Somali Army Snipers

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As usual 'id00r' training behind the 8 ball, Puntland also has snipers, now so does Mogadishu. @Saalax Bidaar @Bohol all the jeegaan kids ran to get their adeers to do a sniper show or any training and they replied 'war ciidan manahin we just get collected from the xafad' we wouldnt know how to shoot these damn things properly. They hide that conversation

Caare is being given superior training at his qardho base and 'id00r' were stunned at the accuracy of the kills, something none of their soldiers are capable of.
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That is even more deadlier then puntland snipers, cause someone was actually standing there and it actually went thru the bottle



This ain't a trick-shot I watched it closely. U can clearly see the bottle has fallen at 0:20 right after the shot, there was no camera movement, the shot was taken and the camera is in place to show the bottle falling. Majerten never lie see @Saalax Bidaar @Sheikh @nine @Dues Ex Machete

Follow the shot from 0:16 to 0:20, the camera was never changed around the bullet was discharged and the bottle fell. Hawiye please come in to explain why you faking shots? putting holes in bottle and claiming the person took a clear shot? low expertise in mogadishu also



@Libaaxseendheer good observation the water is still in the bottle, it should exploded because of the velocity of the bullet and then 'leaked' water thru the hole. Scientifically it's impossible what the hawiye are claiming. They actually fooled me? plus I even think there was a 'hole' prepared beforehand and it wasn't the bullet as we can scientifically examine the shape of a bullet travelling velocity speeds, that looks like it was cut was knife because of the edges that are clearly demonstrated.

Hawiye are always typical losers and lying and creating fake media everyhwere, they can't survive in somali politics like this if u don't lift up your game and do the proper way nor the moryan way and lying.

This ain't a trick-shot I watched it closely. U can clearly see the bottle has fallen at 0:20 right after the shot

@Libaaxseendheer good observation the water is still in the bottle, it should exploded because of the velocity of the bullet and then 'leaked' water thru the hole. Scientifically it's impossible what the hawiye are claiming. They actually fooled me? plus I even think there was a 'hole' prepared beforehand and it wasn't the bullet as we can scientifically examine the shape of a bullet travelling velocity speeds, that looks like it was cut was knife because of the edges that are clearly demonstrated.

Hawiye are always typical losers and lying and creating fake media everyhwere, they can't survive in somali politics like this if u don't lift up your game and do the proper way nor the moryan way and lying.
also the dust in the back disappears like a poor photoshop job. Gota give em to them :samwelcome: they fooled alot of people. Pysocological propaganda is strong but without strongbase its just gonna come back to you
Also the guy is obviously downhill and the shooter doesnt adjust the ak by tilting it . itsfacing its just straight ahead. Forget about the bottle it went over his head


Also the guy is obviously downhill and the shooter doesnt adjust the ak by tilting it . itsfacing its just straight ahead. Forget about the bottle it went over his head

@Libaaxseendheer my father is adamant we need to cut deals with the HY, they were smart people they got good tradition and culture in erigavo which is like the ancient greece where all somalis source their wisdom. They never were going to leave Somalia sxb because their elders know the traditions and ceebta ka soo raci kartay but jeegaan defeated them and hold them hostage to 'english boqor' in london and it's violations of somali xeer/islam to say somali baan iska xoraynaya, because it means your not somali and u will need to prove who u r in terms of your religion and in terms of your ancestory. The whole reason the sayid warred with these people was so they don't bow to this english queen and they went back to it. HY has always been furious in that state and feel like their gobonimo and honor is being tarnished by JEEGAAN. Somali oo Somali iska xoraynayso is disgusting and unheard of in somali history. Muslim iska xoraynayo muslim xitaa lama arag aduunka. Wax baan badelaya waa war kale lakin waan isxoraynaya, people of the old generation, way yaqyaqsoodan. We are lucky our elders are allowed to input to keep our nacas in our clan from taking power, we had nacas too buu yiri at our shir in 98 but we kept them down about a majertenia project based on majertenia sultanate iyo intanan wax laysku darsan anaga iyo koonfur. Waa layska gabtay and they were not allowed to attend iyaga wata wax walbo sida treatygi horey talyani, cadaymihi meeshay gaartay boqortoyada, UN records of our independence, waa laga turay shirka dhinaceena cusman mahmud ahan looma dirin shirka garowe ka socotay oo harti isku heeshiyay.

