Saudi ruler MBS severely restricts Ramadan activities

Lebron James

4 Time NBA Champion
Lool, no one in Saudi Arabia can promote Suicide bombing, that's a laughable excuse tbh. they were just against MBS's liberalization process and were imprisoned for that sole reason. I compare them to Ashab Al Kahf in the way they stood for Haqq confronting a ruthless Daqut like MBS.

You were saying this in a thread talking about MBS increasing the prison sentence of a scholar

I don't think Tekniko is Sufi, not everyone who speaks ill of Salafism is Sufi. For anti-Islam members of this forum such as @xoogster Salafim = Islam.

Stop coping, majority of you are so anti western yet live in the west. Practice what you preach instead of throwing your blame to random people. Truth hurts you will never get it until you get thrown into the conditions which you want others to live by while you don't yourself.

Hypocrites all around

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Compare this to what Sheikh Ibn Baz

Tolerance and sympathy with the Shi'as, according to Ibn Baz, are conditioned on them renouncing

Ibn Baz, Ibn Baz.... if you have respect for the scholars then pay heed to Sheikh Uthaymeen.... in fact, let everyone forget whatever I've said or what anyone else has said in this thread and let everyone take heed of what Sheikh Uthaymeen said:

Why Do Scholars Not Publicly Criticise the Rulers? | Shaykh ibn Uthaymeen​

A Analysis Of Those Who Talk About The Muslim Rulers In Public – Shaykh Uthaymeen

Shaykh Uthaymeen said, “…There is an issue now[days]: some people, out of their pride and honor for the religion of Allah, if they see crimes and evil deeds among the people which may be circulated in the newspapers, radio stations, or seen on some satellite channels, they begin attacking and accusing the government of falling short and being responsible for these things.
They go and publicize the faults of the government among the people, inciting the hearts against the leadership. In turn, this causes the people to begin hating the authorities over them. This is actually a very serious mistake contradictory to Islamic legislation, dangerous to the society, and a cause for future trials and tribulations. If such people would only rush to advise and correct the society starting with themselves, it would have been better for them.
For example, those things circulated by the various means of communication, whether written, heard, or seen these people should rather warn others from those specific issues (instead of warning against the government).

For example, they could warn against certain magazines, against watching certain shows which are harmful to ones religion and life.
They could warn people from dealing with usury, for example. If the whole society begins to rectify and improve itself, the leader, as part of this society, would likewise improve .
As for those who pour out their so called pride and honor for Islam upon the leaders in this way and is without doubt a wrong approach. You all know the great afflictions that occurred during the time of.
Rather, it even began earlier during the time of Uthmaan which resulted in major calamities and people began declaring lawful the taking of other [opposing and criticizing the leadership] to be incorrect and forbidden by Islam.
If a person really had true pride and honor [for this religion], then he would direct others to that which is good. But amazingly, you find some people complaining and accusing the leaders, while therere people in his society making Shirk, worshipping others besides Allah [Shirk is much greater than whatever sins are committed by the leaders].

Or he may come and try to twist the meanings of some verses of the Quran to be in accordance with his desires.
So for example, he quotes the verse, “And whoever does not rule by that which Allah has revealed those, they are the disbelievers.” [Surah al-Midah, 5:44]
He then says that based upon this, every law and statute that opposes Islamic legislation is disbelief! This is also very wrong. Even if we were to assume the extreme that a leader is a disbeliever, does this then mean we can incite the people to oppose him, even if it causes revolt, chaos, and killing? This is definitely wrong.
The kind of rectification and improvement desired will never come by this approach.
Rather, the only thing it will bring is great corruption because if, for example, a group of people rise up in opposition to the leaders of some country and those leaders have strength and authority that the opposing insurgents do not have, what will happen?
Will this insignificant minority prevail? It will not.

