Saudi.... the process of whatever-it-is continues

Internet Nomad

𝑮𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒔
Imagine being brothers with these people acudu billah, muslim need to safe the holy places from these people
If this continues and Somalia becomes a strong military that is capable do you think we have the moral justification to take back the Kaaba from this filth


I put Books to the Test of Life
This post seals it you finally showed yourself Khawarji, Please stop cosplaying as a salafi or what you say following ways of the Salaf. Your a Khawariju’l-Qa’diyyah

Sects of Khawarij are also classified as sitters and revolutionaries.

1>Khawarijuth-Thawriyyah is the sect who revolt and fight against.
2>Khawariju’l-Qa’diyyah (sitters) is a sect of Khawarij who are a revolutionary movement; prefer sitting and provoking common-folks against the ruler without actually revolting themselves.

The definition of the Qa’diyyah in the Arabic language comes from al-qu’ood (to sit) with a damma, and al-maq’ad with a fathah is something that is sat upon. Al-Qa’dah is the plural of Qaa’id, who is an instigator. (az-Zubaydi, Taju’l-Urus, 5/194; al-Azhari, Mu’jam Tadheebul-Lughah, 3/3003; al-Khaleel, al-Ayn, 3/1501)

Az-Zubaydi said: “The Qa’dah are a people from amongst the Khawarij who sat back from helping Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra) and they sat back from fighting with him. And whoever holds their opinion is a Qa’di instigator. They hold the judgment to be a right, but they sit back when it comes to revolt against the people…

And the Qa’diyyah are those who do not leave for the fighting. So it is the name of the group and the Haruriyah (a sect among Khawarij) are named Qa’diyyah.

And the Shurat (a sect among Khawarij) are those who try to gain the rule but do not go into battle; they are also named Qa’diyyah.” (az-Zubaydi, Taju’l-Urus, 5/195)

Al-Azhari said: “al-Qa’d: plural of Qaa’id and the Qadee is from amongt those Khawarij who hold judgmenet to be a right, but they sit back from the revolt against the people.” (al-Azhari, Mu’jam Tadheebul-Lughah, 3/3006)

“The Qa’diyyah are those who incite the people, stir up hatred within the hearts against the rulers and issue fatawa making lawful what Allah has declared unlawful in the name of changing the evil. And they are the wickedest of the Khawarij.” (Sharr Qatlaa, 20)

Abdullah ibn Muhammad ad-Daif (ra) said: “The Qadiyyah are the wickedest of the Khawarij.” (Abu Dawud, Masailu Imam Ahmad, 271)

Ibn Hajar said: “The Khawarij of al-Qadiyyah did not hold the view of waging war. Rather, they opposed the rulers in accordance to their strength, they called to their opinion and along with that they beautified revolt and held it to be good.” (at-Tadheed 8/114)

He also said: “The Qa’diyyah: Those who beautify revolt against the rulers yet do not actually do it themselves.” (Hadyu’s-Saree, 459)

“And the Qadiyyah are, in most cases, more dangerous than the Khawarij themselves. Since, speech, inciting hatred within the hearts and provoking the common-folks against the rulers has the most profound effect upon the souls; especially when it comes from a man who is an eloquent speaker who dupes the people with his tongue and disguises it with the Sunnah.” (al-Ajwibatu’l-Mufidah, 202)


I put Books to the Test of Life
Keep coping Khawariju’l-Qa’diyyah. They never show this. These Khawaraji seek chaos and destabilisation of Muslim nations to weaken them for the plan of divide and conquer that the Yahud seek. You will all be dogs of Hellfire.


Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
This post seals it you finally showed yourself Khawarji, Please stop cosplaying as a salafi or what you say following ways of the Salaf. Your a Khawariju’l-Qa’diyyah

Sects of Khawarij are also classified as sitters and revolutionaries.

1>Khawarijuth-Thawriyyah is the sect who revolt and fight against.
2>Khawariju’l-Qa’diyyah (sitters) is a sect of Khawarij who are a revolutionary movement; prefer sitting and provoking common-folks against the ruler without actually revolting themselves.

The definition of the Qa’diyyah in the Arabic language comes from al-qu’ood (to sit) with a damma, and al-maq’ad with a fathah is something that is sat upon. Al-Qa’dah is the plural of Qaa’id, who is an instigator. (az-Zubaydi, Taju’l-Urus, 5/194; al-Azhari, Mu’jam Tadheebul-Lughah, 3/3003; al-Khaleel, al-Ayn, 3/1501)

Az-Zubaydi said: “The Qa’dah are a people from amongst the Khawarij who sat back from helping Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra) and they sat back from fighting with him. And whoever holds their opinion is a Qa’di instigator. They hold the judgment to be a right, but they sit back when it comes to revolt against the people…

And the Qa’diyyah are those who do not leave for the fighting. So it is the name of the group and the Haruriyah (a sect among Khawarij) are named Qa’diyyah.