They even came with proof saying dir iyo darod somali weeye iyo wax aan la garanaynin proving other tribes are not pure somalis therefore gaal baan iska xoraynayna bay ku doodayeen so we aint leaving somali but leaving gaalo. So he said even our independence movements were smarter then them but we still rejected it because there is some true somalians there like abgaal oo la hubo.

The kings and Caare are in discussions to restore Somaliland back to it's rightful owner oo og sida ragga loola hadlo but the state is hostage to jeegaan. Beel walbo ergadisa buu diray sxb and osman mahmud waxay direen kooda midnimada aminsana si aysan tarikhda naga wasaqobiin because somalidu wala ganaxa based on 91 waxaa lagu yirahda 'so ki maadan ahayn adigu' sida ali khalif la yirahdo marku dhacay mareeray warshadeeda, he will never be able to rule a proper somalia that man. Same with all habar gedir and jeegan(for they exposed themselves and looted somali airlines and other big assets).

dee sxb had aadan ti qaranka ilalinaynin, lama ogolanayo in wax hada la waydiyo. He said the moryans are in charge the real people haven't bothered yet till they see 'kuwi la yiqin' oo la hubo waxay yihine.

See here this gabay
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HY way og yihin waqoyi waxaa ka soo bixi doono waa iyaga oo la hubo inay somali dacad yihin, lakin jeegaan bay ka socon waydee oo ganax la saari doono mustaqbalka somalia 'siiba habar awal iyo habar jecle' kkkkk. He ain't losing shit and any isaaq wax noqonayo waa isaga and they know but jeegaan are furious and never want to see that because they bad mistake.

Here abdilahi told them in 'secret' way. kkk

Listen to the 2:30 mark. Way ku 'deg-degeen' buu yiri, abdillahi knows ceebta haysta kkk but he didn't tell them directly, somalida waa diplomatic si aan loo ceebaynin oo umada kale ay 'fahman' oo kala fogaadan somalidu.

See how he says 'war meeshu biladu somaal' kkkkk yaa iska xoraynaysa weeye kkk which is code word ma gaal ba tahay adigu. Then at the 2:40 habar yonis buu xusay kkkk, he knows they ancient elders la hubo kkk. Then abdillahi said your trying to use 'force' to take HY to english boqor, you need send your HY oo aan is fahamayno buu yiri oo yaqan sida ragga loola hadlo because we are KINGZZZZZZZZZZZZ..

My father said he is the only man siyasi ah from 91 till now, u send coded messages to the ppl wax fahmayo oo umada jahliga dalka joggo aysan uu fahmaynin si aanu arintu si kala fogaan. Its all about diplomacy

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That's why we hated farole, siyasi ma aha niyahow, ninka amanayo somaliland, cade waa aragtay never he can such thing wuu hadla boqorkisa, abdillahi waa aragta wuu la hadla islankisa. Nimanka uun weeye oo laga nixi jiray waxay somaliland uu sheegayeen marku farole joggay. Islanka isse mahmud gob buu ahaa oo yaqano lakin wuu dhintay intananu farole iman.

Listen at 4:29 mark, haday wax caqli gal aysan garanaynn maxay garanayan? waa sucal ku taal sxb taa? u have to prove your argument to somali elders oo caqli uu sheegta.

4:27 mark abdillahi makes it clear somali ba kugu soo duulayso because xeerki somaliyeed waa ka baxday, boqor engris hos fadhisa gaal waa tahay, wa arinti sayidka weeye ba dhacayso, war nimanka hy hikmada way fahman wa kuwa jeegaanta xoolaha ah.

My father loves abdillahi yusuf, he is old school politician. Saas ayaa la hadli jiray si aan somalida la kala fogaysin oo diplomatically wax laysku sheegi jiray hawiyana lama garanaynine saa ayaa lagu qarin jirey.

