Shit Just Got Real! Puntland Forces Move Further Into Sool To Stop Somaliland Elections

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Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
This could spiral into an all out war in the disputed territories, started yesterday when Puntland forces went past their last checkpoint in Sool (Tukoraq) and crossed into what has been the temporary border between SL PL. Puntland militiary moved into Danab to prevent Somaliland holding elections in the region. Not only have they moved west of Tukoraq Sool in the last couple of days, they also moved into Taleh district (including taleh town) to preempt what they consider to be interference in their land. Gaas has been soft for so long, im glad hes finally given the go ahead for Puntland security forces to operate more in the disputed territories. :qri8gs7::qri8gs7:


Cutubyo ka tirsan ciidamada kumaandoosta Puntland ee DANAB ayaa u ruqaansaday deegaano ka tirsan Gobolladda Sool iyo Sanaag ka dib markii maalmihii u dambeeyay maamulka Somaliland uu ka bilaabay dhaq dhaqaaq uu ku doonayo in la keeno degmooyin ku yaala xadka labada dhinac ku muransan yihiin sanaadiiqda codbixinta doorashada.

Taliyaha Ciidanka Kumaandoosta Puntland Korneyl Jimcaale Jaamac Takar oo hogaaminaya ciidamo ku gaashaaman saanad culus iyo gadiidka dagaalka ayaa ku sheegay ujeedada ay u tageen deegaano ku yaala Gobolka Sool inay la xiriirto ka hortaga faragalinta maamulka Somaliland iyo difaaca dhulkooda.

Sidoo kale saraakiisha hogaaminaysa ciidamada Puntland ee fariisimaha ka samaystay xadka Somaliland iyo Puntland ay ku muransan yihiin ayaa kulamo ay shacabka uga dalbanayaan wada shaqeyn iyo gacansiin la yeeshay Odoyaasha iyo Waxgaradka ku nool deegaano kala duwan oo ku yaala Gobolka Sool.

Wuxuuna kusoo beegmayaa heeganka Puntland ay ku dhoobtay ciidamo fara-badan furinta Somaliland xilli maalmihii u dambeeyay hadalo hanjabaad ah ay warbaahinta isu marinayeen masuuliyiin labada dhinac ka kala tirsan.

Haddaba daawo warbixin muuqaal ah oo ay Warbaahinta PUNTLAND POST kasoo diyaarisay qaar ka mid ah ciidamada Puntland ee gaarey Deegaano u dhaw Degmooyinka Xalin,Taleex iyo Tukaraq oo dhamaan ka tirsan Gobolka Sool.


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
Just tell me who's stronger nacalaa
Puntland Army is trained by US and CIA to fight against Al-Shabab. Puntland is stronger.

But if clashes occur in Sool, it will be mainly Puntland vs bribed dhulbahante militia who call themselves somaliland rather than full scale war between the two sides.

Anyways i might give uncle Gaas a call to commit more troops in the region Siiland will get destroyed :ahh:


Intellectual saqajaan
Puntland Army is trained by US and CIA to fight against Al-Shabab. Puntland is stronger.

But if clashes occur in Sool, it will be mainly Puntland vs bribed dhulbahante militia who call themselves somaliland rather than full scale war between the two sides.

Anyways i might give uncle Gaas a call to commit more troops in the region Siiland will get destroyed :ahh:
They should let the Dhulbahante scum get what they deserve. Why does PL care so much about them? They should only go in if the locals have already started the struggle, like Hitler went into Sudetenland.


Intellectual saqajaan
Educate me sxb if all out war breaks out who is stronger on their own with the FGs help.
Some small Darood subclans live in a disputed area between SL and PL. SL claims the land and is holding elections so they can claim the people want to be part of SL. The funny thing is a significant percentage of the people do want to be part of SL and PL is trying to stop this from being reflected in an election. PL sees this as a land grab and it is. So naturally, like the Somalis they are they decided to settle their differences in a peaceful and civilized manner violent way


Some small Darood subclans live in a disputed area between SL and PL. SL claims the land and is holding elections so they can claim the people want to be part of SL. The funny thing is a significant percentage of the people do want to be part of SL and PL is trying to stop this from being reflected in an election.
Yh I know that basic info. I just wanted to know military strength.


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
They should let the Dhulbahante scum get what they deserve. Why does PL care so much about them? They should only go in if the locals have already started the struggle, like Hitler went into Sudetenland.
Did you watch the video, the Puntland military moved into several Dhulbahante tuulos and they welcomed them with open arms. :cool:


Intellectual saqajaan
Did you watch the video, the Puntland military moved into several Dhulbahante tuulos and they welcomed them with open arms. :cool:
They should round everyone up and do a loyalty test. They should tie certain Dhulbahante militiamen to poles and execute them, for shock value :mjlaugh:


Intellectual saqajaan
Yh I know that basic info. I just wanted to know military strength.
Like he said, PL has extensive training from US and EU, plus a larger population. So if they can establish order in the disputed area and show the locals they mean business (i.e.won't tolerate dissent), they'll win. If they get sabotaged by SL-sympathizing locals, it will be hard. SL might stay out of it all together.


31/12/16 - 04/04/20
Somaliland and puntland are now fighting over us

I feel so loved


Winner takes all guys
Fighting? Majeerteens are shitting their pants as usual. I dont know if you know but Halin neighbours Garowe :cryinglaughsmiley:

Plus Puntland aka Majeerteenia cant fight on two fronts. Lets not forget about South Gaalkacyo. Our brothers the Habar Gidir (Sacads) are drumming the war drums :icon e biggrin: we will take garowe and bosaso and hand it over to the FGS in exchange for ictiraaf :icon e biggrin: so fish boy memorise the anthem :icon e biggrin:



how do i use this
Puntland already controls eastern Sanaag, (Badhan Hadaftimo Las Qoray, Dhahar and more), there wont be clashes there unless SL send their troops
why cant Somalis settle this border dispute in a civilised and peaceful manner?
>federal states fighting over disputed land
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