And the Shurat (a sect among Khawarij) are those who try to gain the rule but do not go into battle; they are also named Qa’diyyah.” (az-Zubaydi, Taju’l-Urus, 5/195)

Al-Azhari said: “al-Qa’d: plural of Qaa’id and the Qadee is from amongt those Khawarij who hold judgmenet to be a right, but they sit back from the revolt against the people.” (al-Azhari, Mu’jam Tadheebul-Lughah, 3/3006)

“The Qa’diyyah are those who incite the people, stir up hatred within the hearts against the rulers and issue fatawa making lawful what Allah has declared unlawful in the name of changing the evil. And they are the wickedest of the Khawarij.” (Sharr Qatlaa, 20)

Abdullah ibn Muhammad ad-Daif (ra) said: “The Qadiyyah are the wickedest of the Khawarij.” (Abu Dawud, Masailu Imam Ahmad, 271)

Ibn Hajar said: “The Khawarij of al-Qadiyyah did not hold the view of waging war. Rather, they opposed the rulers in accordance to their strength, they called to their opinion and along with that they beautified revolt and held it to be good.” (at-Tadheed 8/114)

He also said: “The Qa’diyyah: Those who beautify revolt against the rulers yet do not actually do it themselves.” (Hadyu’s-Saree, 459)

“And the Qadiyyah are, in most cases, more dangerous than the Khawarij themselves. Since, speech, inciting hatred within the hearts and provoking the common-folks against the rulers has the most profound effect upon the souls; especially when it comes from a man who is an eloquent speaker who dupes the people with his tongue and disguises it with the Sunnah.” (al-Ajwibatu’l-Mufidah, 202)

This post seals it you finally showed yourself Khawarji,

you don't even know the difference between khawarij in the plural (khawarij) and singular form (khariji) (you referred to me as multiple khawarij, in the plural form) and you're going around throwing this khariji label. and why? because I criticized what's happening in Saudi. by that logic, like 90% of this forum is khawarij. and that illustrates how dangerous your ideology actually is. casually labeling people as khawarij is really serious.


I put Books to the Test of Life
you don't even know the difference between khawarij in the plural (khawarij) and singular form (khariji) (you referred to me as multiple khawarij, in the plural form) and you're going around throwing this khariji label.
I don't need to go around in circles and play tag with you; you are your second category and khawaraji sitter; cease associating yourself with salafi and sunnah.

Your personality type Sit in the West, pay taxes to Kafir nations, respect their laws, and stir revolts and defamation against governments from the comfort of your homes and the internet, which ultimately plays into the hands of the Yahud to destabilise Muslim nations.

Your way of thinking has resulted in the deaths of Muslims and the destabilisation of nations such as Iraq, Syria, Somalia, and Yemen. You have strengthened Israel and the West while weakening the Muslims.

May Allah strike your necks.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I don't need to go around in circles and play tag with you; you are your second category and khawaraji sitter; cease associating yourself with salafi and sunnah.

Your personality type Sit in the West, pay taxes to Kafir nations, respect their laws, and stir revolts and defamation against governments from the comfort of your homes and the internet, which ultimately plays into the hands of the Yahud to destabilise Muslim nations.

Your way of thinking has resulted in the deaths of Muslims and the destabilisation of nations such as Iraq, Syria, Somalia, and Yemen. You have strengthened Israel and the West while weakening the Muslims.

May Allah strike your necks.

May Allah strike your necks.

May Allah strike my neck? Because I objected to what's happening in Saudi? Maybe you're the khariji.

Internet Nomad

𝑮𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒔
I don't need to go around in circles and play tag with you; you are your second category and khawaraji sitter; cease associating yourself with salafi and sunnah.

Your personality type Sit in the West, pay taxes to Kafir nations, respect their laws, and stir revolts and defamation against governments from the comfort of your homes and the internet, which ultimately plays into the hands of the Yahud to destabilise Muslim nations.

Your way of thinking has resulted in the deaths of Muslims and the destabilisation of nations such as Iraq, Syria, Somalia, and Yemen. You have strengthened Israel and the West while weakening the Muslims.

May Allah strike your necks.
Is it wrong to critise a muslim goverment? if they are doing clear haram activities.

All we do on this forum is critise the somali goverment but i would never call them khawarij.

Does gulfs states have some sort of immunity.


I put Books to the Test of Life
May Allah strike my neck? Because I objected to what's happening in Saudi? Maybe you're the khariji.
Initially, you cosplayed as a Salafi, and for a long time, all and most of your threads were filled with anti-ruler remarks, denouncing rulers, and stirring up animosity, never highlighting the positive, just the negative. Finally, attempting to propagate that salafiyahh has versions and sects and Saudi agent shenanigans viewpoint.

If you followed the Sunnah and Salafi ways, you would know that the poison you and your allies around the world spread is deviance, which has always led to revolts and civil wars; it is because of you that the Muslim world has become weaker and weaker, while Israel has grown stronger with their divide and conquer agenda.


