Shocking news xalimo on somalispot, is charged with murder with her 60 year old cadaan boyfriend

If you can’t accept the fact that some Somali women get trafficked by Somali women for Somali men than we can’t continue to have this conversation. Stop trying to deflect and act like we’re always blaming Somali men. It’s a reality! People think that they get kidnapped by randoms! Some girls that are trafficked live at home. They are forced into that lifestyle and can’t get out because they might get killed or their family will be killed. Some are framed with videos. Anyways… we need to be careful who we trust.
This is the UK. A massive welfare state with social insurance. There is nobody forcing you into any lifestyle you dont want here. There is government housing and benefits every corner. There is no narrative where you have to sell drugs or sex to live a nomal life here. If youre doing any of this stuff in the UK and you are mentally well its totally by choice.
This is the UK. A massive welfare state with social insurance. There is nobody forcing you into any lifestyle you dont want here. There is government housing and benefits every corner. There is no narrative where you have to sell drugs or sex to live a nomal life here. If youre doing any of this stuff in the UK and you are mentally well its totally by choice.
Am not from the UK. Am from Canada however, I feel like you have over simplified it. We have to agree that most fall victim to that lifestyle due to a dysfunctional upbringing. Living in a council housing with welfare is a safety net because it protects you from poverty however the neighborhood’s are usually riddled with crime. Am at a point where I will not point fingers and say heeeey look at this d.hilo! She posted this video doing x y z. I believe most are exploited (emotionally, financially, physically) or pressured to engage in s.exual acts. Again, i believe it’s not normal to do s.exual acts in front of a camera and posted it online. We, as a society have become morally corrupt.
This Tread Wow Only Hang With Reer Tuulo In The West

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Am not from the UK. Am from Canada however, I feel like you have over simplified it. We have to agree that most fall victim to that lifestyle due to a dysfunctional upbringing. Living in a council housing with welfare is a safety net because it protects you from poverty however the neighborhood’s are usually riddled with crime. Am at a point where I will not point fingers and say heeeey look at this d.hilo! She posted this video doing x y z. I believe most are exploited (emotionally, financially, physically) or pressured to engage in s.exual acts. Again, i believe it’s not normal to do s.exual acts in front of a camera and posted it online. We, as a society have become morally corrupt.
These council houses are not riddled with crime. There all bang in the middle of million dollar neighbourhoods and share the exact same resources. The same park and police officer the millionaire gets is the same one you get. Dont let these fake ghetto wannabes lie to you. Its no ghetto. Its no way your getting forced into a lifestyle. Its the same family that have a son in medicine school and another selling drugs on the street. Its the same family that have a daughter in university and another doing sex work.
Am not from the UK. Am from Canada however, I feel like you have over simplified it. We have to agree that most fall victim to that lifestyle due to a dysfunctional upbringing. Living in a council housing with welfare is a safety net because it protects you from poverty however the neighborhood’s are usually riddled with crime. Am at a point where I will not point fingers and say heeeey look at this d.hilo! She posted this video doing x y z. I believe most are exploited (emotionally, financially, physically) or pressured to engage in s.exual acts. Again, i believe it’s not normal to do s.exual acts in front of a camera and posted it online. We, as a society have become morally corrupt.
If canada is not a welfare state like the U.S i can understand but those somalis that come from welfare states like the uk or scanadanvia. Youre not being forced to do anything.
These council houses are not riddled with crime. There all bang in the middle of million dollar neighbourhoods and share the exact same resources. The same park and police officer the millionaire gets is the same one you get. Dont let these fake ghetto wannabes lie to you. Its no ghetto. Its no way your getting forced into a lifestyle. Its the same family that have a son in medicine school and another selling drugs on the street. Its the same family that have a daughter in university and another doing sex work.
Well in Canada the government housing aren’t that great. I guess it’s different in the UK. Am not going to convince nor explain to you that sex work is usually based on exploitation. Whether it’s financial, emotional or physical. I refuse to become desensitized and believe it’s freedom of choice.

I believe most Somalis don’t know how to raise their kids. They don’t know how to raise a well balance productive members of society. Why are we attracted to degenerate cultures? Why do we imitate madows while despising them? Idk. I feel like I will go crazy trying to understand Somalis so I will just stop.

