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Prince of East Africa
We are the original somali people! most of somalis look like us but they try to act like they are better than us!
Somali qabil legend/myth dont make you arabs or anything else. how can one arab man come to somalia and father a whole tribe?
wasnt his wife local Madow women? its all a fairytale, we share religion thats it!
why dont other african countries who are closer to arabs claim they descend from arabs?
self hating somalis, claim you got light skin and small nose haha
Somalis orginated from the north.Bantus were never in the northern part of the horn.You won't find them in Somaliland,Djoubiti,Ethiopia or Eritrea.All these nations have cushite ancestry as dominant with some Nilotic people and Semites.The only place Bantus are found in the horn is south Somalia.Original Somali my ass! Since when did Bantus speak an AfroAsiatic Language???
Somalis orginated from the north.Bantus were never in the northern part of the horn.You won't find them in Somaliland,Djoubiti,Ethiopia or Eritrea.All these nations have cushite ancestry as dominant with some Nilotic people and Semites.The only place Bantus are found in the horn is south Somalia.Original Somali my ass! Since when did Bantus speak an AfroAsiatic Language???

He is trolling.
Somalis know good and well by now that we are not related to Arabs. And we are not related to the Bantu either. There is no apartheid going on. They have to be indigenous to Somalia and usurped by it for that to happen. And the Bantu are not from Somalia, they don't speak a cushitic or nilotic language. They share a closer genetic connection to West Africans both linguistically and to some respect culturally. And unlike other cushitic or etho-semetic groups like the Ethiopians, we don't look like them. Compared to other countries the Bantu aren't treated that badly. I would wager Somalis treat Bantus in Somalia better than Bantus treat Somalis in South Africa and Kenya respectively.They have plenty of farmland to cultivate their crops. They only lack political participation. However, I sense a deep resentment from them for not being fully included into the Somali ethnic fold. To the point we have charlatans online claiming Bantu had their land taken from them by invader cushites. Or that Somalis are self-hating and adopted foreigners as their tribal patriarchs (the few that think so are made into laughing stocks). For instance, Hawiye and Dir blatantly reject this. They certainly do not bring up such hogwash. And both of these names are Somali and have a history in the Somali peninsual (Including K5). I don't know much about Issaq and Darood tribal orgins so I can't speak for them. What I do know is that you don't make religious scholars into clan heads. And from what I've noticed most Issaqs and Daroods on this site reject the Arab myth. This has no historic foundation. In fact, it could be that while Somalis are trying to outdo each other and even bring their brothers down, despite belonging to the same ethnic family, during this time the Bantu will galvanize their collective forces, increase their numbers and take over the South. If we don't do something about our petty tribal differences and clamp down on sellout politicians that have the political vision of a bat, then we will become obsolete. These half-wits are morally bankrupt when it comes to collective good of Somali people and they will ruin us if we continue to give them a carte blanche.


You have these idiotic SJW Somalis who want to constantly disparage us for claiming to be Arab, despite the fact that not a single Somali that I know actually believes himself to be related to Arabs in any way.

And regarding those few idiotic Somalis who claim to be descended from it possible that in my genetic line, I might have one or two Arabs if I search back the last 1000 years? Yeah, it's technically possible but it doesn't mean anything. It's just as possible for me to have a couple of Hindus or Persians or Nilotes or Berbers or others in my genetic line but it means absolutely nothing. We're still 99.9% Horn African Somali.

I'm a Horn African Somali Cushite and my people existed for thousands of years before we ever interacted with Bantus or Arabs or any other foreign group of people. Yet these low-IQ Somalis don't seem to realize how lucky we are as a people to be so ethnically homogeneous and they want to forfeit that. I'm thoroughly disgusted with them.
Somalis orginated from the north.Bantus were never in the northern part of the horn.You won't find them in Somaliland,Djoubiti,Ethiopia or Eritrea.All these nations have cushite ancestry as dominant with some Nilotic people and Semites.The only place Bantus are found in the horn is south Somalia.Original Somali my ass! Since when did Bantus speak an AfroAsiatic Language???

