Snowden Movie

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Has anyone watched the movie? what do you think is true about it? This idea America wants the world to die off if your not friends with them, I don't accept and makes no sense architecturally. Their companies suffer the most losing all those customers. So that bit, I don't buy. But what bits of it, do you think is true? Just don't say to me they want to be the only country left because that is not possible architecturally at all. The movie sent the message america spies on all of us and they do so to keep countries in check.

For example if they lose an ally, they shut them down. I don't buy that at all, by shutting that country down you impact on your relationships with other allies who work with them, it's not logical at all that bit. But is there some sort or order, I do believe that bit. I see it in the animal world their has to be an order. If we are all the same on the same level, we could end up wiping ourselves out. U know that theory that says their can't be 1000 gods or they will fight, it's the same with humans and even animals, their can't be all of us having the same power cause there is no order then.

I do think the spying part is true though. They would need to do at the factories though of all technological companies, to gain access to such wide array of people. Then there would be some network layer involved depending where data is being transferred. They need to find the single point that all the organism report back too basically at each layer and operate there.

I also think it is ironic we all starting to catch similar diseases around the world, it's when we connected globally this wasn't happening when we were separate from each other, remember the indians died immediately when Europeans came who had unique diseases because of their environment. If we don't eat the same foods and drinks and live different areas, we won't have same diseases and nowadays we do eat the same stuff and drinks and that can explain why we share the same type of diseases.

All that shit their docking of our ports is from global markets, your going to be susceptible to problems their markets have now also. I will check this out with native tribes who are still living off the land and how they die because I suspect their not suffering the same diseases we do and probably suffer stuff related to their environment only.
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Based on the movie it appears NSA is also a plantation, The bit Snowden was getting tested, it was timed, speed, memorization, etc. The only area I have seen that doesn't appear plantation style is right at the top, there is no memorization, speed, timed, and there is no fancy technical words either. Based on my experience and I see this behavior the same regardless if it's business, military, politics, their is that consistency.
America is a country I can confidently say that the intelligence services don’t work for their people.

You had CIA allow drugs into the US to support a rebellion in South American m. This created the crack cocaine epidemic in the 90s.

Also FBI bullied MLK and his movement.

I’m pretty worst stuff has happened in secret.

So American government is not worthy of trusting.


America is a country I can confidently say that the intelligence services don’t work for their people.

You had CIA allow drugs into the US to support a rebellion in South American m. This created the crack cocaine epidemic in the 90s.

Also FBI bullied MLK and his movement.

I’m pretty worst stuff has happened in secret.

So American government is not worthy of trusting.

Well those things u state do seem bad on first sight, but if it's for a purpose to stop something that is far worse from happening in a local or geopolitical context, then that isn't so bad anymore. So you just provided the things they allegedly did, I am not saying they did or didn't well until my eyes see there is logical consistency in the allegation but just because you do something bad it could be protecting u from a worse disaster so this idea just because someone did bad doesn't mean much, you need to know what the reason was for?

For example the drug trade u just mentioned from the americas, maybe it was a way to stop russian encroachment into it's own backyard region and have kremlin satellite states right next to america, so if it means supporting a govt who is willingly to get rid of the kremlin presence to allow drugs into america to support it operating it's anti kremlin idealogy, then is it such a bad thing to allow drugs into america for that ultimate purpose? so the idea just because u do something bad doesn't say much untill we know the reason behind it.


As Somalis we should know criticizing the current order in the world is not a wise thing to do, since we have experience we criticized Siyad barre and all we got was a civil war and a fractured nation and one of the worst nations in the world. Was that change worthwhile? of course not, the bad that was happening under siyad barre far outweighs anything we have today.

Imagine a world run by russians and chinese and the way they rob their own people's rights away, you think they will care a second for your sorry ass when they treat their people like that? do you really want those sorts of values dominating the landscape of the world and do you know what that could mean to your ultimate survival? you have to be real careful when u criticise something unless your 100% sure the alternative is far better and provable or just shut your mouth and let things be how it is cause after-all your still breathing so it can't be all that bad huh.

But at the same time, You need to respect the fact freeing people can make them into animals. Look at somalia, their pretty free aren't they, it's not beneficial though. So the issue is complex, but at the end of day if people have food and water and roof over their head they are satisfied with life, that's the truth, how u go about achieving that can be done thru multiple methods not just one way.


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
f*ck Chinese and Russians , I am with The United States, As A Somali American I will never gonna be happy chinese taking over , the American has helped millions our people many decades through Aid, they came to our shores when we were killing each other and starving.
They have settled over 150,000 Somali's in their country providing us world class healthcare and education and a citizenship.
What did chinese and broke Russians ever did for us beside giving us weapons?:damedamn:


I might watch it because Shailene is in .

Well yeah it's strange, they basically monitoring all of us was the message, I doubt that part. I think they only monitor those they have an interest in and who-ever is connected to them, which may mean you get caught up in the tangle of the monitoring just because their trying to figure out one dude and what he is about or what he is connected to.

The funny thing that level of mass survelliance isn't possible if they aren't in cohoots with major suppliers in the countries, because major corporations who provide the bulk of technology to the public, this would need to start right at the factories for such scale to happen, it can't happen at the stores or distribution centers basically. The funny thing is, I doubt they implant chips on the sly as the company will know the parts of it's product, this must be negiotated between the CEO and Govt and they probably slap them with law and say u need to do this for national security.

So they modify existing parts or add new small part that noone can distinguish from other components. But it's funny the scale of their shit towards other countries, I guess threats are possible everywhere.
Well yeah it's strange, they basically monitoring all of us was the message, I doubt that part. I think they only monitor those they have an interest in and who-ever is connected to them, which may mean you get caught up in the tangle of the monitoring just because their trying to figure out one dude and what he is about or what he is connected to.

The funny thing that level of mass survelliance isn't possible if they aren't in cohoots with major suppliers in the countries, because major corporations who provide the bulk of technology to the public, this would need to start right at the factories for such scale to happen, it can't happen at the stores or distribution centers basically. The funny thing is, I doubt they implant chips on the sly as the company will know the parts of it's product, this must be negiotated between the CEO and Govt and they probably slap them with law and say u need to do this for national security.

So they modify existing parts or add new small part that noone can distinguish from other components. But it's funny the scale of their shit towards other countries, I guess threats are possible everywhere.

I can’t imagine Norwegian gov spying but definitely American. You are the only industrialized country with a gov that conspires against its people, the only that don’t care about your wellbeing.
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