Look at 4:10 mark also its clearly saying HY qaran ba rabo ee somalia yaysan dawlad ka dhalan bay ku heeshiyeen jeegaan with shabab and all that. Osman mahmud is only friends with HY in sanaag waa dad la yaqan tarikhda, we know the truth we have elders thats why. We promised them we will fight hard to bring the capital of somalia to erigavo and thats why farole said to hamar weli lagama heeshin casimada somalia iyo maqaamkeeda ee arintu way isbadeli karta hadi federal xoogan la diido oo hamar la dacif ka soo bixin meesha
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Wallahi arinta hamar ayaa mashqilo badan keenayso hadi loo ansixiyo casimada somalia waa balan ka bax aan ku samaynee habar yonis oo runti istahilo casimada somalia oo nabadaye oo nabada ka jirtana aan ka jirin meel kale oo somali isku wada nool yihin, dhaqan iyo isimo bay lee yihin oo somali aysan ka cabsi gabin inay noqdan sidan xoolaha moryaanka gaalka ah oo isirkisa aan la aqoon ee habar gedir. Hadi erigavo aysan casimad noqon we have to work another agreement oo HY dalka madax ka noqdo marki arinta somaliland la soo afjaro gooni goosadka. Where-as farole jeegaan buu gacanta la galay yuckkkkkkkk taa buu ku ceeboobay odaygu. Ama laba casimad ba soo baxayso, half iyo half. erigavo iyo mogadishu halka inta galkacyo illa hargeisa casimadasi bay ku jirayan. Wayna qorshuhu badhan waa ujeeda. Two capitals is a good idea to ensure the hamar boys are checked off and half the population invest in ergavo and live there not with these baboons in hamar.

Kalsooni iyo midnimo jecel ma imanayo illa hamar casimad tahay runti weeye taas waa layska indha tiraya.

Dadka hore ma raban hamar sxb wayna ka digan carurtooda
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Everyone will be confident with Erigavo capital because they know they have good elders and saladiin and their moryaans meel bay farisiyan sida beelaha kale ee puntland. Ma aha in abgaal lagu xumaynayo casimada waa dad gob ah weeye tarikh leh, odayo leh, oo dhiig iyo balaayo uu daatay inay moryantan ka gabtan dalka. Lakin moryantani illa uu hamar joggo, lama aadayo ssxb he is the problem ay somali isku raci la'dahay mana iska gabanayan dee.

Hadi habar gedir koonfurta laga saari lahaa oo raadkooda laga waayi laha iyo hubkooda iyo jambalkooda ay furtan sida alitihaad iyo dahir aways iyo shabab iyo cayrow iyo wallahi beri ayaa dalki dhan soo noqon laha.


shut up @Dues Ex Machete abgaal isnt the problem with the old generation, si fican ayaa looga hadla iyo gobanimadooda iyo xeer somaliyeed ilalinteeda, way ka yara xumatay iyo nimanki ka yara xumayay ba weli meesha fadhiya oo mashruc kala duwan ka hirgeliya koonfurta somalia. He said abgaal maxkamidihi waxaa mashruc watay waa habar gedir wuuna ku jiray ileen beenti yareed ku aqriyay again kkk darodna ayaa marka yiri war madax ha laga dhigo abgaal, wayna ka soo baxeen sheikh sharif waqtikeedu. Markas shabab goostay asaga iyo cayrow oo fahmay abgaal waa ka baxay.

All mashruc kasto somalia iyaga wata nimanka habar gedir. Al-itihaad iyo dahir aways, usc iyo hawiyenimo oo hamar lagu degay waana hirgalay, irir iyo snm, walalaha galgaduud iyo marehan oo jubbayoinka lagu degi laha ma hirgelin si fican kkkk waana ka ciilan yahay. Hisbiyada damjadiid iyo waxasi iyaga wato oo sheikhaal ku shaqaysto in gudaha dawlada lagu carqaladayo, hada hisbiga ayaa xumaday mid kale bay la yimadeen kan hassan sheikh kkkk si carqaladaynta halkeedi lagu si wado. Haday taasi si socoto, casimada mustaqbalkeeda ayaa khatar ku jiro oo erigavo loo wareejin doono waana balan osman mahmud iyo hy galay waagi hore.