I've said this before, and I'll say it again.

As soon as the Bantus grow large enough in number, you will hear more and more of them claiming to be the original pure Somalis, while the idiotic SJW Somalis like @AbdiJohnson will nod their heads and agree with them.


Keeping it Real Since 01/01/90
Why do you care it's not like you live in Somalia. Aren't you someone else's racial burden :rollseyes:

That point is irrelevant. We see ourselves as guests in the west not permanent settlers. We are also no burden if we contribute to taxes and make an honest living. I speak for myself and similar others. Same could be said for you. Bantus want to insidiously expand their already large geographic reach of Africa further into the horn, give it some time and that place will look like Kenya.


It doesn't matter how you see yourself, what matters is what's happening in practice. You live in someone else's country, you have the same rights as them and full nationality. It doesn't matter what you call it, you're submerged.

Somali Bantus don't get freebies. When taxes are introduced they'll pay taxes just like anyone else.

As for Bantus expanding their land, we all know how they came to Somalia. There was no Bantu Columbus or pilgrim story. They were slaves. Who cares if they now claim to be indigenous to the land, if you were in their shoes you'd say the same thing to avoid adoonimo. It's also a racist thing to say. Ethiopians resemble us more than any other African but we hate their guts and vice versa. Why do you link Somali Bantu and adoons of Kenya who don't speak their language or share their religion?

Land of Punt

Punt is an cushtic empire located in the horn
It doesn't matter how you see yourself, what matters is what's happening in practice. You live in someone else's country, you have the same rights as them and full nationality. It doesn't matter what you call it, you're submerged.

Somali Bantus don't get freebies. When taxes are introduced they'll pay taxes just like anyone else.

As for Bantus expanding their land, we all know how they came to Somalia. There was no Bantu Columbus or pilgrim story. They were slaves. Who cares if they now claim to be indigenous to the land, if you were in their shoes you'd say the same thing to avoid adoonimo. It's also a racist thing to say. Ethiopians resemble us more than any other African but we hate their guts and vice versa. Why do you link Somali Bantu and adoons of Kenya who don't speak their language or share their religion?

so its now racist to claim that we indeed share the same blood as other horner groups,:drakewtf:

also, you claim the ones in kenya are adoon but the ones in somali are not????????

are you ok in the head? because they are the same thing, they are both external bantus who are not native to the horn

the best thing we can do is deport every single one back to their homeland


No it's racist to say that Somali Bantu are working with Kenya to expand into Somalia just because they're genetically close. The big picture is non-existent. They came as slaves a long time ago so there's no Bantu plot.

Yes because Kenyans smell of excrement and body odour. They live in slums. Somali Bantu don't stink and they're clean people.


What if an cadaan person said we faked the civil war so we could come to the West and Ethiopia was in on it.


Keeping it Real Since 01/01/90
It doesn't matter how you see yourself, what matters is what's happening in practice. You live in someone else's country, you have the same rights as them and full nationality. It doesn't matter what you call it, you're submerged.

Somali Bantus don't get freebies. When taxes are introduced they'll pay taxes just like anyone else.

As for Bantus expanding their land, we all know how they came to Somalia. There was no Bantu Columbus or pilgrim story. They were slaves. Who cares if they now claim to be indigenous to the land, if you were in their shoes you'd say the same thing to avoid adoonimo. It's also a racist thing to say. Ethiopians resemble us more than any other African but we hate their guts and vice versa. Why do you link Somali Bantu and adoons of Kenya who don't speak their language or share their religion?

