Sheikh Sharif has done a lot for Somalia.

While he was leading ICU, he freed Muqdisho from the warlords in 2006. He controlled 90% of the south before Ethiopian tanks entered into Somalia. In less than three years he ended the TFNG. Established current permanent FGS. Under his rule first high ranking head of a nation came to Somalia in over decades. PM of turkey (Erdogan). He has done more for Somalia than the current autist.

He did more for Somalia in three years than any other modern president and this is a fact. HSM has done as much or more but he had it much more easier(thanks to Seikh Sharif) and served almost two years more than Sheikh Shariif.

Some are just natural leaders.
We have wasted 4 years with this autistic shit we have as president. thanks to Sheikh Shariif. InshaAllaah we won't have to tolerate him any longer.


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
He hand-picked Farmaajo, that alone should dismiss any disrespectful NN fan :icon lol:

I dislike how his enemies call him a dugsi macalin to degrade him. If we put his Islamic studies and qualifications (in Sudan) aside, we know there is a hadith that states the best of people are those who study the Quran AND teach it.
Besides, can anyone name a President in Somalia that is/was qualified to lead? Afwayne with his 21 year regime was an uneducated askari who use to boast he studied at dugsiga waayo aragnimada :icon lol: