You all need to move away from Somali dominated areas in order to thrive and ensure your kids become well adjusted and attain white collar job. Your kids will dabble in the gangster lifestyle and start rapping if they are around other Somali kids from single parent households. Those kids will even peer pressure your child to forsake their education and be apart of the gang. Your kids will not take education seriously if you live near or around Somali people in the West.
Majority of the Somali guys raised in public housing either end up in jail or dead while the women end up as prostitutes. If you refuse to move out of those areas then you have already messed with your Childs future prospects in the West. Don't come crying and begging for funeral expenses when your kid gets his head blown open.
Majority of the Somali guys raised in public housing either end up in jail or dead while the women end up as prostitutes. If you refuse to move out of those areas then you have already messed with your Childs future prospects in the West. Don't come crying and begging for funeral expenses when your kid gets his head blown open.