Always been sh shareef supporter especially my time as a nationalist nacas who believed in somaliweyne iyo somalinimo , sh shareef is too dacaad and will be too nice to parasites and others who are not part of the ethnic mudulood.
These days out of the HAG candidates i'm leaning more towards
Osoble ,AAW and HSM.
But would be happy with shareefka as he will wage serious war with al Shabaab and is known to reconcile fighting tribes .
shareefka as he will wage serious war with al Shabaab and is known to reconcile fighting tribes .
Imagine SHARIF with a real army and budget... Al shabaab is toast

Sheikh Shariff kicked out pro Darood Al-shabab out of Mogadishu. But he is too soft especially towards parasites.

We need a Faroole like HAG candidate. Who will give everything to us and build our land.
Sharif would get rid of shabaab but his politics is toxic. He will hold garowe 4 5 6. It’s like he’s controlled like a robot from garowe plus he brought farmaajo into politics and made him president. Sorry can’t overlook that :camby:
I wish someone like me became president. The first thing I would do is sign Somaliland independence and Hobyo port construction.

I would make all my cousins and friends generals, chairman's and heads of companies.

I would arrest and deport any reer Lascanood or Badhan I see in Somalia. Including their women and children. None will be tolerated. I would ban any media that does not support my vision.

Insulting me, my tribe or my politics would be an automatic death sentence. I don't have patience for that nonsense.

I would build a huge monument for Gen Aidiid, surrounded by USC veterans with their battle tanks. Also statue for Abdullahi Isse.

I would have good relationship with Puntland and empower Ahmed Madoobe. I would re-settle west Gedo community to Tanzania. Those parasites will now be Tanzania's problem.

I would wipe out any langaabs or communities who I smell a sniff were ever pro Farmajoo,

I pour all of Somalia's money into HAG lands. I will build good relationship with Kenya and Djibouti and be neutral with Ethiopia.

I wouldn't have a jail in my country because people would be judge immediately. Anyone with any al-shabab ties will be executed.
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Me for president, I will exterminate every Al Shabaab member and introduce nine familial exterminations for every terrorist and moryaan and crucify them before the execution.

I will also publicly ampute any theif especially sodon jir sodon milyan and other corrupt politians, I will lay waste to the land and cleanse it from any filth. Then our goal will be to use Rods of God to completely decimate our neighbouring countries without any nuclear pollution
I wish someone like me became president. The first thing I would do is sign Somaliland independence and Hobyo port construction.

I would make all my cousins and friends generals, chairman's and heads of companies.

I would arrest and deport any reer Lascanood or Badhan I see in Somalia.
I would ban any media that does not support me vision.

I would have good relationship with Puntland and empower Ahmed Madoobe. I would re-settle west Gedo community to Tanzania. Those parasites will now be Tanzania's problem.

I would wipe out any langaabs or communities who I smell a sniff were ever pro Farmajoo,

I pour all of Somalia's money into HAG lands. I will build good relationship with Kenya and Djibouti and be neutral with Ethiopia.

I wouldn't have a jail in my country because people would be judge immediately. Anyone with any al-shabab ties will be executed.
Why in your right mind would you allow Somaliland an strategical region with a port that can generate billions of dollars and a land that posses much minerals, it will also make our country smaller and less aesthetic. You not mentally right in the head.
Why in your right mind would you allow Somaliland an strategical region with a port that can generate billions of dollars and a land that posses much minerals, it will also make our country smaller and less aesthetic. You not mentally right in the head.

It is called hitting two birds with one stone. I get rid of a strong potential rival aka reer Hargeisa. Therefore I will become a bigger fish in a smaller pond.

On the other hand I cut off annoying, useless parasites like reer Lascanood and reer Badhan. Let them become Somalilands problem.