On the contrary, the opposite will happen. Evil and anarchy will result and the public affairs will be in complete disorder. It is essential that an individual looks first from the Islamic legislative point of view and not just blindly look at the texts (of the Quran or sunnah) from a single perspective. We should consider all the texts together. A person should also look at the situation with the eye of intellect and wisdom.
What will come about from this thing?
So, we believe these ways of rectification [criticizing the leaders, rebellion, etc.] to be wrong and very dangerous. It is not permissible for anyone to support or assist someone in such things. One must instead clearly reject these we speak in general terms…
So the individual must look at the reality of his government and country and not go around publicizing and spreading the faults of his rulers, whether they are excused due to some reasons or not. These people are often blind to the overall well-being and benefit of the nation. Such a government may have something of good within it. Overlooking this and focusing on its faults is not justice.

Allah says, “Oh you who believe, stand up firmly for Allah and be just witnesses and just, that is closer to righteousness.” [Srah al-Mdah, 5:8]…”
Ref: Taken from the casette, Adf al-amalt al-miyyah id Wul Bild al-aramayn


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Stop coping, majority of you are so anti western yet live in the west. Practice what you preach instead of throwing your blame to random people. Truth hurts you will never get it until you get thrown into the conditions which you want others to live by while you don't yourself.

Hypocrites all around
Facts this guy should move to Saudi Arabia with his beloved Wahabbi shuyuukh instead of ranting from the West. He reminds me of Anjem chaudry


I'm not commenting on whether MBS is Salafi or he isn't.

But let's say a ruler of a Muslim country isn't Salafi. That means we can rile the people up against them? Do things like incite against them from the mimbar?

You can tag me in a thread about Somalia or Indonesia and try to peer pressure me into badmouthing their governments. I won't do it. And it isn't necessarily about the rulers.

If people start inciting people against their governments from the mimbars, if people start doing that kind of thing- when groups like Al-Shabaab and Al-Qaeda pop up- who is going to get killed? In Syria- who got killed? It wasn't Assad who got killed. Al-Shabaab makes takfir of the Somali government- but it isn't the Somali leader who gets killed. It's the ordinary people.

If we start putting the focus on riling people up against the rulers, this very easily leads to insurgent groups, to violence and people getting killed. I want nothing to do with that kind of rhetoric, whether it's Saudi or any other Muslim country- I want safety and security for all Muslim countries, I don't violence and destabilization for any Muslim country, whether they are Arab, African, Asian or whatever.

The imprisoned Sheikhs spoke against the degenerate stuff taking place in Saudi Arabia which happened to be promoted by the ruler(MBS), so the ruler took it personally and imprisoned the Sheikhs. Is that what you call inciting against the ruler? Isn't it the duty of the Ulema to enjoin the Ma'ruf and forbid the Munkar? They clearly were imprisoned for doing their job and that's the fate of anyone who speaks against the liberalism of MBS.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
The imprisoned Sheikhs spoke against the degenerate stuff taking place in Saudi Arabia which happened to be promoted by the ruler(MBS), so the ruler took it personally and imprisoned the Sheikhs. Is that what you call inciting against the ruler? Isn't it the duty of the Ulema to enjoin the Ma'ruf and forbid the Munkar? They clearly were imprisoned for doing their job and that's the fate of anyone who speaks against the liberalism of MBS.

I don't know of the details in every single case but Salman Al-Awdah imo deserved what he got.



The imprisoned Sheikhs spoke against the degenerate stuff taking place in Saudi Arabia which happened to be promoted by the ruler(MBS), so the ruler took it personally and imprisoned the Sheikhs. Is that what you call inciting against the ruler? Isn't it the duty of the Ulema to enjoin the Ma'ruf and forbid the Munkar? They clearly were imprisoned for doing their job and that's the fate of anyone who speaks against the liberalism of MBS.
on one hand i agree with what those shuyukh were doing

but on the other hand, we’ve seen the effects of rebellion across the muslim world. The worst muslim leader is better than anarchy.