Sheikh Imran Hossein: The abolition of Caliphate..


🇺🇸 PROUD MURICAN!!! Hamitic Horner Race
How likely do you think a Caliphate is likely to happen this century
This guy is a non Muslim star and a nut job. Everything he says is a lie. Sufis and his ex wife exposed him so I applaud Sufis.

You would think he would stop at rejecting Hadiths but he evens rejects the Qirat of the Quran. A Deobandi brother exposed him so you can’t blame Salafis and make excuses for him. I know if it was a Salafi you would fall into the genetic fallacy which is why I have to make it clear that he’s not Salafi



“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
This guy is a non Muslim star and a nut job. Everything he says is a lie. Sufis and his ex wife exposed him so I applaud Sufis.

You would think he would stop at rejecting Hadiths but he evens rejects the Qirat of the Quran. A Deobandi brother exposed him so you can’t blame Salafis and make excuses for him. I know if it was a Salafi you would fall into the genetic fallacy which is why I have to make it clear that he’s not Salafi

Cursed Wahabbis get out of my thread, the Sheikh has taught me more about aakhirul zamaan than a thousand Abu Khadeejahs GTFO my thread
Season 3 Leave GIF by Martin
Cursed Wahabbis get out of my thread, the Sheikh has taught me more about aakhirul zamaan than a thousand Abu Khadeejahs GTFO my thread
Season 3 Leave GIF by Martin
Not everything is a joke and he has no right to speak on the end times. That’s part of the unseen. We only know what Allah and his Prophet alayhi Salam informed us.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف

look at the weird stuff he says.... why does he twist Quran and hadith in a weird way to promote Russia..... it's like watching official Russian or pro-Russian media but with it being disguised as Islamic lectures... I can't imagine he just naturally came to such conclusions... can you imagine reading Surah Al-Kahf and thinking "wow! this is talking about Putin!"?
Why are you guys so obsessed with a Caliphate? Besides Imam Mahdi there is no promised saviour of the ummah. Did the Prophet alayhi Salam prophecize a caliphate or something?
Cursed Wahabbis get out of my thread, the Sheikh has taught me more about aakhirul zamaan than a thousand Abu Khadeejahs GTFO my thread
Season 3 Leave GIF by Martin
Dude calls the British Yajuuj and Majuuj. Says Russian orthodox are the ones Muslims will fight alongside in the end times. Watches with his wife who left him. Gets angry when asked where is Allah or when asked simple questions.
Imran Hossein is not in any way a reliable source of information. Taking your Islamic knowledge from Imran Hossein is like learning about medicine from a crackhead.

The scholars disagree on whether the Ottomans could be considered legitimate Caliphs since many scholars believe that only a Qurayshi could be a Caliph and any non-Qurayshi claiming that title is invalid.

There’s no doubt that the Ottomans were the de-facto rulers of this Ummah and fulfilled many of the roles of a Caliph but being from Quraysh is an important requirement according to many.


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