Abgaal isaga dhulka is-dhigay abahay baa dhaha oo dadkeedi horey aanan joggin oo lagu dilay dagaalka afarta bilood. Dont worry casimada somalia arinteedu ayaa gacanta ka baxayso abgaal hadi aysan nimankasi habar gedir oo babiciyay ka soo harin.

My father when he hears galmudug ba la dilay wuxu yirahda 'xalki waa dhow yahay'
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Everyone will be confident with Erigavo capital because they know they have good elders and saladiin and their moryaans meel bay farisiyan sida beelaha kale ee puntland. Ma aha in abgaal lagu xumaynayo casimada waa dad gob ah weeye tarikh leh, odayo leh, oo dhiig iyo balaayo uu daatay inay moryantan ka gabtan dalka. Lakin moryantani illa uu hamar joggo, lama aadayo ssxb he is the problem ay somali isku raci la'dahay mana iska gabanayan dee.

Hadi habar gedir koonfurta laga saari lahaa oo raadkooda laga waayi laha iyo hubkooda iyo jambalkooda ay furtan sida alitihaad iyo dahir aways iyo shabab iyo cayrow iyo wallahi beri ayaa dalki dhan soo noqon laha.
Wxaas whax next 20 years dhacaayo ma aha. Hawiye halka whax oo ey heestaan waa caasimadaas. Hadey puntland yeesho galmudug hirshabelle ayaan yeeleyn. Lakin baybakool iyo jubba iney yeelaan baa lagayaabaa oo 3/5 majority win xukumo vaasimad cusub


The older generation just say 'war hg weli ma jogga' hamar hadi haa tirahdo, war xalku ma dhowa, casimad cusub ha laga hadle kkkk iyo odayasheena aan u gayno qorsho kale.


Wxaas whax next 20 years dhacaayo ma aha. Hawiye halka whax oo ey heestaan waa caasimadaas. Hadey puntland yeesho galmudug hirshabelle ayaan yeeleyn. Lakin baybakool iyo jubba iney yeelaan baa lagayaabaa oo 3/5 majority win xukumo vaasimad cusub

May waa HY laga rabay inay gacanta ku dhigan waqoyi kadib heeshishki naga dhaxayay anaga iyo hy waagi ay cade soo dhowayeen ayaa ahaa in waqoyi loo doodo casimada somalia ama ugu yaaran casimada la qaybsado awoodahisa. Lakin waxay ka socon la'dahay dhinacooda inay gacanta ku dhigan somaliland kkkk oo buuxiyan casimada somalia oo runti noqonaysa shuruda ay ku xiri doonan soo noqosho waqoyi ee somalia. Darod dhan ba taageerayso waa balan bala yiri waxana hawiye loo sheegayo nooc kale somali iskuma soo noqon karto kkkkkk thats it habar gedir halkasi haku dhintee.

That's not the problem, hawiye wax ma diidi kare waxgarad maba gaban manta iyo dadki hore oo cilmigi ay lahayeen ka nixi lahayd, there like habar gedir oo basekooda la jebiyay waana sidu rabay in dhulka abgaal lala gaalo oo la simo baseka habar gedir iyagu oo manta habar gedir ba ku shaqaysta marku doono, ee caqliga waxaa lagu dilay dagaalki afarta bilood wayna og yihin. Iyo habar yonis bay ka socon la'dahay qorshaha somaliland lagu soo celin laha somalia oo buuxin laha casimada kkkk i didnt want to tell u the whole agreement thats personal oo odayasha ku heeshiyeen 2002ki.

We are in hamar because meel kale lama aadi karo lakin somaliland oo hy ka taliso oo somalia la hadlayso, waxaa imanayo caqli iyo wax la garan karo in casimada ugu haboon somalia inay noqoto erigavo ileen labo beelood ba joggo oo hubaysan ma aha sida meelaha kale oo marti lagu yahay, wayna is jecel yihin wayna wada nooladan. waa cajiib aan la arkin oo cade ka yaabisay. Marka way naga adkaadeen hy oo caqli bay noo sheegan oo afkeena iska xiranay inay istahilan casiamda somalia oo ay yihin saldhiga dhaqanka somaliyeed.
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