So how did Somalia become Muslim and when did it happen?


We can't really know how Somalis came to be Muslims, but I think it was a gradual process and Islam most probably entered Somalia from the direction of Yemen.


“Happy people have no history” - Leo Tolstoy
As the Sahabah made Hijrah to Abyssinia, they undoubtedly passed through modern-day Somalia. As they traversed the land, they set up base in Saylac, established a Masjid (Masjid Qiblatain) and from there Islam spread. Therefore, Islam came to Somalis way before any other nations other than those living in the Arabian Peninsula, Alhamdullilah

Below is a page from a book by Ibn Jawzi called The Virtues of Blacks and Abyssinians. It shows some of the conversations the Sahabah had with the Abyssinians. The one that sticks out is the second line: “I heard ‘Ikrimah say that Taha in the Abyssinian language means: “Say, O man”. This is identical to how we say “Say” to a group of people (dhehaa). This is one of many examples to illustrate how the Abyssinia is not just modern day Ethiopia, but all of the Horn. Given our lands aren’t mountainous and we are nomads, it is far easier to spread Dawah unlike Ethiopia (although it is a double-edged sword as those very mountains is one of the main reasons why they weren’t colonialised).

Garaad diinle

 
The one that sticks out is the second line: “I heard ‘Ikrimah say that Taha in the Abyssinian language means: “Say, O man”. This is identical to how we say “Say” to a group of people (dhehaa).
That's an interesting hypothesis but Taha is part of the al-xuruf al-muqataca meaning letters that are separate. There are no tafsir for these letters and perhaps it's cilm al-ghayb.

Garaad diinle

 
Did it come from Yemen?
Well we know by the time of ibn said around the mid 13th century the whole of the somali coast was muslim from zaylac to al-jub which is close to kismayo in the south. Further more we also know that all the muslim sultanate that al-maqrizi mentioned were also muslims in the 13th century. Islam must have entered somalia much earlier but when exactly i can't say. I was once reading about a poet tabici and from what i gather he might very well have been a yemeni muwalad with his other said being somali.


“Happy people have no history” - Leo Tolstoy
That's an interesting hypothesis but Taha is part of the al-xuruf al-muqataca meaning letters that are separate. There are no tafsir for these letters and perhaps it's cilm al-ghayb.
I didn't give a Tafsir of it, rather I am postulating that a Somali heard the recitation of Surah Taha and informed the Sahabah who was reciting the Surah that the words 'Taha' is similar to our word. This indicates that the Abyssinians they are referring to are indeed Somalis. Allahu'alam.

Garaad diinle

 
I didn't give a Tafsir of it, rather I am postulating that a Somali heard the recitation of Surah Taha and informed the Sahabah who was reciting the Surah that the words 'Taha' is similar to our word. This indicates that the Abyssinians they are referring to are indeed Somalis. Allahu'alam.
Wallahi if what you say turns out to be ture it would be insane. Regardless if it's true or not i gotta say that's one good right three theory hats off my friend.