Somaliland doesn't have resources. And If I become less strategic, my country would be more safe from outside meddling. Plus I would do a pact with Somaliland, Djibouti and Kenya. These countries will be my allies. I would also be friendly with Ethiopia and the Arab states.
Shariif is the most righteous/bravest leader in Soomaliweyn the only leader who was among the Muqaawimiin who liberated Somaalia Italiana from direct Xabashistaani/Zenawi rule. Shariif will smoke anyone in the final round of Somaalia Italiana federal elections selections. His only hurdle is how many nacamlayaal did MrCheese appoint as MPs for HS. Shariif is in good shape as long as he can get past the 1st round


I wish someone like me became president. The first thing I would do is sign Somaliland independence and Hobyo port construction.

I would make all my cousins and friends generals, chairman's and heads of companies.

I would arrest and deport any reer Lascanood or Badhan I see in Somalia. Including their women and children. None will be tolerated. I would ban any media that does not support my vision.

Insulting me, my tribe or my politics would be an automatic death sentence. I don't have patience for that nonsense.

I would build a huge monument for Gen Aidiid, surrounded by USC veterans with their battle tanks. Also statue for Abdullahi Isse.

I would have good relationship with Puntland and empower Ahmed Madoobe. I would re-settle west Gedo community to Tanzania. Those parasites will now be Tanzania's problem.

I would wipe out any langaabs or communities who I smell a sniff were ever pro Farmajoo,

I pour all of Somalia's money into HAG lands. I will build good relationship with Kenya and Djibouti and be neutral with Ethiopia.

I wouldn't have a jail in my country because people would be judge immediately. Anyone with any al-shabab ties will be executed.
:drakelaugh: :chrisfreshhah: Fair enough
Shariif is the most righteous/bravest leader in Soomaliweyn the only leader who was among the Muqaawimiin who liberated Somaalia Italiana from direct Xabashistaani/Zenawi rule. Shariif will smoke anyone in the final round of Somaalia Italiana federal elections selections. His only hurdle is how many nacamlayaal did MrCheese appoint as MPs for HS. Shariif is in good shape as long as he can get past the 1st round


This snippet is from harun maruf book
Inside AL Shabaab
In mid-August, Al-Shabaab launched a heavy attack on the hotel. This time, according to former defense minister Fiqi, Sheikh Sharif took part in the fighting and was riding in a tank that fell into one of Al-Shabaab’s tank-swallowing trenches. “He was very close to being killed,” Fiqi says.

The president survived, Fiqi says, only because the army rushed more tanks to the scene and evacuated him before he was shot or taken captive. Such was the life of Somalia’s president in 2010. It was not Sheikh Sharif’s first brush with death by enemy means, and it would not be his last.

not sure if there was any other person that fought in the front lines as a president of a country .
He didnt wear the fatigues for fashion , he was always ready to be part of the action
Night or day


Till this day hes the only president who marched with Somalia and amisom troops from ceelasha biyaha to afgooye
To visit the natives there .


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]

This snippet is from harun maruf book
Inside AL Shabaab
In mid-August, Al-Shabaab launched a heavy attack on the hotel. This time, according to former defense minister Fiqi, Sheikh Sharif took part in the fighting and was riding in a tank that fell into one of Al-Shabaab’s tank-swallowing trenches. “He was very close to being killed,” Fiqi says.

The president survived, Fiqi says, only because the army rushed more tanks to the scene and evacuated him before he was shot or taken captive. Such was the life of Somalia’s president in 2010. It was not Sheikh Sharif’s first brush with death by enemy means, and it would not be his last.

not sure if there was any other person that fought in the front lines as a president of a country .
He didnt wear the fatigues for fashion , he was always ready to be part of the action
Night or day

View attachment 222500

Till this day hes the only president who marched with Somalia and amisom troops from ceelasha biyaha to afgooye
To visit the natives there .

Tanks? I thought only Somaliland has those old Soviet tanks and the southern tanks aged it already due to no service.
It is called hitting two birds with one stone. I get rid of a strong potential rival aka reer Hargeisa. Therefore I will become a bigger fish in a smaller pond.

