Shukaansi in Somali?


"You are your best thing"
Is it just me or do you find shukansi in Somali to be cringey :tacky:wtf is abaayo haabad ka ee saar? :ileycry: Somali in general sounds like a made up kids’s language, perhaps with the exception of waaqoyi somali, and I think it might be the accent that makes it sound so proper lol
Is it just me or do you find shukansi in Somali to be cringey :tacky:wtf is abaayo haabad ka ee saar? :ileycry: Somali in general sounds like a made up kids’s language, perhaps with the exception of waaqoyi somali, and I think it might be the accent that makes it sound so proper lol
How well do you know somali?

It isn't "cringey" hadad si fcn af soomali u taqaanid and the person you're talking to knows the language as well than there shouldn't be any thought of it being cringey,

:mjlol: I don't see the problem of using "abaayo" what am I supposed to call her "naaya"


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
My only issue with Somali Shukaansi is theey play around or beat around the bush too much. They use euphemism words instead of getting to the point.
My only issue with Somali Shukaansi is theey play around or beat around the bush too much. They use euphemism words instead of getting to the point.
Eedo we aren't talking about the shukaansi of your times laakiin (waqtikaga waa la so dhaafay) the shukaansi of today


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
I giggle when my Faraax tries to shunkaasi me in afsomali and he gets mad at me.

My Faraax: abaayo kalay dhabta ku fariiso
Me: **giggles**
My Faraax: balayo kugu dhacdo. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
Me: ***slaps him***


How well do you know somali?

It isn't "cringey" hadad si fcn af soomali u taqaanid and the person you're talking to knows the language as well than there shouldn't be any thought of it being cringey,

:mjlol: I don't see the problem of using "abaayo" what am I supposed to call her "naaya"
yeah bro your supposed to call them naaya didn't you know


Death Awaits You
Somali men and women (from waqooye, galbeed, mudug are professionals in shukaansi. They use creative words and good rhetorical strategies. mostly those from xamar tend to be soft.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
My Xalimos forced the English language on herself

Xalimo: you told to wait, so wait get wait, wait be wait, how long wait
Me: Abaayo afsomali ku hadal english waa jajibisaye
yeah bro your supposed to call them naaya didn't you know
:mjlol:Sxb only an idiot would use the word "naaya" when shukaansing a gabar

I'm chatting to 2 at the moment so imagine me using that word and their reaction:birdman:it isn't going to be pretty

I'm at a good place at the moment :ahh: can't mess it up and start all over again with another gabar


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Af somali shukaansi is lovlier their is more love.

Abaayo waan ka helay nooh dhexyaraa oo luqun dheera qalanjad la qiimeeyey quruxda la mood
My only issue with Somali Shukaansi is theey play around or beat around the bush too much. They use euphemism words instead of getting to the point.
They do that so they can play it safe in case it flops. So they can use ambiguity to hide behind and fall back on

