shaming the arab loving somalis on ummah forum

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Look at this
"Asalamu alykum brothers and sisters,
Someone told me that Somalians are decendant from arab blood ..well obviosly any non-arab muslim would look at this as a great honor to say that "I coem from the bloodline of the country of my prohet Mohamed(saw)...maybe even more honor than those of Suadi Arabia. So i wanted to ask all of you if this cuold be true?

pictures of somalis

My tribe is called Daroot in arabic Benu Dawud"
I think we should all register on that website and put these self loathing bastards on check! How they crave for the approval of hairy and backward arabs is making my blood boil!
Who's with me?

Look how openly they are discussing their tribes on a forum that isn't even a somali one. :kanyehmm:

What is with somalis and the hate they have for themselves and culture?


Suicidal men adore me.
Good question. Qabil really. Qabil came from the arabs during the same time we took on Islam. Somewhere along that time we obviously looked up to them and decided to lie and say we are from them. Very shameful really, we're a much more interesting people and we don't have eagle noses.
Having Arab lineage would be something to be very embarassed of. But Somalis don't descend from Arabs so we just have beggars to be ashamed of
Good question. Qabil really. Qabil came from the arabs during the same time we took on Islam. Somewhere along that time we obviously looked up to them and decided to lie and say we are from them. Very shameful really, we're a much more interesting people and we don't have eagle noses.
Yap! Qabiil was invented to relate ourselves to the prophet pbuh.


Suicidal men adore me.
Yap! Qabiil was invented to relate ourselves to the prophet pbuh.
And it's stupid. Muslims shouldn't regard the prophets linage. If they care so much about Islam then just be a good Muslim, being related to the prophet won't get you in heaven I mean wasn't it his uncle that will go to hell or something?
Look at this neef dhargay

"recent days some uncles in the masjid have asked questions about when I will get married, and have no idea why. Maybe it has something with that I will soon inshallah be graduating, allah knows best. Whenever we have discussed this subject, I have a few times hinted that I personally want to marry outside my ethnicity and perhaps a revert. Surprisingly enough, they are against it. It is a fact that Somalis who marry non Somalis are breaking cultural and social norms, and it has been increased over the year allamdulilah.

For the Somali community, mixed marriage is although a relatively new phenomena and may apply for other communities also:
- So, should more somali men marry non somalis? at least where I live the sisters is better at this

this may also apply to other ethnicities. Should more men marry outside their ethnicity?"

Beta males are representing us wallahi. We are finished if we do not stop these creatures!
Why are there so many of them?coolio
And it's stupid. Muslims shouldn't regard the prophets linage. If they care so much about Islam then just be a good Muslim, being related to the prophet won't get you in heaven I mean wasn't it his uncle that will go to hell or something?
Yes his uncle, dad and mom will all go to hell. You have said it best! Allah says in the quran "to allah the most noble amongst you are those who fear the most"


Suicidal men adore me.
Look at this neef dhargay

"recent days some uncles in the masjid have asked questions about when I will get married, and have no idea why. Maybe it has something with that I will soon inshallah be graduating, allah knows best. Whenever we have discussed this subject, I have a few times hinted that I personally want to marry outside my ethnicity and perhaps a revert. Surprisingly enough, they are against it. It is a fact that Somalis who marry non Somalis are breaking cultural and social norms, and it has been increased over the year allamdulilah.

For the Somali community, mixed marriage is although a relatively new phenomena and may apply for other communities also:
- So, should more somali men marry non somalis? at least where I live the sisters is better at this

this may also apply to other ethnicities. Should more men marry outside their ethnicity?"

Beta males are representing us wallahi. We are finished if we do not stop these creatures!
Why are there so many of them?coolio

OMG :deadpeter:

At this point it has to be self hate. We need to renew our identity and create stronger communities in the diaspora. Somalis back at home are super proud and feel superior how come those in the diaspora feel inferior?


Suicidal men adore me.
This fucker is trying to make us Somali women look undesirable as if it they are forced to be with us.

One wrote.
"It's up to the individual. The majority of Somali men prefer to marry Somali women, can't blame them

he replied.
"Think it has more with norms and rules within the Somali community"
OMG :deadpeter:

At this point it has to be self hate. We need to renew our identity and create stronger communities in the diaspora. Somalis back at home are super proud and feel superior how come those in the diaspora feel inferior?
You're right. We have weak communities in the west. But parents would rather have their kids be friends with other races than to be friends with a somali from a different qabiil.


Suicidal men adore me.
You're right. We have weak communities in the west. But parents would rather have their kids be friends with other races than to be friends with a somali from a different qabiil.

That gotta just be in the UK because I haven't experience that in Sweden.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
That gotta just be in the UK because I haven't experience that in Sweden.

Lol in Sweden Most I know don't ask each other's Qabiil prolly only time they ask is when they are marrying a chick other than that Naah


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
@metamorphosis I've read a bit on that ummah forum now


And I came up with 2 reasons y this happens

So as u prolly know It is normal for Somalis back home to say

"gabadh baan kuu hayaa"

Cuz for us it is normal to offer a girl in marriage to someone who you know right??

Buuut to these ajnabis it can be interpreted as you trying to pimp out your daughter so it's a misunderstandin

Now the 2nd one so In our culture the parents usually do not fix their daughters up with a man I don't know why but it's just the way it is :kanyeshrug:

The parents just expect the girl to bring her own man and then all the parents gotta to do is either approve or reject

Also keep in mind Arranged marriages Is very rare around Somalis so this puts the girl in a vulnerable position

And if the girl has inferiority complex on top of that they might even deliberately seek out a Ajnaabi in desperation
@metamorphosis I do not recommend that sxb. That forum is filled with Salafis and ISIS sympathizers where you will probably get yourself on a list with the intelligence agency of your country.

Those people are lost and will not listen to reason. At best, you will be wasting your time.

Nin xun

ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
That gotta just be in the UK because I haven't experience that in Sweden.
Yeah I live in a pretty big somali community, and we don't have xoolos like these who refuse their kids to play with other somalis or these selfhating neefs who fetishize nonsomalis. Marry/date/f*ck whoever you want but remember if you're excluding someone based on their ethnicity even if they're the perfect wo/man you've been looking for then it's at best fetishizim and at worst internalized racism.
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