Somali dinner is delicious

Just had an amazing pasta macaroni for dinner. Want to send my love out to all the good sisters giving it their all to make delicious food for the fam.

Y'all the mvp walahi



Arabist| Akh-Right Movement|احب الملكات العرب
Just had an amazing pasta macaroni for dinner. Want to send my love out to all the good sisters giving it their all to make delicious food for the fam.

Y'all the mvp walahi

I can't lie they make good food mashallah


Been there, done that
I'm guessing this 'sand' you speak of is a common staple food in Somalia?
No but hundreds of underpaid or never get paid migrant workers who die of heat stress due to being overworked is a common arab staple


To each their own
Unpopular opinion but I prefer my father's cooking compared to either my mother's or sister's cooking.
Somalian staple of food is oxygen akhi kkkk
Horta adiga why are you such a Arab d1ck sucking weirdo? No sane Somali or even human being that has a functioning brain agrees with you. No Somali also says “somalian” kick rocks you hairy goat fucking dabaal. We proud Cushites over here!

