Siad Barre and Omar El Bashir are the same.

Both moronic dictators who destroyed their countries based on tribal lines, they are reason why both countries are on split and divided, may allah curse them both
Warya beenta joojii waxaad tahay wiiil somali. Aniga naftigeeywaxaan ahay scottish. So imafahmiin. Sxb? Fadlan ila so xiiriir. @buule


What tribe did omer albashir show bias to? Do you mean the arab nilotic split. Dont sweat bro, sudan will regain south sudan and even congo if they like. With the horner-alliance all of africa is ours to eat from:eating:
Afweyne was a power hungry imprudent mad man and atleast Bashir gave up power when he knew shit was going south.:kodaksmiley:
What tribe did omer albashir show bias to? Do you mean the arab nilotic split. Dont sweat bro, sudan will regain south sudan and even congo if they like. With the horner-alliance all of africa is ours to eat from:eating:

Somalis talking like they are part of shadow geopolitics is beyond amusing.

