Sex trafficking of Somali kids in Halane base!

Maaan why are you doing this! ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ I was literally reading about AMNISOM an hour ago. I havenโ€™t heard of them before sspot. My stomach and heart canโ€™t handle this. May Allah help those kids ameeen
Maaan why are you doing this! ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ I was literally reading about AMNISOM an hour ago. I havenโ€™t heard of them before sspot. My stomach and heart canโ€™t handle this. May Allah help those kids ameeen
It hurts me aswell brother, but the truth has to get out. They even had a special terminal were they could fly in or out anything they wanted. So nobody really knows how many kids those bastards have taken with them.
It hurts me aswell brother, but the truth has to get out. They even had a special terminal were they could fly in or out anything they wanted. So nobody really knows how many kids those bastards have taken with them.
Am a sister walal, but honestly this is soo aggravating like wth! How long has this been happening? Has this been happening since the war or as of late due to AMNISOM? Wallahi tribalism has done this to us. Like why are we soo divided and allowed them to do that? Anyways, I canโ€™t do anything but pray for them. This is beyond sad. Sexual exploitation in my opinion is jahanam on earth. I hope they get paradise inshAllah
Am a sister walal, but honestly this is soo aggravating like wth! How long has this been happening? Has this been happening since the war or as of late due to AMNISOM? Wallahi tribalism has done this to us. Like why are we soo divided and allowed them to do that? Anyways, I canโ€™t do anything but pray for them. This is beyond sad. Sexual exploitation in my opinion is jahanam on earth. I hope they get paradise inshAllah
Amisom entered Somalia 2007 and that base was granted to the foreigners by the president Hassan Sheikh in 2010 I think, and no Somali even him is allowed to enter and that speaks volymes. Most of our politicians are owned by NGOs they dress them up and fund them. Tribalism is just a means to an end, this goes further than qabil, it's a group of warlords that are willing to do everything to milk the country, they're all friends irregardless of clan.
Woaaah thatโ€™s very sinister. I did a lot of research about trafficking whether thatโ€™s sexual, organs, or physical itโ€™s more often than not associated to the occult and they use sihr. I always wondered when Shaytan made an oath that he will mislead people by any means ( am paraphrasing) he will use greedy humans to cause poverty and destruction through these means. When you think of it thereโ€™s trafficking everywhere! They usually target children since theyโ€™re pedophiles. Corn is mostly built off of victims of sexual exploitation via trafficking. The whole sexual liberation is marketing to cause confusion in society.
In my opinion, they use the different realm aswell to do their dirty work. Anyways I donโ€™t want to go down the rabbit hole. This is beyond disturbing and evil. May Allah grant the innocent victims janatul firdaus and grant them peace ameen
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We all know all the federal states in Somalia run to halane instead of working together to oust Farmajo. If Halane is such a bad place why do your leaders go there and take orders? Farmajo sends underage girls to that compound and instead of avoiding it your politicians like Madobe, Deni and Qoorqoor go there and pay for them. I hate it Iโ€™m too real.

farmajo is the supplier and youโ€™re the buyer
Isn't it ironic how a base named after this brave man is now full of foreign forces busting nuts into/or on to somali women/kids. This is what N&N got you clowns.
Somalis have fallen off wlh shameful ethnicity we should be annexed by Ethiopia and start speaking amharic while being Ethiopian orthodox
filthy bulging eyed aidstopian, your larp game is hella weak.

Yโ€™all got no room to talk about shame
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Woaaah thatโ€™s very sinister. I did a lot of research about trafficking whether thatโ€™s sexual, organs, or physical itโ€™s more often than not associated to the occult and they use sihr. I always wondered when Shaytan made an oath that he will mislead people by any means ( am paraphrasing) he will use greedy humans to cause poverty and destruction through these means. When you think of it thereโ€™s trafficking everywhere! They usually target children since theyโ€™re pedophiles. Corn is mostly built off of victims of sexual exploitation via trafficking. The whole sexual liberation is marketing to cause confusion in society.
In my opinion, they use the different realm aswell to do their dirty work. Anyways I donโ€™t want to go down the rabbit hole. This is beyond disturbing and evil. May Allah grant the innocent victims janatul firdaus and grant them peace ameen

Muslims are told to read their adkaar to protect themselves for a very good reason, there is pure evil walking among us disguised as humans.
Isn't it ironic how a base named after this brave man is now full of foreign forces busting nuts into/or on to somali women/kids. This is what N&N got you clowns.
That base was awarded to them by Hassan sheikh sxb! And now he and his buddies are the ones working with Halane gang and make the government's job even harder.
We all know all the federal states in Somalia run to halane instead of working together to oust Farmajo. If Halane is such a bad place why do your leaders go there and take orders? Farmajo sends underage girls to that compound and instead of avoiding it your politicians like Madobe, Deni and Qoorqoor go there and pay for them. I hate it Iโ€™m too real.

farmajo is the supplier and youโ€™re the buyer
I don't know what u on about sxb but let's be honest. The base was given to them by Hassan sheikh just like those thousands of Somali women were sent as "maids" to Saudi. Farmaajo wasn't even in the picture back then. The opposition don't want a strong and independent Somalia, why do you think they are against a strong army.
Muslims are told to read their adkaar to protect themselves for a very good reason, there is pure evil walking among us disguised as humans.
Yes! The morning and evening adkhar is very important! I feel like a lot of people are not aware of it. It takes only 15 minutes and your protected from all evil InshAallah. Thereโ€™s a app you can use itโ€™s called Dua& Azkar for the morning and evening adkhar. We have to stay prayed up because thereโ€™s deffo humans amongst us that arenโ€™t human.

