SFG prosecutor files criminal complaint against MrCheese at International Criminal Court

They want to prosecute MrCheese for harassing/killing Haawiye protestors from Wadajir party. Formaggio has nothing to worry about because it can't be proven that he specifically ordered this. But he should learn from his errors in the IkraanTahliil case


Any future president who is MX or MJ should remember that being viewed with universal disdain by Haawiye can be problematic since the capital is in Muqdisho. In the future, another Rooble/NuurCadde, might assume unofficial presidency as long as he can get Haawiye consensus behind him. That is the real threat

I don't know Wadajir Party and I don't care whether Wadajir or Nabad&Nolol win or lose but I know there is dysfunction in SomaliaItaliana. And this ICC case is going no where but it signals the problems of clan based government with assymetric federalism