Wat Talxe in Berxani?still caping for that nigga go to talhe in berhani see if they don't slap the piss outta you
Beerxaani has sheekhaal gaaljogadeen talxe its mixed deegaan like Kismaayo.Wat Talxe in Berxani?
Some kind of insects living in Berxani?
If Talxe are not even visible in Gedo how can they be visible in other places?
it is talhe and gaaljecel bjj neefBeerxaani has sheekhaal gaaljogadeen talxe its mixed deegaan like Kismaayo.
There is no talxe in Kismaayo or its vicinity.it is talhe and gaaljecel bjj neef
floy mayweather can you read or do you need me to teach you https://www.hiiraan.com/news/2007/Feb/wararka_maanta22-795.htmThere is no talxe in Kismaayo or its vicinity.
Keep making up shit.
2007floy mayweather can you read or do you need me to teach you https://www.hiiraan.com/news/2007/Feb/wararka_maanta22-795.htm
adeerkaa blackie don't control the village marehan shacab fled madhawa not the northwest jungle floyd2007
That is more than 10 years ago
The kawanley do not exist.
They ran away back to Ghetto when Madhoobe took over.
Berxani is a Galjecel tuulo.
Saxib pass the shit you smoke.adeerkaa blackie don't control the village marehan shacab fled madhawa not the northwest jungle floyd
Nobody likes a sore loserThis won't look good to the IC
Ain't nothin sore, the good sheikh has earned his 1 year extension.Nobody likes a sore loser