Sheikh Abu Taubah giving Somalis a reality check

After I spend some time in Eastleigh Nairobi I was amazed by the ignorance going on in the Somali communities. I remember I was smoking a cigarette on the street and an old man came to be and said: Warya Arent you ashamed of smoking in the middle of the street. Kids are watching you go and smoke in the alleys.

I realized he was right and put out my cigarette but that same old man walked by 13th street in Nairobi where they sell Mirra/Chaad in the middle of the streets just next to the mosques and nobody said something about that.

Another guy once told me. Where there are allot of Somalis. Allot of bad things happen and allot of good things happen.

I sometimes times think the shamefull state we are in as a community in Somalia and outside of Somalia might just be a punishment from Allah because we pick and chose what we are going to take from Islaam based on our ignorance.

Macalin M

Out here
It’s easier for him to tell you - a single guy smoking on the street in front of kids - to go into the alleyway, than telling the owners of the stalls to go into the alleyway. He can’t move the stalls himself.
I am saying that some things are frowned upon because they are clearly haram while other things that are mayne even worst is allowed in our community and it's just all cool.

For example.

Its is from the sunnah to eat together and with you right hand. We somalis know that very well.

But then again it's also from the sunnah to divide your stomach into three portions and eat in small quantities.

What do you see going on in Mehers, people just eating like savages


Are you seriously that dumb or are you just one of these pseudo atheists Somalis on this site who just like to rebel for the sake of it.:kodaksmiley:
I’m Muslim and cigs ain’t haram, they don’t get you high and thus not an intoxicant, no where in the Quran and sunaah is it considered haram