Somali Federalism Summit Hosted By Bulsho


The clowns arguing for Centralism or weak federalism are just arguing for it cause they know no-one will accept it so they can continue the stateless vacuum to pursue their loot interests.

Federalism and Centralism is measured on 'trade offs' on 'benefits vs losses' and Federalism has the least losses when balanced against the Somali historical/cultural/civil war narrative.

Centralism has been tried and led to state failure, it had no somali historical/cultural characteristic and was totally colonial inspired. It became tyrannical and was used to persecute or isolate clans/regions from economic development.

Those losses are to strong for the Somali public appetite and federalism with Puntland characteristic is the least worst model.


It doesn't matter who is president/pm in Mogadishu darod, hawiye, mj. I mean ANYONE who works outside the constitution or Puntland format state building architecture will face the same political conflict. PL and the SFG issue isn't a clan matter.




Faroole makes a good point that federalism is collapsing as they’ve been mini dictatorships.

With FGS this isn’t feasible as too many clans and states make up the FGS. Whereas with FMS you can hijack them quite easily as they’re less diverse



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Faroole makes a good point that federalism is collapsing as they’ve been mini dictatorships.

With FGS this isn’t feasible as too many clans and states make up the FGS. Whereas with FMS you can hijack them quite easily as they’re less diverse

Is medicine bad becuz of bad doctors? or democracy is bad becuz of failed democracies? come on you can't be so un-intelligent as not to distinquish the idea vs the human element. Federalism is a done deal and addresses all somali characteristics such as historical(pre colonial and colonial), post colonial and centralism experiment in civilian-kacaan, civil war, economic disparity, cultural, etc. No system addresss all that in every dimension or in somali lingo 'wejiyo kala duwan buu address gareeya more then any other system nothing comes close except secession but it has civil war pitfall like we saw in south sudan as a race 4 poweer may emerge, not internal focused unity, etc'.
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Is medicine bad becuz of bad doctors? or democracy is bad becuz of failed democracies? come on you can't be so un-intelligent as not to distinquish the idea vs the human element. Federalism is a done deal and addresses all somali characteristics such as historical(pre colonial and colonial), post colonial and centralism experiment in civilian-kacaan, civil war, economic disparity, cultural, etc. No system addresss all that in every dimension or in somali lingo 'wejiyo kala duwan buu address gareeya'.
Federalism is a done deal but not the model.

Upper House was yesterday discussing 7 different types of federalism. Some with a strong central government and others more on the confed side.

I believe with the way we’re headed we’ll be on the strong central government model



Federalism is a done deal but not the model.

Upper House was yesterday discussing 7 different types of federalism. Some with a strong central government and others more on the confed side.

I believe with the way we’re headed we’ll be on the strong central government model

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We should all lean towards a loose confederation first to establish trust not rush to a centralized format of federalism as it will reproduce the same failure of past systems. It doesnt address our culture either of clan independence, it is mimicking colonial legacy and post independent govt(civilian and kacaan) which led to power abuses, economic isolation, lack of competition, it can lead to centralized collapse. The negativity of a central leaning federalism are far more then a loose confederation especially considering we are re-emerging from a civil war context.

But what is being discussed in the South doesn't really effect any pre-sfg existing govt IE - PL/SL, so let them hold whatever discussion or pass laws as it doesn't have any jurisdiction constitutionally in the federal and regional constitutions.


We should all lean towards a loose confederation first to establish trust not rush to a centralized format of federalism as it will reproduce the same failure of past systems. It doesnt address our culture either of clan independence, it is mimicking colonial legacy and post independent govt(civilian and kacaan) which led to power abuses, economic isolation, lack of competition, it can lead to centralized collapse. The negativity of a central leaning federalism are far more then a loose confederation especially considering we are re-emerging from a civil war context.

But what is being discussed in the South doesn't really effect any pre-sfg existing govt IE - PL/SL, so let them hold whatever discussion or pass laws as it doesn't have any jurisdiction constitutionally in the federal and regional constitutions.
Haye when FGS starts collecting taxes in South-Central Somalia and split them with those states don’t complain they are richer than you because they are financially backed by the FGS and you don’t receive a penny


@bidenkulaha what u think of my topic about federal funding models which addresses issues of taxes, aid, debt taken in somali name assessing it with dimensional aspect such as allocating more funding to stronger good governance areas as it won't be looted, return on investment, and addressing historical inequality in economic disparity where regions taxes, aid, debt was used to isolate them and only build Mogadishu. We can create a formula with weights applied to those variables to ensure funding allocation is the closest to justice or at least regions 'ranked' on it based on scores.



@bidenkulaha remember my hybrid federalism model solution, we don't need to all have the same status and relationship with the federal govt across all Somalia. South-Central can have it's centralized federalism, while PL enjoy a hong kong higher autonomy status in a '2 system 1 nation model'. Think 'hybrid' federalism not '1 model federalism'.


@bidenkulaha remember my hybrid federalism model solution, we don't need to have relationship with the federal govt across all Somalia. South-Central can have it's centralized federalism, while PL enjoy a hong kong higher autonomy status in a '2 system 1 nation model'. Think 'hybrid' federalism not '1 model federalism'.
All of Somalia should have the same model. We will wait for you to come to your senses


All of Somalia should have the same model. We will wait for you to come to your senses

Well that's the conflict the hamar boys have a federal model that has capital city characteristic, while PL has a regional first characteristic, a hybrid model like china/hong kong relationship can address the capital vs regionalism extreme positions as a middle ground and 'tanasul' on both sides. Or else we will go back n forth with no settlement. Heck PL may even accept a duration time imposed like 99 years to evaluate the south system from 'outside' perspective and on milestones achieved such as

1. Local satisfication and public trust/confidencee
2. International confidence universally and coming outside halane shipping containers
3 Socio-economic development
4. Rule of Law, Good governancee, institutions, and lack of corruption or power abuse
5. Security

We can even do interval 25 year generational reviews on those milestones achieved as a 'safe merge' into federalism model and not hybrid model, untill it's achived PL can continue in it's hybrid federalism model. Once the time expires, PL/SFG can extend it for another 99 years, merge, or discuss separation.

This ensures we dont have rushed secession like south sudan and the I.C can observe PL govt under hybrid model in comparison to the South Central format or it can lead to I.C having confidence in PL secession due it's performance, it can also protect PL from state collapse as the SFG can save us if they succeed and PL doesnt. U r like all Somalis hal meel uu dhaca extremely and that comes with extreme risk/consequences also.


@bidenkulaha we not putting our 'eggs' into 1 basket as you seek, we tried that and seen where it leads to. Plus even business ppl dont practise such thing and promote diversfication to mitigate all their eggs in 1 basket collapsing. PL waa maqaam ka duwan koonfurta iyo dawlada federalka ceeb ma aha, it means we dont have to put our eggs in one basket, infact if PL succeeds it will help the south, if south succeed with their format, they can save PL. It's mutual survival wallahi
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@bidenkulaha your view is us vs them, PL view is adigu jir anigu aan jire. It's possibly why our leaders don't see eye to eye, we feel thru diversification if PL succeeds, it will help the south, and it expects if PL fails, the south does the same. But u don't seem to see things thru this lense nor your leaders as you think PL has the same political outlook as the south due to hatred which is not true. We just want PL to be the best ceeb ma aha, it doesnt mean we have any ill will towards others and what they do. Loving one own doesnt mean I have to hate you, that's destructive clannism and langaabs present that symptom.

