smoke a niqqa shoot-out. call em out and go on to kill a dum hoe.
since my last thread was killed off before it had the chance, I might as well get me to post up again since shits dead and been dead for a min. niqqas been up to some real dum unentertaining expired ass ish
kill a niqqa and drain they bld, we ain't makin no rare steak. roast a nigga till they baked enough to get salted and cooked. make sure they ass smoked well enough that ammunition smoke perpetually be hanging over they dead nasty ass. make them inhale that smoke from they next life. make these niqqas remember they death.
This niqqa @CaliTedesse the first to go out with his dum Achmed-sounding Ali Baba cosplaying rachel dolezal tom-foolery
shit niqqa gon' be here for acting a whole fool, on fonem u gon be dead u bowlegged, beak-nosed sand smurf run up with your weak handed bent wristed wallah I'm an akh in my 3mamah not a hijabi sister lookin ass self niqqa
dum I'm wearing a khamees not abaya!!! head ass wide-nosed Ayrab call me demarquis ibn haddad lookin ass dressing in them sheets cuz I belong to the skreetz lookin ass, give everything to your Arab brother that you never gonna get yourself head ass, fake it till I never make it head ass, only made niqqas would understand the struggle head ass, cope till I rope, I may be blicc but my heart is bright head ass, movin on the deen like the munafiqeen head ass, if she ain't ran through by the brozers she ain't gon have my daughters head ass, ana shemarke ibn abdullah al-caaq lookin ass, allow it akh well I AIN'T dealin with ur dumb headed mulatto ass, y'all got summa dat goat stomach and calool head ass, fathers brothers daughter's husband head ass, honkey red ears lookin like jalepenos head ass, Madow hair caucasian steph curry lookin ass, lemme just go dum for a min cuz that honkey dicc got me wilen head ass, it's more than just some psych ward, it's my home head ass, dis gonna get me a panic attac let me inhale my shiisha inhaler head ass, I ain't cucked if it's an akh lookin ass, ana jins aswad lakin I'm still a human head ass, ya zanji ya akhi ana 3arb ya abd anta majnoon head ass, get paid to get flown out to dubai and go khaniis for that new khamees head ass, imma change my name from abdullah into abdel-arab head ass, schizo imposter syndrome havin ass, sweet home Arabia, at least she ain't my own ukhtii head ass, 21 and diabetic wheres my Mccamel head ass, let me cover that 5 head with my 3mamah head ass, *hits a blunt* what if I actually AM ayrab and not Somaal dum ass, I'm sure she's safe with the akh, is she really gonna cheat with her cousin cucked ass, akhh tuff into the akhs mouth akhass doin ass, give me the love that my mother never did head ass, she ain't my mom it's our Zoomaal maid head ass, wallah flower water is the cure for erectile dysfunction i've tried myself head ass they call my friend @Miro because he mirr the arab sperm off our faces head ass, I drop the khamees omw to the brozers sheets lookin ass I throw up and repp that 68 mentally challenged ass it's not an iron collar its a choker ya akhi head ass dum fkkin niqqa
i'm done smoked now, all u gotta do is stay down
since my last thread was killed off before it had the chance, I might as well get me to post up again since shits dead and been dead for a min. niqqas been up to some real dum unentertaining expired ass ish
kill a niqqa and drain they bld, we ain't makin no rare steak. roast a nigga till they baked enough to get salted and cooked. make sure they ass smoked well enough that ammunition smoke perpetually be hanging over they dead nasty ass. make them inhale that smoke from they next life. make these niqqas remember they death.
This niqqa @CaliTedesse the first to go out with his dum Achmed-sounding Ali Baba cosplaying rachel dolezal tom-foolery
shit niqqa gon' be here for acting a whole fool, on fonem u gon be dead u bowlegged, beak-nosed sand smurf run up with your weak handed bent wristed wallah I'm an akh in my 3mamah not a hijabi sister lookin ass self niqqa
dum I'm wearing a khamees not abaya!!! head ass wide-nosed Ayrab call me demarquis ibn haddad lookin ass dressing in them sheets cuz I belong to the skreetz lookin ass, give everything to your Arab brother that you never gonna get yourself head ass, fake it till I never make it head ass, only made niqqas would understand the struggle head ass, cope till I rope, I may be blicc but my heart is bright head ass, movin on the deen like the munafiqeen head ass, if she ain't ran through by the brozers she ain't gon have my daughters head ass, ana shemarke ibn abdullah al-caaq lookin ass, allow it akh well I AIN'T dealin with ur dumb headed mulatto ass, y'all got summa dat goat stomach and calool head ass, fathers brothers daughter's husband head ass, honkey red ears lookin like jalepenos head ass, Madow hair caucasian steph curry lookin ass, lemme just go dum for a min cuz that honkey dicc got me wilen head ass, it's more than just some psych ward, it's my home head ass, dis gonna get me a panic attac let me inhale my shiisha inhaler head ass, I ain't cucked if it's an akh lookin ass, ana jins aswad lakin I'm still a human head ass, ya zanji ya akhi ana 3arb ya abd anta majnoon head ass, get paid to get flown out to dubai and go khaniis for that new khamees head ass, imma change my name from abdullah into abdel-arab head ass, schizo imposter syndrome havin ass, sweet home Arabia, at least she ain't my own ukhtii head ass, 21 and diabetic wheres my Mccamel head ass, let me cover that 5 head with my 3mamah head ass, *hits a blunt* what if I actually AM ayrab and not Somaal dum ass, I'm sure she's safe with the akh, is she really gonna cheat with her cousin cucked ass, akhh tuff into the akhs mouth akhass doin ass, give me the love that my mother never did head ass, she ain't my mom it's our Zoomaal maid head ass, wallah flower water is the cure for erectile dysfunction i've tried myself head ass they call my friend @Miro because he mirr the arab sperm off our faces head ass, I drop the khamees omw to the brozers sheets lookin ass I throw up and repp that 68 mentally challenged ass it's not an iron collar its a choker ya akhi head ass dum fkkin niqqa
i'm done smoked now, all u gotta do is stay down