I don't understand how being in the west has anything to do Bantus in Somalia.These western nations choose to receive immigrants and refugees, since their replacement rate is low. They could have said no. Somalia isn't a pluralistic nation with as many heterogeneous groups. It's more than 85% Somali, no nation can boast about such homogeneity in Africa but a few. And the population increase of the Somali Bantu has something to do with a having a higher birth rate than Somalis. How could they jump from under 35,000 to a million. They are now 1/10th of the population. If they continue unabated, they may become a majority and so the usurpation of Somalis will begin. They also have access to farm land which bolsters their numbers.

Thanks for the dislikes .5s. :nvjpqts:
I don't understand how being in the west has anything to do Bantus in Somalia.These western nations choose to receive immigrants and refugees, since their replacement rate is low. They could have said no. Somalia isn't a pluralistic nation with as many heterogeneous groups. It's more than 85% Somali, no nation can boast about such homogeneity in Africa but a few. And the population increase of the Somali Bantu has something to do with a having a higher birth rate than Somalis. How could they jump from under 35,000 to a million. They are now 1/10th of the population. If they continue unabated, they may become a majority and so the usurpation of Somalis will begin. They also have access to farm land which bolsters their numbers.

Thanks for the dislikes .5s. :nvjpqts:

He doesn't seem to understand this important point. Somalis are as homogeneous as the Japanese and Koreans....and we should be proud of our uniformity as a people.

The Nigerians on the other hand, are enormously different and they speak hundreds of different languages. The same can be said for Indians and Congolese and other nationalities.

Somalia was blessed by having one ethnic group dominating a single country with a single people, yet we want to forfeit this blessing in the name of political correctness. SMH


The West agreed to take us in but we took Somali Bantu in under less auspicious circumstances. All they're doing 'wrong' is having children. How evil is this logic. Believe it or not Europe gets less white by the day but we'd cry foul if they started deporting us to keep their homogeneity.
The West agreed to take us in but we took Somali Bantu in under less auspicious circumstances. All they're doing 'wrong' is having children. How evil is this logic. Believe it or not Europe gets less white by the day but we'd cry foul if they started deporting us to keep their homogeneity.

Actually, I'd completely understand if Europeans were to halt all immigration and send back their migrants.

Whats fair is fair.


Why don't you go one step further and advocate for mass deportation seeing as it's oh so very important to you. It must hurt to live like a hypocrite, make that change and start with yourself.
Why don't you go one step further and advocate for mass deportation seeing as it's oh so very important to you. It must hurt to live like a hypocrite, make that change and start with yourself.

I don't live in Europe.

But if the traitorous Swedish and Danish politicians want to bring in large numbers of Arabs and Africans into their country then that's their decision to make, not ours.

One can already see the social unrest that's arising as a result of this stupid policy. They're paying the price for their own mistakes, so why should we Somalis make the same mistakes as they?


But would you feel differently if America started deporting African Americans to Ghana? Because it's the same thing.
But would you feel differently if America started deporting African Americans to Ghana? Because it's the same thing.

That's different. America was originally in the possession of various Native tribes, who have been virtually annihilated over the last 500 years. The Europeans don't have any more claim to the country than the Africans. It's a unique situation.


Ours is also unique. They didn't want to be in Somalia, they were kidnapped and enslaved. Two centuries later you want them to back where? Congo is no longer their home, they'll be discriminated against and they don't know a damn thing about that country. Why should they leave Somalia which for all it's faults is their only home? How about repatriation of white people in the Americas back to Europe? Would that seem rational to you?
Ours is also unique. They didn't want to be in Somalia, they were kidnapped and enslaved. Two centuries later you want them to back where? Congo is no longer their home, they'll be discriminated against and they don't know a damn thing about that country. Why should they leave Somalia which for all it's faults is their only home? How about repatriation of white people in the Americas back to Europe? Would that seem rational to you?

Most Bantus in Somalia were actually brought over to work in the farms by Italian colonists, and they retained their original language and culture as well. They can pinpoint exactly where in Tanzania and Mozambique they originally came from. In fact, both countries specifically requested their return and is offering them citizenship.

You should know this you fool.
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