Sellout somali guy states most revert men marries a somali like its a good thing

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Somaliweyn haa nolaato
Genesis 17:18 And Abraham said unto God: 'Oh that Ishmael might live before Thee!' 19 And God said: 'Nay, but Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son; and thou shalt call his name Isaac; and I will establish My covenant with him for an everlasting covenant for his seed after him. 20 And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee; behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation.

So now we’re quoting bible verses :yloezpe: .You're very unique.


The Somalis who bumlick the madows are cucks, the somalis who find their female relatives non somali and reverts to marry are bigger cucks.

Uk somalis only have backbone to mock timo jilaacs back but never go after madows with the same energy pussies.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
you aren’t arab. Somali baa tahay, a child of Samaale. Who brainwashed you?

Madaxweynihii hore ee DFKMG ee Somaliya oo hadda ku sugan dalka Yemen ayaa boqday qabrigii ismaaciil jabarti, ayadoo la sheegay in uu booqasha ku maraya deegaano badan oo ay dagaan reer jabarti isxaaq asagoo lakulmyaya odayaasha iyo cuqaasha.

Cabdulaahi Yuusuf waxa uu booqday qabri qadiimiga ah oo uu ku aasanyahay jabarti isxaaq (isamacil jabarti), sida ka muuqata sawirka hoose. Waxaana taas lagu macneeyey in ka dhabaynayo war uu horay usiiyay idacadaha dalka yemen oo uu sheegay inuu kasoo jeedo dalka yemen, isagoo laga soo xigtey in uu yiri Yemen waxaa ku aasan odaygii ay ka soo jeedaan beelo dega Soomaaliya oo c/laahi Yusuf ka soo jeedo, oo odaygii dhalay uu tegey ka wadanka yemen magaalada XATRAMUUT aadeyna Soomaaliya.





Somaliweyn haa nolaato
Madaxweynihii hore ee DFKMG ee Somaliya oo hadda ku sugan dalka Yemen ayaa boqday qabrigii ismaaciil jabarti, ayadoo la sheegay in uu booqasha ku maraya deegaano badan oo ay dagaan reer jabarti isxaaq asagoo lakulmyaya odayaasha iyo cuqaasha.

Cabdulaahi Yuusuf waxa uu booqday qabri qadiimiga ah oo uu ku aasanyahay jabarti isxaaq (isamacil jabarti), sida ka muuqata sawirka hoose. Waxaana taas lagu macneeyey in ka dhabaynayo war uu horay usiiyay idacadaha dalka yemen oo uu sheegay inuu kasoo jeedo dalka yemen, isagoo laga soo xigtey in uu yiri Yemen waxaa ku aasan odaygii ay ka soo jeedaan beelo dega Soomaaliya oo c/laahi Yusuf ka soo jeedo, oo odaygii dhalay uu tegey ka wadanka yemen magaalada XATRAMUUT aadeyna Soomaaliya.




You’re not jabarti. You’re darood ibn samaale. That madaxweyn visited a random person’s qabri.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I know, many Somalis are going through a phase of self hate. You’ll just join the long list of SJW, Liberals, white supremacists, arab supremacists, gallo,etc.

I hope you get better though. ❤️❤️
Did you kniw the lowest hell fire is called al hawiyah?

The Seventh Gate: This gate is called Al Haawiyah, as Allah says:

وأما من خفت موازينه فأمه هاوية وما أدراك ما هيه نار حامية
"As for the one whose scales are light, then the Hawiyah will embrace him like a mother embraces her child.
And what will make you know what Al Hawiyah is? It is a kindled fir burning hot." (Al Qa'riah: 8-11)

This gate of hell is called Al Hawiyah because whoever enters this level of the hell fire will never come out!!!
Notice Allah said that the fire will embrace him like a mother embraces her child!! In this level of the hell
fire there is a well that will let out a breeze of fire and when this breeze comes out it will be so hot and
powerful that all of the fires in the other levels of hell will seek refuge in Allah from it!!!

In this level of the hell fire there is a mountain made of fire and the enemies of Allah will be laid on their
faces on this mountain and their hands will be tied to their necks and their necks tied to their feet and over
them will stand the Zabaaniyah, who are angels that guard this particular level of the hell fire, as Allah

سندعو الزبانية...
"And We will call the Zabaaniyah (i.e. angels who guard the hell fire)…" (Alaq: 18)

The hands of the Zabaaniyah will be like iron and when they strike one of those in the hell fire one time
with their hands they let out a scream so loud that both the Jinn and mankind can hear.
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