Shariif is the most wadani least corrupt guy of those lot , him and khayre are the same they will take a good amount but still look after the state. He's still more corrupt than Farmaajo who is unusually clean but he has other drawbacks

The only thing people have against him is the Ocean but that's his Qalbidaxah ! HE DID NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT!

How is he more then corrupt then farmajo ?
When sheikh shareef was president Somalia didnt have anything to steal .
His own subclan that was in the army fought for free only to be fed meals by the native Muqdashawi civilians .
Just face it sxb , farmajo is the most corrupt president ever . No president candidate had bartered our nutritious fish for Ethiopian jaad that his brother had controll over . Hope you know your adheer is being investigated by the IRS back in murica , he didnt give up his u.s passport for nationalistic reason .


How is he more then corrupt then farmajo ?
When sheikh shareef was president Somalia didnt have anything to steal .
His own subclan that was in the army fought for free only to be fed meals by the native Muqdashawi civilians .
Just face it sxb , farmajo is the most corrupt president ever . No president candidate had bartered our nutritious fish for Ethiopian jaad that his brother had controll over . Hope you know your adheer is being investigated by the IRS back in murica , he didnt give up his u.s passport for nationalistic reason .
The worst deal ever imo is the Chinese fishing for $1 million. That industry is worth hundreds of millions per year for us but the idiot went and sold it off for $1 million.

Chat for Fish is a moral disgrace too though. Just by making that deal you know this guy is a munafiq. My first thought as a Muslim Somali looking for the best for my people isn’t to buy drugs through my brother

The most treasonous deal however is selling 4 Somali sea ports to Ethiopia
The worst deal ever imo is the Chinese fishing for $1 million. That industry is worth hundreds of millions per year for us but the idiot went and sold it off for $1 million.

Chat for Fish is a moral disgrace too though. Just by making that deal you know this guy is a munafiq. My first thought as a Muslim Somali looking for the best for my people isn’t to buy drugs through my brother

The most treasonous deal however is selling 4 Somali sea ports to Ethiopia
It's no suprise why the cheese and kheyr never sat with independent news media yet .
The ppl that say farmajo and kheyre arent corrupt either say it due to being blind from Reality or due to tribal reasons , I hope is the latter
Always been sh shareef supporter especially my time as a nationalist nacas who believed in somaliweyne iyo somalinimo , sh shareef is too dacaad and will be too nice to parasites and others who are not part of the ethnic mudulood.
These days out of the HAG candidates i'm leaning more towards
Osoble ,AAW and HSM.
But would be happy with shareefka as he will wage serious war with al Shabaab and is known to reconcile fighting tribes .
That's why we support him instead of an idiot like Hasan Sheikh who is a known tribalist. You have to have Somaliniimo to win in Somali politics.


That's why we support him instead of an idiot like Hasan Sheikh who is a known tribalist. You have to have Somaliniimo to win in Somali politics.
Hassan Sheikh has support from everyone, UPD is a national party with many members from other tribes. Outrageous accusation.

Look at all the MPs from Puntland Galmudug Hirshabelle supporting him today.
That's why we support him instead of an idiot like Hasan Sheikh who is a known tribalist. You have to have Somaliniimo to win in Somali politics.

