Sober life

I haven't drank alcohol in a month and and I feel better than ever, I'll probably keep it this way for life. Shit just drains you of energy and vitality and makes you complacent and stupid. It's worse than some illegal substances, yet its glorified all over. God definitely bans what is harmful 😳.


Maa ana waalan mise cadan baa laga heesayaa?
It’s poison your liver and health will thank you. I always thought it’s strange how people peer pressure others to drink when it bring nothing but misery in long run. Weird societal norm. How did you get introduced to it if you don’t mind me asking


Never had a sip of it. I smoked weed in grade 9 though. I could easily tolerate it but I always forgot where I was driving to. I kept making a u turn every two minutes.


I haven't drank alcohol in a month and and I feel better than ever, I'll probably keep it this way for life. Shit just drains you of energy and vitality and makes you complacent and stupid. It's worse than some illegal substances, yet its glorified all over. God definitely bans what is harmful 😳.
I used to not care about Somalis with addictions but that is changing. I think they have more potential than what we have going on.