On the other hand I cut off annoying, useless parasites like reer Lascanood and reer Badhan. Let them become Somalilands problem.

Somaliland doesn't have resources. And If I become less strategic, my country would be more safe from outside meddling. Plus I would do a pact with Somaliland, Djibouti and Kenya. These countries will be my allies. I would also be friendly with Ethiopia and the Arab states.
Alright, so let me tell you, what I would want for Somalia.
1. Turn Somalia from a pseudo-federal de facto confederate corrupt gerontocracy to an Islamic emirate with Shura and the dastuur being sharia, the salafi understanding of Sharia. We will have a councel of scholars, experienced bureaucrats and businessmen, wise men where we will discuss every decision being made
2. Liberate South Somalia from Al Shabaab, and clan militias and incorporate all of koonfur under my control
3. Industrialize the regions under our control, we will need to generate enough revenue, to fund the education of our youth that make up 70% of our country, we need them to establish industries, so we can make more money.
4. I want to make South Somalia the economic hub of Somalia. I want some form of autarky for Somalia, where we import less than we export. We import spices, fruits, vegetables from Ethiopia, dairy products from UAE, that we can produce in Somalia. The reason why we need more autarky is to be more resillient against international sanctions, maybe from the UN or United States or Britain.
5. We need also to create a weapon manufacturing industry too, by reengineering the weapons we buy like drones, jets and small arms too.
6. Then we will absorb Puntland, completely decimating the weak militias there, carpet bomb Isis.
7. Invading Hargeisa will only be done after they have been given an ultimatum, we will even offer them billions to give up their sovereignty. War is not always an options, we don't even need to invade puntland or use military force, when we can bribe every politician and offer them big mansions and wealth. Seeing how well South Somalia is doing, they would definitrly accept our authority, either them or the citizens. I understand why Somaliland want to be independent, who wants Amisom in their land or be ruled by corrupt politicians.
8. We have now full control over Somalia, our borders and zero foreign soldiers.
9. We will then, invite, every Somali outside Somalia, to make hijrah to Somalia. We have 15 million living outside Somalia. Thus, I want an long period of progress, we might even make peace with our neighbours, but they have to give our land back. We know this is not an option, so we will focus on building our country to the point that it is impossible for history to repeat itself.
10. We will produce nuclear weapons, hypersonic ballistic missiles, to intermidate the west or russia or even china for not meddling when we completely take over Ethiopia and Kenya. We will then have a greater Islamic empire.
11. I am thinking of invading Yemen and get rid of Houthis. We might nuke Tehran too. I hate Iran, they have been stealing our fish, given asylum to AL Qaeda and helping Al Shabaab.

If you disagree, you are a beta cuck. I am a habar gidir cayr btw. You qashin langaab. You like gumeysi, I like expansionism. We not the same.


People were laughing on here for over a year when i said #sharifforpresident. He was NN plan b not long ago :ulyin: I prefer Hasan as I've said on here before but I'm not going against Sharig especially as hes the frontrunner and Hasan is a close second. Tolka tolka lee waaye :mjpls: besides they'll both do more for Somalia and fight Shabab. I have no doubt they'll put all these tik tok soldiers on the frontline after disbanding Gor Gor, Haramcad etc
Always been sh shareef supporter especially my time as a nationalist nacas who believed in somaliweyne iyo somalinimo , sh shareef is too dacaad and will be too nice to parasites and others who are not part of the ethnic mudulood.
These days out of the HAG candidates i'm leaning more towards
Osoble ,AAW and HSM.
But would be happy with shareefka as he will wage serious war with al Shabaab and is known to reconcile fighting tribes .

Shariif is the most wadani least corrupt guy of those lot , him and khayre are the same they will take a good amount but still look after the state. He's still more corrupt than Farmaajo who is unusually clean but he has other drawbacks

The only thing people have against him is the Ocean but that's his Qalbidaxah ! HE DID NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT!


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