I put Books to the Test of Life
Is it wrong to critise a muslim goverment? if they are doing clear haram activities.

All we do on this forum is critise the somali goverment but i would never call them khawarij.

Does gulfs states have some sort of immunity.
Whether in the Gulf or not, this is for every Muslim nation and town with a government and ruler. If it hadn't been for these filthy khawarajis and their venom, the Muslim world would have been on level with the West in terms of strength and influence. Somalia would have been a powerhouse, and Iraq before their collapse was fourth in the world in military strength and had massive oil reserves until they became a concern to Israel, and at first falsehoods and defamation were spread against ruler, followed by revolt, civil war, and invasion. Syria, Yemen, and Sudan are all in the same boat.

End result is destabilisation chaos and death of Muslims, the situation never gets better but 100x worse. Just look at what Somalia got from that revolt only death and 30 year civil war and today is bottom of barrel.


I put Books to the Test of Life
@Internet Nomad

It was not the practice of the Salaf to make the defects of their rulers known by mentioning them on the Minbar. This is because doing so results in anarchy, disobedience, and harmful consequences. Our Salaf used to advise their rulers in privacy either by writing to them or by conveying the guiding message to them through scholars who would normally meet them. As for forbidding Munkar (that which is unacceptable or disapproved of by Islamic law and Muslims of sound intellect) such as Zina (premarital sexual intercourse and/or adultery), Khamr (intoxicant), and Riba (usury) without mentioning the names of the committers of these major sins, it is Wajib (obligatory) for the generality of the proofs in this regard.

It is thus sufficient to forbid sins and warn against them without mentioning people who commit them, whether rulers or not. It is considerable to mention that when Fitnah (sedition) took place during the era of ‘Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him), some people said to Usamah ibn Zayd (may Allah be pleased with him): “Why do not you advise ‘Uthman?”, Usamah said: “You do not see me advising him but I advise him in privacy, because I do not like to be the first person to open a gate [of sedition] and become the first to open it.”

Moreover, when the ignorant Khawarij (separatist group that believes committing a major sin amounts to disbelief) started their wicked plot during the era of ‘Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him); they criticized Uthman openly and this resulted in a big Fitnah, fighting, and corruption that people still find its bad effects. This led to the Fitnah between Ali and Mu’awiyah and both Uthman and Ali (may Allah be pleased with them both) were killed because of this. Besides, a big group of the Sahabah (Companions of the Prophet) and others were killed because of such open criticism. Declaring the defects of rulers in public then caused many people to hate their rulers and kill them.

However, ‘Iyad ibn Ghanam Al-‘Ash’ari narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever wants to advise one in authority should not do so publicly. They should take them by their hand and talk to them privately. If they accept the advice, then alright; otherwise, a person has fulfilled his duty.1

May Allah grant me and all Muslims good health and protection against all evils! Verily, He is All-Hearer and Responsive. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions!

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Initially, you cosplayed as a Salafi, and for a long time, all and most of your threads were filled with anti-ruler remarks, denouncing rulers, and stirring up animosity, never highlighting the positive, just the negative. Finally, attempting to propagate that salafiyahh has versions and sects and Saudi agent shenanigans viewpoint.

If you followed the Sunnah and Salafi ways, you would know that the poison you and your allies around the world spread is deviance, which has always led to revolts and civil wars; it is because of you that the Muslim world has become weaker and weaker, while Israel has grown stronger with their divide and conquer agenda.

I see. We all have to say nothing as the birthplace of Islam is transformed into Las Vegas and if we don't shut up then we're khawarij. This is a wrong ideology, this is the fruit of things like the SPUBS cult and this highlights how dangerous their ideology is.


I put Books to the Test of Life
I see. We all have to say nothing as the birthplace of Islam is transformed into Las Vegas and if we don't shut up then then we're khawarij. This is a wrong ideology, this is the fruit of things like the SPUBS cult and this highlights how dangerous their ideology is.
the exaggeration and poison spreading of the Keyboard Khawarji lol.

I bet you live in city like Las Vegas and paying taxes and following laws in the land of Kafirs and sitting on your couch whilst you and your allies go on your keyboard missions.

Instead of becoming a Khawariju'l-Qa'diyyah, perhaps alter your work function and become a Khawarijuth-Thawriyyah and go conduct the khawarij activity, which ideally leads to you dying as a jahil and being a hellfire dog.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
the exaggeration and poison spreading of the Keyboard Khawarji lol.

I bet you live in city like Las Vegas and paying taxes and following laws in the land of Kafirs and sitting on your couch whilst you and your allies go on your keyboard missions.

Instead of becoming a Khawariju'l-Qa'diyyah, perhaps alter your work function and become a Khawarijuth-Thawriyyah and go conduct the khawarij activity, which ideally leads to you dying as a jahil and being a hellfire dog.

Criticizing things like Saudi halloween is not "khawarij activity".

