Sheikh Bashir Yussuf

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He's the Sheikh Hassan Barsane of the north. He was a famous anti-colonial leader and imam that waged successful wars against the British. He was Habar Jeclo and said to be related to Mad Mullah through his reer abtis.

"In 1945, Yussuf emerged as a leader in the former British Somaliland. Yussuf, who is said to have been related to Sayyid Mohammed Abdullah Hassan on his mother's side, was devoutly religious and of a philosophical nature, a conscientious practitioner of the mystical sect of Salihiyya based in Saudi Arabia. He hails from the Habar Jeclo clan of the Isaaq.

The popular impression at the time among the British colonial officials in Burao was the nationalistic teachings of Farah Omaar. Conversely, Yussuf was collecting arms and men with a view to establish his authority over the northeast portion of the protectorate. It was also freely rumoured that it was his ultimate goal to drive out the British; he was strong enough to lead a religious expedition against British rule. He organized headquarters in the east of the Burao region of the former British Somaliland, and quickly attracted a following because of his genius and religious influence.

During May 1945, Yussuf's force raided the European officials and military areas like the District Commissioner's residence in Burao. Before being counterattacked, Yussuf managed to move his troops during the night and retreated to his domain. His force was greatly outnumbered, possibly by hundreds. These men held a number of hills, which rose steeply from the light bush beside the wide sandy riverbed, which is known as Togdheer. There were only a few men to cover a front of 900 yards, and most of them had never been in action before, but they were determined that no British troops should force their way in unchallenged. The fight they gave was a lesson in determination which the British troops signally failed to emulate. Yussuf himself was in his natural element when fighting in the bush, but here he was given a position to hold and had no opportunity to use his bush tactics.

The British campaign against Yussuf's troops proved abortive after several defeats as his forces kept moving from place to place and avoiding any permanent location. No sooner had the expedition left the area, than the news traveled fast among the Somali nomads across the plain. The war had exposed the British administration to humiliation. The government came to a conclusion that another expedition against him would be useless; that they must build a railway, make roads and effectively occupy the whole of the protectorate, or else abandon the interior completely. The latter course was decided upon, and during the first months of 1945, the advance posts were withdrawn and the British administration confined to the coast town of Berbera.

Yussuf settled many disputes among the tribes in the vicinity, which kept them from raiding each other. He was generally thought to settle disputes through the use of Islamic Sharia. He was attributed with the possession of supernatural powers, and gathered around him a strong following.

The British administration recruited Indian and South African troops to fight against Yussuf and had intelligence plans to capture him alive. When he was eventually killed, Yussuf became a martyr and was held in great reverence. His family took quick action to remove his body from the place of his death at Geela-E.g. mountain, about 20 miles from Burao."
AUN what a great man he was. I’ll be studying up on him some more , he’s another great addition that disspells the Kacaan myth about anti British sentiments in the north
I think his clan should do things in his rememberance like naming major streets after him would be a start for his name to be promoted in his clan for example:manny:
What happened to our people? We went from warriors who would never bow down to any man, whether white, bantu, or Ethiopian. But now look at the state of the Somali people. Wallahi we deserve everything that's happened to us for becoming so weak and backwards.

But this is great, thanks for sharing.
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A poet did a gabay after Bashir's killing AUN

Duhur baa Bashiir lagu shannaday daar agtiinna ahe

Damal la hadh galaa bay jebsheen waqay dulloobaane

Dahriga iyo laabtay rasaas kaga daloosheene

Isagoo dam iyo dhiig leh oo maro ku duuduuban

Dadkii uu nebcaa iyo kufraa daawasho u yimide

Dacdarriyo dihaan iyo cag baa loogu sii daraye

Meydkiisa daahira markii dibedda loo jiidey

Nimankii dilkiisii qirtiyo idinka duunkiinna

Kolkii aaska loo diidey waad wada dul joogteene

Ma damqane jidhkiinnii markaa waad ku digateene

Nasab haddaad duriyaddii tihiin kama dareerteene.

Gobannimo daleel lagama helo daar adoo galaye

Haddaad doono leedahay naftaa diiq la geliyaaye

Waa mur iyo deebaaq waxaad dib ugu aydaaye

Marse haddaan waxaan doonayiyo dawladnimo waayey

Dantay weeye inaan aammusaa eeggan dabadeede

Dulligaa ku jira noloshu waa idinku deelqaafe.
@embarassing @kobe @Madaxgaab @Pureblood @nine @AarHawd_7 @Sheikh

Sheikh Bashir Yussuf is an unknown Somali hero but he was known for re-establishing the Dervish movement and continuing the legacy of Sayyid Mohammed Abdullah Hassan. He was considered the Sheikh Hassan Barsane of the north for his heavy resistance against the British and using Islam to unite the Somali tribes.

MashaAllah, these are the people Somalis should look up to. Thanks for sharing.


ᶜᵃʷᵒ ᶜᵃʷˡᵒ
The above mentioned gabay is so sad. It shows that not everything was flowers and rainbows for him.
The British dragged his body all the way from the where he died to Burco, they displayed his body in the middle of the city, and no one dared to do anything for quite a while, until his family quietly buried him. Not to mention, as the poem covers, I can't believe some ahlu-naar tolkiis ah, bragged about killing him. Unfortunately, it shows that not ALL Somalis are born with nasab iyo gobanimo.

Not sure why you guys are painting him as some obscure sheikh that nobody has heard of. Just because you caruur fish & chips are not that familiar with him, it doesn't mean he's unknown, lol. FYI there are a lot of schools in Somaliland named after him.

He's the man who coined the famous saying "Bisinka xoog ha lagu daro"...A lot of wadaado at that time didn't want to fight the British, their solution was to pray to Allah and see if anything happens. Sheikh Bashiir AUN didn't like that, and one day he set a glass of water in front of the them, and told them to recite Quran on it and see if it breaks.
When they finished reciting, and nothing happened; he broke the glass with his bakoorad and said "Bisinka xoog ha lagu daro!" :gunsmiley:
@embarassing @kobe @Madaxgaab @Pureblood @nine @AarHawd_7 @Sheikh

Sheikh Bashir Yussuf is an unknown Somali hero but he was known for re-establishing the Dervish movement and continuing the legacy of Sayyid Mohammed Abdullah Hassan. He was considered the Sheikh Hassan Barsane of the north for his heavy resistance against the British and using Islam to unite the Somali tribes.

Im reading that right?. Did it say the other one was ahmadiya.


يا نبي سلام عليك
Let’s not forget that the salihiyya are heretical neo sufis who reject tawassul, karamaat of the awliya and tabarruk
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