Senator Ilyaas Badal Gaboose to contest for deputy speaker

Senator Ilyaas Badal Gaboose has received his shahaado for the upcoming election of the deputy speaker of the Upper house parliament which was formerly held by Reer Jubbaland, meanwhile Xildhibaan Xidig has once again shown interest for the Lower House chamber.

Guuleysta adeerayaalow 🙏🏽 ❤️


You need to be more ambitious if you wanna survive in Somalias politics. This won’t cut it, run for PM or PRES instead of always lobbying for someone else. Be spontaneous, chase your dreams and live your life.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Senator Ilyaas Badal Gaboose has received his shahaado for the upcoming election of the deputy speaker of the Upper house parliament which was formerly held by Reer Jubbaland, meanwhile Xildhibaan Xidig has once again shown interest for the Lower House chamber.

Guuleysta adeerayaalow 🙏🏽 ❤️

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View attachment 220295
You will fail again like in 2016, Ogaden have been reduced to begging for Raxanweyn position kkkkkk you will be relagated to Minister of Transportation like usual


Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
This is great,Kala tuur waxa meeja lagu dhoo dhoobay and start a new balance-from here on out the interest of Darood in East Africa will be represented by OG & Mj-The way it used be before the European arrived.


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