Some somalis just talk out of their ass ,
Let me guess HSM is tribalist because hes from a tribe you despise but farmajo is not tribalist because he shares same tribe as you ?
If we were having a serious discussion I wouldve asked you to bring me proof of how HSM is tribalist but i know you wont .
The think with somalis is that they never want to be honest with their selfs , everyone is tribalist some more so then others , I do wish HSM and sh shareef were ppl who put their ethnic tribe first befor the colonial made somalinimo .
Some somalis just talk out of their ass ,
Let me guess HSM is tribalist because hes from a tribe you despise but farmajo is not tribalist because he shares same tribe as you ?
If we were having a serious discussion I wouldve asked you to bring me proof of how HSM is tribalist but i know you wont .
The think with somalis is that they never want to be honest with their selfs , everyone is tribalist some more so then others , I do wish HSM and sh shareef were ppl who put their ethnic tribe first befor the colonial made somalinimo .
Deni is my adeer and he's a tribalist and he is currupt as well. So that defeats your point also Sheikh Shariif isn't a tribalist and he is the same tribe as Hassan Sheikh. I'm not even a Farmaajo supporter but you have to be on crack to think he is a tribalist compared to Hassan Sheikh.
Some somalis just talk out of their ass ,
Let me guess HSM is tribalist because hes from a tribe you despise but farmajo is not tribalist because he shares same tribe as you ?
If we were having a serious discussion I wouldve asked you to bring me proof of how HSM is tribalist but i know you wont .
The think with somalis is that they never want to be honest with their selfs , everyone is tribalist some more so then others , I do wish HSM and sh shareef were ppl who put their ethnic tribe first befor the colonial made somalinimo .
You just admitted your tribalism didn't you? Wouldn't you put your tribe first as a Mareexaan and support Farmaajo? There is no logic to support a currupt traitor like Hassan Sheikh or AAW but Sheikh Shariif is a stabilizer of Somalia and a nationalist who has my vote. Not because of tribe.
You just admitted your tribalism didn't you? Wouldn't you put your tribe first as a Mareexaan and support Farmaajo? There is no logic to support a currupt traitor like Hassan Sheikh or AAW but Sheikh Shariif is a stabilizer of Somalia and a nationalist who has my vote. Not because of tribe.

I want whats good for my ethnicity and the ethnicities i neighbour or share land with if that makes me a tribalist so be it :mjdontkno:
I want whats good for my ethnicity and the ethnicities i neighbour or share land with if that makes me a tribalist so be it :mjdontkno:
Well why can't Farmaajo be a tribalist than? He doesn't have the right to tribalism? Why can't every Somali politician be a tribalist? You logically have nothing against these triablistic mareexaan accounts other than the fact that they are mareexaan. If Farmaajo was your qabiil, you would support him. The sad thing is that qabiil isn't a thing that worth a policy meaning that you can't make a qabiil happy without angry every other qabiil or even a subclan within that qabiil. Your kind of thinking proves why darood dictators always win.

Btw we are all one Ethnicity with one language even a subclan of your qabiil is related to my qabiil by blood so what your agenda is, is also my agenda.
Well why can't Farmaajo be a tribalist than? He doesn't have the right to tribalism? Why can't every Somali politician be a tribalist? You logically have nothing against these triablistic mareexaan accounts other than the fact that they are mareexaan. If Farmaajo was your qabiil, you would support him. The sad thing is that qabiil isn't a thing that worth a policy meaning that you can't make a qabiil happy without angry every other qabiil or even a subclan within that qabiil. Your kind of thinking proves why darood dictators always win.

Btw we are all one Ethnicity with one language even a subclan of your qabiil is related to my qabiil by blood so what your agenda is, is also my agenda.