I’m going to break that cycle and take accountability of my actions. I will make sure I vet and choose a good spouse for my future children. I will make sure I secure my own bag because solely depending on a men is insanity. Ultimately, everyone is accountable for their actions.
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It’s shocking because I don’t hang around those types of people and the people that I hang around are school oriented and balanced. The girl on Reddit idk what to tell you because I have never heard of her and that is absolutely appalling. Am pretty sure she isn’t the most infamous girl on the app that does those that type of content. We’re just invested in our community. White women will always be sought after and be paid the most. Racism affects every institution even « s.ex work »

I am coming to the conclusion that we as a community engage in a lot of virtue signalling. Am just shocked at the amount of degenerative behaviour we partake in. There’s differently a lack of tarbiyyah and self accountability in which negatively affects the way our parents raised their children. I will never allow myself to become desensitized because engaging in explicit behaviour for the world to see is not normal. Human trafficking happens. Women and children that become victims come dysfunctional houses holds.

Am going back to my bubble and will scale down my social media usage. This is getting too much. I expected a lot from our community because I was raised to believe we are a close knit community but damn. From the parents and children; nothing but a hot mess.

Reer UK are at another level.
Some of you guys need to calm down.

There are almost 1 million Somalis in the west.Take any group of 1 million people and in amongst them you will find prostitutes, rapists, pedos and any sort of degeneracy you can think of.

Add on to that the facts that we are near universally poor, most Somalis are >30 and refugees you would ordinarily expect for there to be scores of Somali prostitutes.

Bear in mind that this website is a bubble and that humans (especially Somalis) are addicted to gossiping.

Most Somalis (99%) are religious.Most Somali parents raise their kids the best they can.Most Somali women are incredibly chaste.

I don’t know how serious some of you guys are being so I apologise if I am overreacting and most of the posts where meant to be ironic.
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These council houses are not riddled with crime. There all bang in the middle of million dollar neighbourhoods and share the exact same resources. The same park and police officer the millionaire gets is the same one you get. Dont let these fake ghetto wannabes lie to you. Its no ghetto. Its no way your getting forced into a lifestyle. Its the same family that have a son in medicine school and another selling drugs on the street. Its the same family that have a daughter in university and another doing sex work.
True idk why some people In the U.K. spread that lie , in London those council estates not only that but bc housing is so expensive people rent out council houses now also they’re are right next to middle class neighbourhoods you all attend the same shops , GPs parks cinemas etc . It’s completely different in Scandinavia/ France where housing for the poor is on the outskirts of the cities.
True idk why some people In the U.K. spread that lie , in London those council estates not only that but bc housing is so expensive people rent out council houses now also they’re are right next to middle class neighbourhoods you all attend the same shops , GPs parks cinemas etc . It’s completely different in Scandinavia/ France where housing for the poor is on the outskirts of the cities.

But then why do they have these huge rats in there?



Minister of Propaganda
You don't say AUN to a gaal. Go check your deen knowledge. The only dua that you can make for a non-Muslim is praying to Allah (swt) that he guides him (or her) to Islam.

You can say inna lilahi wa in a ilayhi raajicuun to a non-Muslim as it’s accurate.
You can say inna lilahi wa in a ilayhi raajicuun to a non-Muslim as it’s accurate.


Surah Taubah 113-114 👇



"It is not for the Prophet and those who have believed to ask forgiveness for the polytheists, even if they were relatives, after it has become clear to them that they are companions of Hellfire. And the request of forgiveness of Abraham for his father was only because of a promise he had made to him. But when it became apparent to Abraham that his father was an enemy to Allah, he disassociated himself from him. Indeed was Abraham compassionate and patient.” (Surah Taubah 113-114)


Minister of Propaganda

Surah Taubah 113-114 👇



"It is not for the Prophet and those who have believed to ask forgiveness for the polytheists, even if they were relatives, after it has become clear to them that they are companions of Hellfire. And the request of forgiveness of Abraham for his father was only because of a promise he had made to him. But when it became apparent to Abraham that his father was an enemy to Allah, he disassociated himself from him. Indeed was Abraham compassionate and patient.” (Surah Taubah 113-114)

Yes, it’s haram to pray for forgiveness on a dead soul.

The prayer for forgiveness in Somali is “Ilaahay dembidiis/dembideed daafo”

Naxariis is asking for peace on their soul, if I’m correct it’s entirely different. Saying ina lilaahi wa inna ilayhi raajicuun is halal tho as it’s saying the truth, we all die someday.


Forza Somalia!
I hope she returns to her dad as soon as possible, that fat cadaan probably brainwashed her, support and prayers to our friend and collage in his misery time