Sir Mohamed Farah surprises Somali couple at their wedding

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Very lucky, one time I missed the opportunity to meet him, It was somaliland independent day and we were celebrating it in some theatre with my mum but I left early cos I had to go school the next day, next thing you know my mum says mo farah came an hour after I left.:mjcry:
Tfw you see royalty for the first time :damn:

@666 this is smiley material :siilaanyosmile:

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
It was of the wedding of his friend Bashir Abdi(Somali runner for Beliguim)Bashir and Mo train together and compete with each other.

still he surprised him! A lot of people don't know no Bashir. If you ain't winning medals then you are part of the average faraxs
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