almost dead thread from May back on the front page.

So you created this new account just for this, OP? And you're accusing people of being salty? , please!:reallymaury:


Wtf are you on about, you are the OP of this thread?! LOL!

I'm not whoever TF you think I am, and I comment wherever I please.
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OP = Orgasmic Platypus aka OctoPie, you fuckwit!

And you fucking numb-nut, I don't give a pregnant raccoon's leaky rectum where you comment; I was calling you out, you novice, imbecile troll.
Now shut the hell up and get my sandwich ready, biatch!


Orgasmic Platypus... LMAO. And what the everliving fxck is that...

And who fxcking asked you to survey my comments to call me on out them, ya fxcking sphincter scarring turd. Now go make a shit sandwich out of all that crap you scooted out from that aforementioned leaky rectum of yours, and learn to mind your own goddamn business.


Crawl back into whatever corner you came out from with your ill-put together conspiracy theories, you and your tinfoil hat, ya fxcking shitstain.
I knew it wouldn't that long to expose you, you cock-sucker. You can try that shit on others but not on me, ya fuckface.
Says the genius who has told me to 'Crawl back into whatever corner you came out from', referring to the fact I am not regular here and haven't posted for a while. Yeah right, you just joined the site and you already know what's up and who's who eh? Why take the pains the hide your other online identity and dig out some old shit, c*nt? Just be yourself and say whatever crap that's on your mind. And while you're at it, play with my balls, you scat-eating -licker.


"Crawl back into whatever corner you came from" is for ANY kind of scum, scum typically being found in corners, ya dipshit. IDK whatever the hell you're on about, or WTF your schedule is. Fxck off and find yourself a flesh-light after doubling down on that shit sandwich from earlier ya hungry, undersexed freak!


Heads high
Niggas stfu this shit's too good

Funny how four people commented straight away when they realized shit isn't going down any more. Fucking humans love drama! And here I was thinking it's a boring Saturday and create shit up for entertainment until people wake up and log in. It seems people were watching the drama silently. :dead:
Discontinued c*nt and vexed ho, my dick is up and ready. You two can choke on it any time, babes. Daddy is waiting. :king:
She said herself she has full Yemeni blood on her mother's side.

Yeah it turns out from the comment section that she is Brawani/Benadiri. She wasnt exactly ethnically Somali or full blooded Somali at least. But still is a shit site that misleads people.

Instead people should use as it has Horn of African refrence sample and wont lump you up randomly with other source populations.

Examples of Typical Somali DNA Test Results.


I removed the names for obvious reasons. As you can see from these examples our DNA is comfortably centered in the Horn of Africa. We have no Bantu or Middle-Eastern ancestry.
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