
I’ve seen two different threads about sect one being salafis and the other sufis.

I genuinely believe this is how us Muslim become very weak
We’ve divided into many different parts and now we’re fighting each other
There is even scholars who beef each other rather than talking like civilized person.

All these hatred just turns people like ISIS or al qeada


A blessed human
I’ve seen two different threads about sect one being salafis and the other sufis.

I genuinely believe this is how us Muslim become very weak
We’ve divided into many different parts and now we’re fighting each other
There is even scholars who beef each other rather than talking like civilized person.

All these hatred just turns people like ISIS or al qeada
I agree with you, even though I am in a sect (because of my ancestors) I still think dividing is wrong and should be stopped.
Why are people afraid of Al Qaadir the first and last to worship.

Can we just worship Allah alone and be Muslims instead of different sect.
There is no benefit correcting someone else other worshipping The creator alone.

Some people wake up in the morning just to argue with different sects instead of making zikr.
I’ve seen two different threads about sect one being salafis and the other sufis.

I genuinely believe this is how us Muslim become very weak
We’ve divided into many different parts and now we’re fighting each other
There is even scholars who beef each other rather than talking like civilized person.

All these hatred just turns people like ISIS or al qeada
This is surely a great fitnah. I believe you’re right on us being weak as a whole due to this. Same can be said about the motherland. I am sure our enemies love to see it.

I am always fascinated how gaalo can disagree on everything on the face of this earth but at the end of the day can talk in a civil manner to reach a common understanding. Most of them look at the bigger picture instead of small ego wins in that moment. There is a power and strength in being united.


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