Dude I dont care for whose tribalist or what not , you said HSM is tribalist instead of proofing to me how tribalist he is you just post nothing but qashin and then decide to call me a tribalist. From what I know ppl that throw around the tribalist label are the most tribalist ppl .
And your last sentence is nothing but qashin , fix up my dear muslim brother.
Dude I dont care for whose tribalist or what not , you said HSM is tribalist instead of proofing to me how tribalist he is you just post nothing but qashin and then decide to call me a tribalist. From what I know ppl that throw around the tribalist label are the most tribalist ppl .
And your last sentence is nothing but qashin , fix up my dear muslim brother.
He is a tribalist because he said we should rule by tribe and not take tribe out of politics. You are the one posting washing and supporting tribe over Somalinimo. If you think tribalism is that bad you wouldn’t support you tribe over others and you would be objective.
Alright, so let me tell you, what I would want for Somalia.
1. Turn Somalia from a pseudo-federal de facto confederate corrupt gerontocracy to an Islamic emirate with Shura and the dastuur being sharia, the salafi understanding of Sharia. We will have a councel of scholars, experienced bureaucrats and businessmen, wise men where we will discuss every decision being made
2. Liberate South Somalia from Al Shabaab, and clan militias and incorporate all of koonfur under my control
3. Industrialize the regions under our control, we will need to generate enough revenue, to fund the education of our youth that make up 70% of our country, we need them to establish industries, so we can make more money.
4. I want to make South Somalia the economic hub of Somalia. I want some form of autarky for Somalia, where we import less than we export. We import spices, fruits, vegetables from Ethiopia, dairy products from UAE, that we can produce in Somalia. The reason why we need more autarky is to be more resillient against international sanctions, maybe from the UN or United States or Britain.
5. We need also to create a weapon manufacturing industry too, by reengineering the weapons we buy like drones, jets and small arms too.
6. Then we will absorb Puntland, completely decimating the weak militias there, carpet bomb Isis.
7. Invading Hargeisa will only be done after they have been given an ultimatum, we will even offer them billions to give up their sovereignty. War is not always an options, we don't even need to invade puntland or use military force, when we can bribe every politician and offer them big mansions and wealth. Seeing how well South Somalia is doing, they would definitrly accept our authority, either them or the citizens. I understand why Somaliland want to be independent, who wants Amisom in their land or be ruled by corrupt politicians.
8. We have now full control over Somalia, our borders and zero foreign soldiers.
9. We will then, invite, every Somali outside Somalia, to make hijrah to Somalia. We have 15 million living outside Somalia. Thus, I want an long period of progress, we might even make peace with our neighbours, but they have to give our land back. We know this is not an option, so we will focus on building our country to the point that it is impossible for history to repeat itself.
10. We will produce nuclear weapons, hypersonic ballistic missiles, to intermidate the west or russia or even china for not meddling when we completely take over Ethiopia and Kenya. We will then have a greater Islamic empire.
11. I am thinking of invading Yemen and get rid of Houthis. We might nuke Tehran too. I hate Iran, they have been stealing our fish, given asylum to AL Qaeda and helping Al Shabaab.

If you disagree, you are a beta cuck. I am a habar gidir cayr btw. You qashin langaab. You like gumeysi, I like expansionism. We not the same.
You can’t do that when you have the same ideology as Al Shabab just join them 😭😭😭



Sheikh Sharif does an interview with the BBC speaking on his background, #HOP146, Shabab, SL independence, previous elections etc

He was asked do you boast about your time as head of ICU? He replied of course I do :mjpls: . He never speaks on his ICU days but now for him to say that on the bbc being listened to by old and young in Somaliweyn... :salute:



Sheikh Sharif does an interview with the BBC speaking on his background, #HOP146, Shabab, SL independence, previous elections etc

He was asked do you boast about your time as head of ICU? He replied of course I do :mjpls: . He never speaks on his ICU days but now for him to say that on the bbc being listened to by old and young in Somaliweyn :salute:
Real talk ICU were a good thing. Abdullahi Yusuf brought in the Ethiopians because nigga knew Puntland people wanted to join. Somali population 100% doesn’t even care or know what federalism means lol.

It’s why you always see people in Bosaso supporting Farmaajo despite Deni being their president and have beef with him.

The whole time I thought she was wacbudhan had no idea she was waran-Star mashallah shes woke.
I've noticed sheikh shareef has the most diverse support within mudulood and across hawiye
Madobe meeting Sheikh Sharif AGAIN !!!

This how the meeting went :

Sheikh shareef : withaayow are we both wearing ties with our suits this time around

Acting president sheikh aden madoobe :
Haa Hooba atha fathaasy (yes if you want to.)(in afmaay ). Or better yet I'll wear the tie so you dont have to .

Sheikh shareef : just like last time ?

Acting president Sheikh Aden madoobe :
Haa eboow
